Services Policy Committee




2 July 2019



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Services Policy Committee meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on Tuesday, 2 July 2019.



David Waddell

Acting General Manager


For apologies please contact Administration on 6393 8218.



Services Policy Committee                                                                                 2 July 2019



1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                Committee Minutes. 5

2.1            Minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee - 27 May 2019  5

2.2            Minutes of the Ageing and Access Community Committee - 29 May 2019. 25

2.3            Minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee - 6 June 2019. 51

2.4            Minutes of the Lucknow Community Committee - 13 June 2019. 83

3                General Reports. 104

3.1            Alcohol Free Zone Proposal, 1 November 2019 - 31 October 2023. 104


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 2 July 2019

1       Introduction

1.1     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Committee Members now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Services Policy Committee at this meeting.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 2 July 2019



2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee - 27 May 2019

TRIM REFERENCE:        2019/1114

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee met on 27 May 2019 and the recommendations from that meeting are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “3.1 Live - Support projects and programs that address crime and safety and contribute to an increased sense of safety in our homes and the wider community”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




1        That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee at its meeting of 27 May 2019;

2        That Council resolve recommendation 3.1 from the minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee meeting of 27 May 2019 being:

          3.1     That the information on the Central West Police District Report be noted.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee Meeting of 27 May 2019 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee held on 27 May 2019

2        CSCPC 27 May 2019 Agenda, D19/28802





Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee

HELD IN Councillors Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 27 May 2019


 1      Introduction


Cr T Mileto (Acting Chairperson), Cr J McRae, Mr Frederick Maw, Mr Gavin Hillier, Chief Inspector Peter Atkins, Mr Mark Murphy, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Community Services Manager


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                              Cr T Mileto/Mr F Maw

That the apologies be accepted from Cr J Hamling, Mr Sam Nelson, Road Safety Officer for the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee meeting on 27 May 2019.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

Conducted by the Acting Chairperson

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                              Cr J McRae/Mr F Maw

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee held on 25 February 2019 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee meeting held on 25 February 2019.



3       Presentations

3.1     Central West Police District Report

TRIM Reference:        2019/912

It has been a busy period with 750 charges in the first five months of the year.  415 bail checks have been conducted and 542 person searches so far in 2019.

On the weekend of 25 and 26 May Police door knocked 90 homes in the Glenroi area to discuss local issues with residents.

Police met with FACS new Director Kim Campbell regarding the number of vacant properties in Glenroi and how the two agencies can work together to reduce crime.

Police are implementing the Fit for Work program with the PCYC. 12 young people are involved in the program to improve their options for employment. Orange is the second area in the State to implement the program after Dubbo.

Two additional ACLO officers have been funded – one as a specialist Elder and Disability Abuse Officer

Reports on stolen vehicles are down from 31 in January to 21 in May.

Burnt out vehicles are also down from 6 in January to 3 in May.

Break and Enter to dwellings are down from 61 in January to 33 in May.

Break and Enter to non- dwellings are occurring at a rate of approximately eight per month.

Steal from Motor Vehicles is down from 66 in January to 47 in May.

Non Domestic Violence related assaults are down from 25 in Jan to 18 in May.

Stolen Motor Vehicles is the priority for the region at this time.


RECOMMENDATION                                                                             Cr T Mileto/Mr F Maw

That the information on the Central West Police District Report be noted.


3.2     Liquor Accord Update

TRIM Reference:        2019/914

New Liquor Accord Chairperson is Mark Murphy from the Metropolitan Hotel, supported by Mark Pinkerton from the Orange Ex-services Club.

No Liquor Accord meetings have been held since the election of the Chairperson.

Not all hotels are a member of the Liquor Accord.

Mr Murphy is promoting a focus on being proactive.

Lighting and security at the Lord Anson was discussed and Mr Murphy agreed to supply Liquor Accord contact information to the Hotel.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Mr G Hillier/Cr T Mileto

That the information on the Liquor Accord Update be noted


3.3     Update on the Orange Community Safety Audit

TRIM Reference:        2019/916

A presentation of preliminary results of the Community Safety Survey were provided to the Commiittee. The final results will be provided at the next meeting and attached to the minutes.




