Finance Policy Committee




2 June 2020



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Finance Policy Committee meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held Via online video conferencing platform Zoom on Tuesday, 2 June 2020.




David Waddell

Chief Executive Officer


For apologies please contact Administration on 6393 8218.



Finance Policy Committee                                                                                 2 June 2020



1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                General Reports. 5

2.1            Request for Financial Assistance - Lifeline Central West 5

2.2            Request for Financial Assistance - Duntryleague Golf Club. 9


Finance Policy Committee                                                                                 2 June 2020

1       Introduction

1.1     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Committee Members now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Finance Policy Committee at this meeting.


Finance Policy Committee                                                                                 2 June 2020

2       General Reports

2.1     Request for Financial Assistance - Lifeline Central West

RECORD NUMBER:       2020/815

AUTHOR:                       Samantha Freeman, Manager Corporate Governance    




With the advent of COVID-19 and its massive impact on mental health in our community, there has been an increase in the daily call rate to Lifeline Central West from 2,200 calls to in excess of 3,500 calls. The percentage of calls about mental health has alarmingly increased to over 70% of calls received.

It is requested that Council consider donating the remaining budget in the Small Donations Program for the current financial year - being $15,709.89 - to Lifeline Central West.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “17.1 Collaborate - Provide representative, responsible and accountable community governance”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications

The maxim category in the Small Donations Program is capped at $2,000.00. As the request is outside this maximum, if Council intends to make this donation, that intention will be placed on public exhibition for public comment.



That Council resolves:

1        That a donation of $15,709.89 be made from the Small Donations Program to Lifeline Central West (increased services to the vulnerable in the community due to COVID‑19).

2        That Council's intention to donate $15,709.89 to Lifeline Central West be placed on public exhibition for 28 days.

3        That Council's Chief Executive Officer be given delegation to finalise determination for the Donation to Lifeline Central West post exhibition.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



Small Donations Program

Adopted Budget

Actual or




Quarter 1



See Note 1

Quarter 2

School Prize Giving





See Note 2

Quarter 3



See Note 3

Quarter 4




Orange Harness Racing Club - Annual to 2025/26







* $14,754.39


1        Balance of Quarter 1 ($35,000.00 - $33,705.42 = $1,294.58) rolled over to Quarter 2.

2        Balance of Quarter 2 ($16,294.58 - $13,262.87 = $3,031.71) rolled over to Quarter 3.

3        Balance of Quarter 3 ($18,031.71 – $16,277.32 = $1,754.39) rolled over to Quarter 4. The $10,000.00 figure showing less in the Actual or Committed column and more in the Remaining Balance column derives from only paying Orange Harness Racing Club for one meeting in this financial year.

4        Balance of $10,000.00 in (3) above used for Wood Bank (Resolution 20/104 Part 2).

5        $955.50 added into Total (in-kind donations costed less in two donations). The current remainder in the Small Donations Program, reconciled against its two job numbers, is * $15,709.89).


The financial uncertainty engendered by COVID-19 has led to a massive increase in the demand for the services provided by Lifeline Central West. The number of daily calls has risen (from 2,200 to in excess of 3,500) and the mental health component of these calls is now over 70%.

It is recommended that Council consider donating the remainder in the Small Donations Program - being $15,709.89 - to Lifeline Central West, who are providing a valuable service to the vulnerable in our community - now at an extraordinarily increased rate.

Given the urgency of the need and less than six weeks left in the financial year, it is recommended that, if Council intends to donate this amount and because it is outside the policy (in terms of amount), this intention be exhibited for 28 days and that the Chief Executive Officer be delegated the ability to determine this request post exhibition.

The component of Lifeline Central West's request relating to funding for a new building will be considered as a submission for the 2020/2021 Operational Plan and Budget and is not part of the request in this report.



1          Donations Request - Lifeline Central West - Increased Services to the Vulnerable in the Community Due to COVID 19, D20/29095


Finance Policy Committee                                                                                                         2 June 2020

Attachment 1      Donations Request - Lifeline Central West - Increased Services to the Vulnerable in the Community Due to COVID 19

PDF Creator

Finance Policy Committee                                                                                 2 June 2020

2.2     Request for Financial Assistance - Duntryleague Golf Club

RECORD NUMBER:       2020/849

AUTHOR:                       Samantha Freeman, Manager Corporate Governance    




Council has received a request for financial assistance from Duntryleague Golf Club for the diversion of a Woodward Street storm water main into the golf course to be used for irrigation. The golf club has also requested support from Orange Council through contribution/works in kind. This report serves to provide information on the request for financial assistance.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “17.2 Collaborate - Ensure financial stability and support efficient ongoing operation”.

