Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee




6 March 2018



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the COUNCIL Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on Tuesday, 6 March 2018.



Garry Styles

General Manager


For apologies please contact Michelle Catlin on 6393 8246.



Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee                               6 March 2018



1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                Committee Minutes. 4

2.1            Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 23 February 2018  4


Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee                               6 March 2018


1       Introduction

1.1     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Committee Members now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee at this meeting.




Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee                               6 March 2018



2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee – 23 February 2018

TRIM REFERENCE:        2018/431

AUTHOR:                       David Waddell, Director Development Services    




The Environmental Sustainability Community Committee met on 23 February 2018 and the recommendations from that meeting are presented to the Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “12.1 Our Environment – Ensure the Plans of Management for the City’s natural resource assets are current and reviewed”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 23 February 2018 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 23 February 2018

2        Charter - Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 2017, 2017/2276





Environmental Sustainability Community Committee

HELD IN Councillors Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 23 February 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr S Nugent (Chairperson), Cr M Previtera, Mrs Anne Salter, Mr Nick King, Mr Daniel Fock, Ms Shahreen Alford, Mrs Melissa Brown, Ms Melanie McDonell, Mr Andrew Kennedy, Mr Ronald Finch, Mr Gavin Hillier, Dr David Mallard, Mr Robert Alford, Mrs Kate Hook, Director Development Services, Development Services Divisional Administration Officer

1.1     Welcome and Introductions

Cr Stephen Nugent formally welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited all attendees to briefly introduce themselves, comment on what environmental issues they are particularly interested in/why they wanted to be on the Committee, and also whether they have had any previous committee experience.

1.2     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RECOMMENDATION                                                                    Cr S Nugent/Mrs M Brown

That the apologies be accepted from the Cr J McRae (Deputy Mayor), Ms Annella Powell, Mrs Neina Campbell and Ms Anwen Carney for the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting on 23 February 2018.

1.3     Acknowledgement of Country

1.4     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

Mr Fock declared a potential conflict as he is a distributor of solar products.

Mr Kennedy declared a potential conflict as he is on a National Parks & Wildlife Service Advisory Committee.

2       Previous Minutes


3       General Reports

3.1     Code of Conduct

TRIM Reference:        2018/274

RECOMMENDATION                                                                  Ms M McDonell/Mrs K Hook

That the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee acknowledge the requirements set by the Code of Conduct, and members commit to act in accordance with the Code of Conduct at all times while on Committee/Council business.



3.2     Code of Meeting Practice

TRIM Reference:        2018/275

RECOMMENDATION                                                                    Mr N King/Ms M McDonell

That the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee acknowledge the requirements set by the Code of Meeting Practice and commit to conduct meetings in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice.



3.3     Committee Charter

TRIM Reference:        2018/278

RECOMMENDATION                                                                  Ms S Alford/Ms M McDonell

That the Charter for the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee be adopted subject to the following amendments:

1        That in the “Purpose” section, the following dot point be added:

          That the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee have input into strategic planning across Council’s operations where relevant to an environmental issue.

2        That in the “Membership” section, the number of community representatives be changed to 15.

3        That in the “Meeting Frequency” section, the frequency of meetings be changed to “every two months”.



3.4     Meeting dates and times

TRIM Reference:        2018/280

RECOMMENDATION                                                                        Mr R Alford/Mrs K Hook

That the next meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee be held on Friday, 20 April at 8.00am.


3.5     Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2018/279

Each Committee member put forward environmental issues that were of particular interest to them and the following list was compiled:



Committee Member

Recognition of green and blue infrastructure in Council’s asset management

Ms S Alford

Mr A Kennedy

Car dependency

Ms S Alford

Heat island effect

Ms S Alford

Dr D Mallard

Ms M McDonell

Continuing education and encouraging young people to be connected to the issues

Mrs M Brown

Mrs A Salter

Mrs N Campbell

Mr R Alford        

Getting the simple messages right

Mr A Kennedy

Supporting the Cities Power Partnership

Mr N King

Dr D Mallard

Cr S Nugent

Taking advantage of energy policies

Mr G Hillier

Solar storage – encouraging more installation and sourcing alternative funding (not just relying on Council funding) – batteries PV

Mrs K Hook

Mr D Fock

Minimising waste energy/energy efficiency

Mr R Alford

Cr M Previtera

Mr D Fock

Mandatory LED street lighting

Ms M McDonell

Electric vehicle infrastructure

Ms K Hook

Dr D Mallard

Reducing water usage and harnessing water

Mr G Hillier

Water use - many people are not aware of, or are not being compliant with water restrictions – more education is needed

Ms M McDonell

The cost of using recycled water is the same as for using drinking water – so why bother using recycled water?