4       General Reports

4.1     Parental Responsibility Act Report - 1 July to 31 December 2018

TRIM Reference:        2019/402

Report provided to members present. 

Discussion on police documenting all occasions the act is used. 

An extension request has been provided to the office of the NSW Attorney General for deliberation.

Recommendation                                                                           Mr G Hillier/Cr J McRae

That the report by the Manager Community Services on the implementation of the Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act 1997 – July to December 2018 be acknowledged.


4.2     Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2019/915

Recommendation                                                                       Cr J McRae/Mr M Murphy

That the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee note the contents of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee Action Plan and that it is to be reviewed and updated at each meeting.



The Meeting Closed at 6.45PM


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                         2 July 2019

Attachment 1      CSCPC 27 May 2019 Agenda

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Services Policy Committee                                                                                 2 July 2019

2.2     Minutes of the Ageing and Access Community Committee - 29 May 2019

RECORD NUMBER:       2019/1277

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The minutes of the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting held on 29 May 2019 are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “5.1 Live - Engage with the community to ensure facilities and programs meet changing lifestyle and social needs”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




1        That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Ageing and Access Community Committee at its meeting held on 29 May 2019.

2        That Council resolve the recommendations 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1 from the minutes of the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting of 29 May 2019 being:

3.1     (1) That the information provided in the letter from Housing Plus be         acknowledged.

          (2) That the Ageing and Access Community Committee support Housing Plus in their endeavours to provide more affordable social housing in Orange.

          3.2     That the Age Friendly Forum Draft Action Plan be updated.

          4.1     That the Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan be reviewed      and updated.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Ageing and Access Community Committee at its meeting held on 29 May 2019 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Ageing and Access Community Committee held on 29 May 2019

2        AACC 29 May 2019 Agenda, 2019/986





Ageing and Access Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Orange Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 29 May 2019


 1      Introduction



Cr Kevin Duffy (Chairperson), Cr Joanne McRae, Mr Matthew Goodacre, Ms Nanette Fogarty, Mrs Kim Gray, Ms Maureen Morgan, Community Services Manager, Works Manager, Ageing and Development Officer,


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RECOMMENDATION                                                                    Cr J McRae/Mr M Goodacre

That the apologies be accepted from Mr Darryl Curran, Ms Sue Duchnaj and Director Community Recreation and Cultural Services for the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting on 29 May 2019.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

Cr Duffy conducted the Acknowledgement of Country

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RECOMMENDATION                                                                     Mr M Goodacre/Ms K Gray

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ageing and Access Community Committee held on 27 February 2019 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting held on 27 February 2019.



3       Presentations

3.1     Correspondence

TRIM Reference:        2019/969

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Cr J McRae/Mrs N Fogarty

1                That the information provided in the letter from Housing Plus be acknowledged.

2                That the Ageing and Access Community Committee support Housing Plus in their endeavours to provide more affordable social housing in Orange.


3.2     Age Friendly Forum Draft Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2019/973

RECOMMENDATION                                                                      Ms K Gray/Mrs M Morgan

That the Age Friendly Forum Draft Action Plan be updated.


4       General Reports

4.1     Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2019/956

Recommendation                                                             Mrs M Morgan/Mr M Goodacre

That the Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan be reviewed and updated.




The Meeting Closed at 10.58 AM.


Ageing and Access Community Committee                                                            2 July 2019

Attachment 1      AACC 29 May 2019 Agenda







Ageing and Access Community Committee




29 May 2019



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the Councillor's Workroom, Orange Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on  WEDNESDAY, 29 MAY 2019 commencing at 10.00 am.



David Waddell

Acting General Manager


For apologies please contact Amanda Rodwell on 02 6393 8053.





In the event of an emergency, the building may be evacuated. You will be required to vacate the building. The Committee Clerk will now identify the emergency muster point.

Under no circumstances is anyone permitted to re-enter the building until the all clear has been given and the area deemed safe by authorised personnel.

In the event of an evacuation, a member of Council staff will assist any member of the public with a disability to vacate the building.