Financial Implications

$1,500 for concrete pipe infrastructure, $2,000 of staff wages, $230 for Development Applications Fees and $437.50 for Road Opening Permit Fees to be funded from the Road Maintenance Fund.

Policy and Governance Implications

Council can only assist other organisations financially (in cash or in kind) in accordance with section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993. Council has in place a policy for donations made under section 356 of the Act.

Strategic Policy - ST029 - Donations and Grants, requires formal application to be made for Donations or Grants and approved in accordance with the policy. This request falls outside the current policy, therefore no formal application for was sought.  

Whilst the request falls outside of Councils Policy, Council has the discretion to utilise an alternate funding source as identified above.




That Council resolves:

1        To support the diversion of stormwater from Woodward Road into Duntryleague;

2        That funding of $3,500 for the infrastructure and wages in addition to the Development Application Fees ($230) and Road Opening Permit Fees ($437.50) for the Duntryleague Golf Club Storm Water diversion be funded from Road Maintenance Fund.

3        That subject to the approval of a Development Application, Council:

I.    Undertake all survey work;

II.   Gift three x 600mm diameter storm water pipes;

III.  Reimburse Development Application fees;

IV.  Waive all Road Opening Permit fees; and

V.   Assist with the lodgement and approval of the RMS Road Occupancy License together with the Works Authorisation Deed as a contribution/works in kind.

4        To place the proposed allocation of funds to Duntryleague Golf Club on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days (in accordance with section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993).


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Council’s Technical Services Division has been working closely with Duntryleague Golf Club on various water savings initiatives after the Club having to access Council’s potable water supply for irrigation in 2018 under Level 2 and 3 restrictions. The Club has sunk a new bore and changed its golf course maintenance practices with a view of saving water.

Currently under Level 5 restrictions, no town water is used on the course. The greens are watered via bores and some members are carting water in from their own bores for use on the tees.

A project proposed by the Club is to divert the existing 600mm diameter storm water main traversing Woodward Street into the existing dam along the 2nd fairway and then progressively extend the capacity of the dam. The water captured in rain events can be further transferred and stored at other dams around the golf course. The 2nd fairway dam has an existing overflow structure that allows water back into the Woodward Street storm water main. Figure 1 below shows the proposed culvert deviation and Figure 2 below shows the proposed dam extension.

There would be an argument that the use of this storm water reduces the intake of Council’s storm water harvesting but Council should note this reduction would be minimal as it is in the top of a localised catchment and offset by the golf club having to purchase treated potable water, when available. The relief that this proposal provides also assists in increasing the capacity of the piped stormwater system downstream.

The following approvals would be required by authorities for the project:

1        Council would need to approve a Development Application because of the removal of trees on the heritage listed site.

2        Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) would require a Works Authorisation Deed (WAD) and a Road Occupancy License (ROL) to undertake the works within a State Road corridor.

3        Council would require a Road Opening permit to undertake trenching works within the verge of the road.

Council has several 3.6m long 600mm diameter storm water pipes superfluous from the Forest Road (SFR to Hospital) project after it was found the proposed 600mm diameter storm water main intersected with a water main.  Three lengths of the pipe could be gifted to the golf course project.  Council’s Technical Services Division has refined its processes since the Forest Road project to reduce the likelihood of this happening again.

It is proposed that Council undertakes all survey work, gifts three x 600mm diameter storm water pipes, reimburses all Development Application fees, waives all Road Opening Permit fees and assists with the lodgement and approval of the RMS Road Occupancy License together with the Works Authorisation Deed as a contribution/works in kind.

At the conclusion of the exhibition period a further report will be provided to Council to resolve to proceed with the request for financial assistance pending any public submission.


Figure 1


Figure 2



1          Duntryleague - Request for Financial Assistance, D19/73674


Finance Policy Committee                                                                                                         2 June 2020

Attachment 1      Duntryleague - Request for Financial Assistance

PDF Creator


PDF Creator