Ms M McDonell

Water quality

Cr M Previtera

Wetlands – promote some regeneration or restoration; in particular in the basalt area, and promote education on groundwater recharge

Mrs A Salter


Mr N King

Illegal dumping in forests

Cr S Nugent

Waste reduction

Mr G Hillier

Banning single use plastics – including plastic bags

Ms M McDonell

Mrs N Campbell

Cr S Nugent



Committee Member


Mr R Finch

“Return and Earn” – more outlets are needed

Mrs N Campbell

Recycling of electrical waste

Mr R Alford

Encouraging more community involvement in projects/issues that are of community benefit (such as communal planting and “Greening Orange”

Mr N King

Recognition programs

Mrs K Hook

Supporting investment into a new major employer whose business involves sustainability

Mrs K Hook

Carrying capacity of Orange – water, soil etc

Mr A Kennedy

Mr D Fock

Use of native species wherever possible

Mrs A Salter



RECOMMENDATION                                                                        Cr S Nugent/Ms S Alford

1        That Cr S Nugent, Mr A Kennedy and Mrs M Brown review/consolidate the above list of issues and report back to the Committee.

2        That a Working Group be formed to work on the Cities Power Partnership (all committee members present except for Mr A Kennedy and Mrs M Brown indicated that they would like to participate in the Working Group).



The Meeting Closed at 9.30am.



Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee                               6 March 2018

2.1                       Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 23 February 2018

Attachment 1      Charter - Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 2017


2017/2276                                                                                                                                                                           F158



To advise Council and make recommendations in relation to:


·    Community planning for waste and natural resources management services and associated learning programs

·    Assist Council with educational strategies that will promote responsible use and management of natural resources, including climate change initiatives

·    Facilitate Council’s participation in relational planning strategies which promote resource conservation and sustainable environmental management


The Committee does not have a role in the operational function of Council. This is the responsibility of the General Manager and staff. Equally, where Council has adopted a Strategic Policy or Strategic Planning document, the Committee must observe the Council position as set out in that policy, plan or document.

Reports to

Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee


The Environmental Sustainability Community Committee shall dissolve at the General Election of Orange City Council. Council may dissolve the Committee at any time by resolution of Council.


Four Councillors (one of whom shall be Chairperson, as elected by Council)

Up to 14 community representatives

General Manager (or nominee)

Non-voting Committee Clerk

Council staff as required (non-voting)


Majority of community members and at least one Councillor.

meeting Frequency

Quarterly, with specific meeting dates and times to be determined by the Committee.


Each member of the Committee is entitled to one vote only. In the equality of votes, the matter is to be referred to Council for determination.




reports and recording

Matters to be considered by the Committee must be included in the agenda for the meeting, and must be provided in writing to the Committee Clerk at least 10 days before the meeting. Formal minutes of meetings of the Committee will be produced in accordance with Council’s

Code of Meeting Practice. The Committee may make recommendations to Council, via the Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee. Council may adopt, amend or decline any recommendation.


Vacancies may arise during the term of the Committee. If a vacancy does occur, the Committee may invite an individual to join the Committee, or seek expressions of interest to fill the vacancy.


Committee Clerk

The General Manager will provide a Committee Clerk who will be the representative of the General Manager, and will exercise the functions of the General Manager so far as they are relevant to the Committee and its Chairperson.

Relevant Policies/Documents

Orange City Council Code of Conduct

Orange City Council Code of Meeting Practice

Orange Community Strategic Plan

Delivery/Operational Plan

Asset Management Plan Strategy and Plans


Copies of these and other documents are available on Council’s website at or from the Committee Clerk.