1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Apologies and Leave of Absence. 3

1.2            Acknowledgement of Country. 3

1.3            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                Previous Minutes. 3

2.1            Minutes of the Meeting of the Ageing and Access Community Committee held on 27 February 2019. 5

3                Presentations. 7

3.1            Correspondence. 7

3.2            Age Friendly Forum Draft Action Plan. 11

4                General Reports. 19

4.1            Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan. 19


1       Introduction


Cr Kevin Duffy (Chairperson), Cr Sam Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr Joanne McRae, Mr Darryl Curran, Mr Matthew Goodacre, Mr Ron Gander, Ms Sue Duchnaj, Mr Joel Everett, Ms Nanette Fogarty, Mrs Kim Gray, Mr Tony Gosper, Mrs Lina Moffitt, Ms Maureen Morgan, Director Community Recreation and Cultural Services, Community Services Manager, Director Development Services, Works Manager, Community Development and Support Coordinator, Community Support and Resource Officer, Road Safety Officer, Central West HACC Development Officer


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginal Australians who are present.

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Committee Members now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Ageing and Access Community Committee at this meeting.

2       Previous Minutes


That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ageing and Access Community Committee held on 27 February 2019 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate records of the proceedings of the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting held on 27 February 2019.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Ageing and Access Community Committee held on
27 February 2019




Ageing and Access Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Orange Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 27 February 2019


 1      Introduction



Cr Kevin Duffy (Chairperson), Cr Joanne McRae, Mr Darryl Curran, Mr Matthew Goodacre, Mrs Kim Gray, Mr Tony Gosper, Director Community Recreation and Cultural Services, Community Services Manager, Works Manager, Community Support and Resource Officer.


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Mr D Curran/Cr J McRae

That the apologies be accepted from Ms Maureen Morgan for the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting on 27 February 2019.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

Cr Duffy conducted the Acknowledgement of Country

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Mr D Curran/Cr J McRae

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ageing and Access Community Committee held on 29 August 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting held on 29 August 2018.



RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Mr T Gosper/Cr K Duffy

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ageing and Access Community Committee held on 28 November 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting held on 28 November 2018.


3       Presentations

3.1     Age Friendly Forum

TRIM Reference:        2019/254

Orange City Council will be hosting an Age Friendly Forum from 10.00 am – 2.00 pm on Thursday 11 April 2019 at the Environmental Learning Facility (ELF), Orange Showground, Leeds Parade, Orange. The purpose of the forum is to provide an opportunity for community members to have their say and assist Council in planning for an ageing community.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Cr J McRae/Mr D Curran

1        That the information provided by the Community Support and Resource Officer on Age Friendly Forum be noted.

2        That a report be prepared to update Council regarding the Age Friendly Forum.


4       General Reports

4.1     Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2019/255

The Committee would like to pass congratulations on to Council for the work done in the area of Bletchingotn Public School.

Council be requested to submit plans for the accessible playground to the committee for comment.

Recommendation                                                                           Mr D Curran/Ms K Gray

That the Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan be reviewed and updated.



The Meeting Closed at 10.25 am.



3       Presentations

3.1     Correspondence





1          Correspondence - Development of Affordable Housing in Orange - Housing Pathways Register - Ageing and Access Committee - For InfoCouncil, D19/28639



Cr Duffy


Ageing and Access Committee c/o Ms Amanda Rodwell Orange City Council

Orange NSW 2800



7 May 2019


Dear Cr Duffy,


We are writing to you to seek the Ageing and Access Committees support in addressing the need for more affordable and social housing in Orange.


There are currently 744 people on the Housing Pathways register in Orange, Bathurst and

Dubbo, with 218 of those in Orange.


On a population basis, Orange has three times the amount of people waiting for housing compared to Sydney.


Alarmingly, there is an increasing number of Over 55s waiting for affordable and social housing due to a lack of available housing that meets their specific needs. This issue disproportionately affects women over the age of 55, who are often retiring with limited superannuation following a lifetime of lower salaries, unpaid work raising children and caring for elderly parents. Many existing affordable and social houses do not meet the specific needs of this group in terms of size or accessibility, forcing the baby boomers to wait five to ten years for affordable and social housing, or look to the private market for housing. Currently in Orange, there are only two properties available for rent privately that fall within the affordability criteria for a single person on the maximum age pension.


To respond to this urgent need, Housing Plus is building 220 new homes across Orange, Dubbo and Bathurst.


These homes will be built to meet the needs of the aging population by meeting the silver standard of the Livable Housing Design Guidelines, incorporating:


    A safe, continuous and step free path of travel from the street entrance and/or parking area to a dwelling entrance;

•   A level, step-free entrance to the dwelling;

    Wide internal doors and corridors that facilitate comfortable and unimpeded movement between spaces;

•   Single storey construction with easy access to the bathroom;

•   A step-free shower recess;

    Reinforced walls around the toilet, shower and bath to support the safe installation of grab rails; and

    Continuous handrails on one side of any stairway where there is a rise of more than one metre.


Additionally, each house will benefit from energy efficiency measures, including:


•   Meeting the energy efficiency 7 star NatHERS rating;

•   Split system heating and cooling; and

•   Solar panels to assist with the cost of running heating and cooling systems.



Tenants of our existing properties that have had these features installed have reported that their homes are now comfortable in terms of heating and cooling, and that their electricity bills have dropped from $300 - $500 per quarter, to $0 - $100 per quarter.


By providing housing that meets the needs of the aging population, we are empowering older people to age in place, facilitating social connections, and reducing the isolation that occurs when older people are displaced due to their changing independence.


Following an extensive consultation process, we are have recently submitted two Development

Applications (DA) to Orange City Council to address these issues.


We are seeking the support of the Ageing and Access Committee.


This is a new way of doing affordable housing, and we would love the opportunity to discuss this innovative approach, as well as the accompanying provision of tailored support coordination, with the Ageing and Access Committee, should you have a meeting that you would like us to attend.


If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Sarah Priestley on 1800 603 300. Regards



Justin Cantelo

Project Director

3.2     Age Friendly Forum Draft Action Plan



Following the Age Friendly Forum, which was held on Thursday 11 April 2019, the actions and strategies identified by the attendees have been used to form a draft action plan.

The actions will be prioritised and merged with the Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan.




1          Aged Forum Action Plan, D19/28664



Age Friendly Forum

Action Plan - DRAFT




Cost implications

Resourcing implications




1. Inclusive Communities


Availability of Information in a variety of formats and distributed throughout the community. Utilise a variety of local media outlets to promote services and provide information including Orange City Life and Community Radio. Provide information in prominent public spaces such as public bathrooms, taxis and buses and supermarket noticeboards

Council Media and Communications







Investigate the development of  a dedicated Orange Volunteering Facebook page

Council Media and Communications







Promote existing facilities, including Orange City Library, as community hubs

Council Media and Communications







Assist with the planning of, and participate in, the Experience Orange Expo








Investigate opportunities for intergenerational and cross cultural activities

Community Services





Annual events held including Seniors Festival, Harmony Day and Orange Masala Festival


Investigate providing seating/gathering places in shopping centres








Orange City Library to investigate shared reading programme

Orange City Library





Variety of activities held at Orange City Library including book club, reading time and author talks


Investigate community education program to reduce stigma and promote inclusiveness

Council Media and Communications







Liaise with Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council, Orange Aboriginal Medical Service and other key agencies to inform Elders from all areas that they are eligible for services

Community Services







2. Health and Wellbeing


Encourage a weekly fitness challenge in the local Orange City Life








Investigate active ageing initiatives - walking groups, activity groups such as travel and dog walking, opportunities for affordable gym memberships, basic exercise classes such as chair yoga and Tai Chi for seniors

Choices at Home





Ageing and Development Officer has submitted a grant application to run series of sporting activities over the course of six months.


Liaise with supermarkets to investigate options to include promotion of healthy foods on the back of receipts








Liaise with real estate agents to provide information for them to new residents on community facilities and activities







3. Working and Retiring


Work with Centrelink to promote pre-retirement seminars

Choices at Home







Promote Centrelink’s Pension app

Choices at Home






4. Housing Choices


Promote age friendly and whole of life housing design ( Liveable or Universal Design)

Development Services







Monitor existing and new housing stock to ensure a variety of options available

Development Services







Installation of age friendly infrastructure including footpaths and lifts








Provide information on age friendly landscaping e.g. low maintenance options and raised garden beds

Choices at Home







Educate local older people regarding affordable independent living options








Investigate providing a housing estate specifically for older people which includes community facilities and room to store caravans and boats








5. Getting Around


Age friendly options to be included in Future Cities planning e.g scooter charging points, smart lighting, free
Wi-Fi, adjustable pedestrian traffic signals to allow for longer time to cross, electric car charging points

Corporate and Commercial Services





FutureCity community and business consultations held to guide the development of a master plan.


Investigate footpath installation and maintenance at:

5.3.1 Peisley Street – up to East Fork and beyond to Jack Brabham

5.3.2 footbridge needs regular cleaning

5.3.3 Corner Frost and Wentworth Lane – east side

5.3.4 Moulder Street – north side from number 83 to Anson Street

Works Manager







Investigate pedestrian crossing facilities at:

5.4.1 Kite Street – outside Quest

5.4.2 Peisley Street – Railway round-a-bout

5.4.3 Install ‘give way to vehicle’ signage

Works Manager







Investigate lighting at:

5.5.1 Railway car park – east side








Provide larger print bus timetables and signage at bus stops

Orange Buslines





Transport Information Session held during Seniors Festival where Orange Buslines stated that anyone wanting a larger print bus timetable can simply contact them and they will post one out.


Investigate providing parking for small buses in the central business district

Corporate and Commercial Services







Investigate ‘floating’ footpaths to limit continuous repair from tree roots

Works Manager







Driver education for safe use of round-a-bouts

Road Safety Officer







Investigate more regular road line and directional painting of roads and car parks










4       General Reports

4.1     Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan

RECORD NUMBER:       2019/956

AUTHOR:                       Amanda Rodwell, Community Support and Resource Officer    




A requirement for all Committees is to develop an Action Plan. The purpose of the Action Plan is to identify and record actions that are incorporated into the Delivery/Operational Plan so the Committee is informed of progress against tasks of interest to the Committee.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “9.1 Our Community – Undertake community engagement, identify changing community aspirations, undertaken planning, and advocate for the development of facilities and services recognising the need for accessible and integrated community and health services for older people, and services for Aboriginal people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds and people with a disability”.

Financial Implications

Financial implications will be dependent on the decision of the Committee and subsequent endorsement of the Council.

Policy and Governance Implications




That the Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan be reviewed and updated.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.




1          Ageing and Access Community Committee Action Plan, D18/21420



Ageing and Access Community Committee

Action Plan

The Ageing and Access Community Committee will take a strategic approach to access across the Local Government Area of Orange




Delivery/Operational Plan reference

Cost implications

Resourcing implications





Review the location and street furniture throughout the central business district of Orange

Works Manager

7.2 Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people





Central business district upgrade currently being designed.

Placement of street furniture will be considered as a part of Future Planning.




Ensure the enforcement of Council’s Outdoor Dining Areas Policy and Guidelines

Community Services Manager

7.2 Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people





Manager Building and Environment will be invited to attend the next Committee meeting which is scheduled for 28 November 2018.

Enforcement of the Outdoor Dining Areas Policy and Guidelines to be discussed with Manager Building and Environment.


Committee members have identified areas requiring footpath installation and maintenance. These areas include:

3.1 Franklin Road between Lords Place and Anson Street.

3.2 Olver Street between Spring and Nile Streets requires the installation of a footpath on the south side of the street.

Works Manager

7.2 Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people








Investigate the installation of a heat lamp in the accessible change room at the Orange Aquatic Centre.  

Community Services Manager

7.2 Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people





Quotes currently being sourced for the purchase and installation of a heat lamp.

Quotes have been sourced. Installation being investigated.


Farrell Road – a resident has planted large plants at the end of the footpath blocking future development. On the other side of the property the resident has placed star posts.

Works Manager

7.2 Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people







A hot mix ramp has been placed in the kerb on the Kite Street side of Service NSW with a small 90mm pipe for water flow. The pipe is to small forcing water on to the roadway and the dark surface requires delineating.

Works Manager

7.2 Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people





The hot mix ramp was installed as a temporary measure until the CBD redesign work is undertaken.


Vehicles are parking and blocking resident access in the area of North Orange shops.

Works Manager

7.2 Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people





Works Manager to follow up this issue through the City of Orange Traffic Committee.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 2 July 2019



2.3     Minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee - 6 June 2019

RECORD NUMBER:       2019/1295

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The NAIDOC Week Community Committee met on 6 June 2019. The recommendations from the Committee are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

There is no recommendation for expenditure or action by Council.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “4.2 Live - Partner with key stakeholders to deliver cultural facilities and services that reflect the interests of a culturally diverse community”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That Council resolves:

1        To acknowledge the reports presented to the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting of 6 June 2019.

2        The remainder of the minutes and recommendations made by the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting held on 6 June 2019 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee held on 6 June 2019

2        NAIDO 6 June 2019 Agenda, D19/31173





NAIDOC Week Community Committee

HELD IN Giyalang Ganya Meeting Room, 286 Lords Place, Orange

ON 6 June 2019


 1      Introduction


Mr Gerald Power (Chairperson), Cr S Nugent, Mr Chris Gryllis, Mr Corey McLean, Ms Rachel Lucas, Mr Michael Newman, Ms Kayla Murphy, Mr Jason French, Ms Donna Monaghan, Ms Jodie Stewart, Community Development Officer.

Guest: Alicia Price

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                         Cr S Nugent/Mr G Power

That the apologies be accepted from Nikita Mason and Katrina Hausia for the NAIDOC Week Community Committee meeting on 6 June 2019.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

Conducted by the Chairperson

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr G Power/Mr J French

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee held on 2 May 2019 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee meeting held on 2 May 2019 with the following amendment:

Item 3.1 - That Gerald Power and Donna Monoghan did not offer to volunteer on the subcommittee for Chris Gryllis’s proposed ‘Olympic Flame’ reinactment event.


3       Presentations

3.1     Correspondence

TRIM Reference:        2019/908

Event Expression of Interest by OAMS ON ‘Walu’win’ Grand Opening was tabled and discussed.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr G Power/Mr J French

That the tabled correspondence be added to the Task List and Action Plan.


3.2     Calendar of Annual and Significant Events 2019

TRIM Reference:        2019/1036

Discussions on Sorry Day and Reconcilliation events and acknowledgement held in Orange:

  • Michael Newman, TAFE NSW - gave a brief overview of the Morning Tea held at Winganganha.  The event was well attended by 130 people.
  • Glenroi Public School – March and School celebrations with 250 to 300 participants
  • Yarrawong Childrens Centre – Morning Tea with children and families
  • OAMS – Staff Luncheon
  • Live Better – Morning Tea for 30 people
  • Social Futures – Positive event
  • Council Meeting – Clr Nugent acknowledged Sorry Day, Mabu & Reconciliation Week

The Chair acknowledged the positive way in which the community had embraced the significant dates of the first nation people.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr G Power/Mr J French

That the discussions on the Calendar of Annual and Significant Events 2019 be noted.


3.3     NAIDOC Week - Budget Status 2019

TRIM Reference:        2019/1046

Grant Achievements:

$3,000 received Aboriginal Affairs – General Events

$3,380 Prime Minister and Cabinet – Opening event and Street March

$5,000 Multicultural NSW – General events

The Chairperson requested members maintain a tight reign on allocating funding and requested no extravagance in spending. Any request of funding for an event must have a tabled budget and indicate cost of items and relevant quotes.

All invoices and receipts must be presented to assist in the acquittal processing and grant funding conditions.  All event coordinators to be fully accountable and transparent for funds provided.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr G Power/Mr J French

That the discussions on the NAIDOC Week Budget Status 2019 be noted.


3.4     Task List and Action Plan - 2019 NAIDOC Week Celebrations

TRIM Reference:        2019/1047

Task List and Action Plan events discussed:

Grandparents Day, Art Exhibition, OAMS Open Day, Comedy Night, Ladies Night, Family Fun Day, Street March, Youth Ball, Sports Day, NAIROC, Elders Lunch, Primary Disco, Awards Night.


RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr G Power/Mr J French

That the Task List and Action Plan be updated with discussions on NAIDOC Week Events and that those updates be noted.



The Meeting Closed at 2.35pm.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                         2 July 2019

Attachment 1      NAIDO 6 June 2019 Agenda

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Services Policy Committee                                                                                 2 July 2019

2.4     Minutes of the Lucknow Community Committee - 13 June 2019

RECORD NUMBER:       2019/1283

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The Lucknow Community Committee met on 13 June 2019.  The recommendations from that meeting are tabled for the Committee’s attention.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “4.4 Live - Celebrate and conserve the diverse cultural heritage of the urban, village and rural communities”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




1        That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Lucknow Community Committee at its meeting held on 13 June 2019.

2        That Council resolve recommendation 4.2 from the minutes of the Lucknow Community Committee meeting of 13 June 2019.

          4.2     That consideration be given to opening Wentworth Mine an additional weekend in conjunction with major events in October 2019, January 2020 and February 2020 subject to funding being identified and reallocated.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Lucknow Community Committee at its meeting held on 13 June 2019 be adopted.



further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Lucknow Community Committee held on 13 June 2019

2        LCC Agenda - 13 June 2019, D19/35773





Lucknow Community Committee

HELD IN Lucknow Community Hall, Lucknow

ON 13 June 2019


 1      Introduction


Cr T Mileto (Chairperson), Cr M Previtera, Ms Deidre Beasley, Mr Laurence Chapman, Mr Bruce Heinrich, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                   Mr L Chapman/Ms D Beasley

That the apologies be accepted from Mr Daniel Taurins, Mr Ron Gander and Ms Natalee Selwood for the Lucknow Community Committee meeting on 13 June 2019.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

Cr Mileto conducted an Acknowledgement of Country

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                   Ms D Beasley/Cr M Previtera

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Lucknow Community Committee held on 7 March 2019 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Lucknow Community Committee meeting held on 7 March 2019 the Mr Daniel Taurins being marked as present.



3       Presentations

3.1     Lucknow Hall and Lucknow Reform Mine

TRIM Reference:        2019/1217

RECOMMENDATION                                                                 Mr B Heinrich/Cr M Previtera

That the presentation on the Lucknow Hall and Lucknow Reform Mine be acknowledged.


4       General Reports

4.1     Lucknow Entrance Signs - additional wording

TRIM Reference:        2019/1137

Recommendation                                                                 Cr M Previtera/Mr B Heinrich

That the report be acknowledged.



4.2     Wentworth Mine Operations

TRIM Reference:        2019/1169

Recommendation                                                                  Ms D Beasley/Cr M Previtera

That consideration be given to opening Wentworth Mine an additional weekend in conjunction with major events in October 2019, January 2020 and February 2020 subject to funding being identified and reallocated.



4.3     Lucknow Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2019/1180

Recommendation                                                                  Ms D Beasley/Cr M Previtera

That the Lucknow Community Committee Action Plan be reviewed and updated.



The Meeting Closed at 6.30pm


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                         2 July 2019

Attachment 1      LCC Agenda - 13 June 2019

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3       General Reports

3.1     Alcohol Free Zone Proposal, 1 November 2019 - 31 October 2023

RECORD NUMBER:       2019/1317

AUTHOR:                       Louise Geaghan, Community Services Manager    




The Alcohol Free Zone within the central business district of Orange will expire on 31 October 2019. Council has the option to consider the re-establishment of an Alcohol Free Zone for that area from 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2023.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “3.1 Live - Support projects and programs that address crime and safety and contribute to an increased sense of safety in our homes and the wider community”.

Financial Implications

Provision for update of signage is included in the Delivery/Operational Plan 2019/2020.

Policy and Governance Implications




That Council resolves:

1        Pursuant to Sections 644, 644A, 644B, 644C and 646 of the Local Government Act 1993 (as amended) to re-establish an Alcohol Free Zone in the public roads and car parks within the area bounded by Hill Street to the west, William Street and Endsleigh Avenue to the east, Prince Street to the north and Moulder Street to the south, for a period of four years from 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2023, with an exemption for events in Robertson Park whereby formal approval has been requested in writing to the General Manager, and approval has been provided.

2        To undertake the required formal community consultation as outlined in the Alcohol Free Zone Proposal 1 November 2019 - 31 October 2023 by the Manager Community Services.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


The Local Government Act 1993 provides the legislative powers for local councils to establish alcohol free zones in NSW to promote the safe use of roads, footpaths and public car parks without interference from anti-social behaviour caused by public drinkers.

The object of alcohol free zones is an early intervention measure to prevent the escalation of irresponsible street drinking to incidents involving serious crime.

At a meeting on 19 May 2015 Council resolved to re-establish an Alcohol Free Zone in the public roads and public car parks within the area bounded by Hill Street to the west, William Street and Endsleigh Avenue to the east, Prince Street to the north and Moulder Street to the south, for a period of three years from 1 November 2011 to 31 October 2015.

The Ministerial Guidelines on Alcohol Free Zones provide local councils with detailed procedures which must be followed in the establishment of an alcohol-free zone. They supplement the relevant provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government Amendment (Confiscation of Alcohol) Act 2010.  The Guidelines require that if Council chooses to re-establish the Zone it is necessary to undertake consultation with the Local Area Command and other interested parties including the Orange Aboriginal Community Working Party and representation of culturally and linguistically diverse groups, liquor licensee’s, secretaries of registered clubs whose premises boarder on, adjoin or are adjacent to the proposed zone and to invite representations or objections from the local community.  

Procedure to establish an Alcohol Free Zone (AFZ)

The following table provides tasks and an indicative timetable for the re-establishment of an AFZ:


Proposed Timing


Council considers the re-establishment of the AFZ for the reasons of reducing irresponsible behaviour due to the consumption of alcohol

2 July 2019


Undertake public consultation process:

·    Publish notice in local paper (describing proposed area), allow inspection of the proposal, invite representations or objections within 14 days of publication

·    Send copy of proposal to:-

1    Central West Police District

2    Liquor licensee’s and secretaries of registered clubs, whose premises border on, adjoin or are adjacent to the proposed zone, inviting representations or objections within 30 days of sending the letter.

3    Have the proposal discussed at a Liquor Accord Meeting

4    The Orange Aboriginal Community Working Party and representation of culturally and linguistically diverse communities, seeking representations or objections within 30 days of sending letter.

·    Consultation period closes


4 July 2019



4 July 2019







9 August 2019


Consider required modifications for signs if proposal goes ahead.

16 August 2019


Collate responses and report to Council. Depending on the results, Council adopts the proposal thus establishing the area to commence from a set date. 

18 September 2019


Write to the interested parties and advise of the AFZ

11 October 2019


Prepare and erect new signs

31 October 2019


New Alcohol Free Zone period commences

1 November 2019

Alcohol-free zones are most effective if they are part of a larger program directed at irresponsible alcohol consumption in which the local community is actively involved. Used in isolation they may only move the problem from one place to another.

The Guidelines recommend the establishment of an Alcohol Free Zone in conjunction with other programs directed at irresponsible alcohol consumption such as the Orange Liquor Accord and targeted outcomes as identified in the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee Action Plan. It is also required that reasons for the proposed establishment of an AFZ are provided.

Proposal for Establishing an Alcohol Free Zone in Orange CBD

The AFZ is a strategy in the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee Action Plan to complement other strategies that focus on education, parental responsibility, responsible service of alcohol and community participation in community events. It is therefore formally proposed that Council re-establish an Alcohol Free Zone (under S644B(4) of the Local Government Act 1993, as amended) on the public roads and in the public car parks within the area bounded by Hill Street to the west, William Street and Endsleigh Avenue to the east, Prince Street to the north and Moulder Street to the south, for a period of four years from 1 November 2015 to 31 October 2019 – see attached map.

An exemption for events held in Robertson Park are provided, after written application and permission provided by the General Manager.

The proposal is supported by the evidence of public consumption of alcohol in this area causing instances of malicious damage to property, littering, offensive behaviour and assault. The evidence of this has been the topic of discussion at regular Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee meetings and in discussions with members of the Central West Police District.



1          Alcohol Free Zone Map - Orange CBD, D15/21060


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                           2 July 2019

Attachment 1      Alcohol Free Zone Map - Orange CBD

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