Ordinary Council Meeting




20 November 2018



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Ordinary meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on Tuesday, 20 November 2018 commencing at 7.00pm.



Garry Styles

General Manager


For apologies please contact Administration on 6393 8218.



Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



In the event of an emergency, the building may be evacuated. You will be required to vacate the building by the rear entrance and gather at the breezeway between the Library and Art Gallery buildings. This is Council's designated emergency muster point.

Under no circumstances is anyone permitted to re-enter the building until the all clear has been given and the area deemed safe by authorised personnel.

In the event of an evacuation, a member of Council staff will assist any member of the public with a disability to vacate the building.


1                Introduction.. 4

1.1            Apologies and Leave of Absence. 4

1.2            Livestreaming and Recording. 4

1.3            Opening Prayer. 4

1.4            Acknowledgement of Country. 4

1.5            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 4

2                Mayoral Minutes. 4


3                Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting.. 4

3.1            Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 07 November 2018  6

4                Notices of Motion/Notices of Rescission.. 13


5                General Reports. 15

5.1            Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees. 15

5.2            Update on Outstanding Resolutions of Council including Questions Taken on Notice and Notices of Motions. 39

5.3            Statement of Investments - October 2018. 79

5.4            Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange. 85

5.5            Development Application DA 41/2007(2) - 84 Glenroi Avenue. 247

5.6            Code of Conduct Complaint Reporting. 275

5.7            2019/20 Budget Timetable. 277

5.8            2018/19 Fees & Charges Amendments & Additions. 281

5.9            Requests for Financial Assistance. 285

5.10          Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW... 327

5.11          Evocities MOU.. 339

5.12          Welcome to Summer Weekend - Orange Aquatic Centre. 363

5.13          Orange 360 Board - Orange City Council Delegates. 367

6                Closed Meeting - See Closed Agenda.. 371

6.1            Lachlan Valley Railway. 373

7                Resolutions from closed meeting.. 375


Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018

1       Introduction

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


This Council Meeting is being livestreamed and recorded. By speaking at the Council Meeting you agree to being livestreamed and recorded. Please ensure that if and when you speak at this Council Meeting that you ensure you are respectful to others and use appropriate language at all times. Orange City Council accepts no liability for any defamatory or offensive remarks or gestures made during the course of this Council Meeting. A recording will be made for administrative purposes and will be available to Councillors.

1.3     Opening Prayer

1.4     Acknowledgement of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginal Australians who are present.

1.5     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Councillors now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Council at this meeting.

2       Mayoral Minutes


3       Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting


That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 7 November 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate records of the proceedings of the Council meeting held on 7 November 2018.



1        Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 7 November 2018



Ordinary Council Meeting

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro (7.40pm), Cr S Nugent, Cr G Taylor (7.03pm), Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services




RESOLVED - 18/488                                                                              Cr K Duffy/Cr J McRae

That the apologies be accepted for lateness from Cr Taylor and Cr Munro for the Council Meeting of Orange City Council on 7 November 2018.


The Mayor advised that the meeting was being livestreamed and recorded.




1.4     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

Cr J McRae declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 4.1 (Notice of Motion – Storage Needs of Service Clubs) as Cr McRae is a member of Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak.

Cr R Kidd declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 2.4 of the Planning and Development Committee (DA 335/2018(1) – 185-193 Bathurst Road) as Cr Kidd is a friend of the applicant).


2       Mayoral Minutes






Mark Pearson – Animal Justice Council

Mr Pearson spoke on the objection of the Animal Justice Council on the use of exotic animals in circus’ on Council land.

PDC - Item 2.2 – DA 405/2017(2) – 241 Ploughmans Lane

Mr Steve Adams

Mr Adams spoke in support of the Council Administration recommendation to vary the hours of operation.

Mr Kenan Milham

Mr Milham spoke in support of the Council Administration recommendation to vary the hours of operation.

Ms Alison Nelson

Ms Nelson spoke in support of the Council Administration recommendation to vary the hours of operation.

Ms Michelle Blowes

Ms Blowes spoke in support of the Council Administration recommendation to vary the hours of operation.

Mr Paul Owens

Mr Owens spoke in support of the Council Administration recommendation to vary the hours of operation.

PDC - Item 2.3 – DA 33/2018(1) – 4613 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow

Mr Peter Campbell

Mr Campbell spoke on his objection to the development application.



3       Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - 18/489                                                                        Cr J Hamling/Cr S Nugent

That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 16 October 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Council meeting held on 16 October 2018.


RESOLVED - 18/490                                                                    Cr S Nugent/Cr M Previtera

That the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 17 October 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Council meeting held on 17 October 2018.




4       Notices of Motion/Notices of Rescission

4.1     Notice of Motion - Storage Needs of Service Clubs

TRIM Reference:        2018/2668

Cr J McRae declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in this item as Cr McRae is a member of Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak.

RESOLVED - 18/511                                                                         Cr G Taylor/Cr J Whitton

1        That Council investigate the storage needs of the Service Clubs within Orange and Council’s ability to help.

2        That if, as a result of Council’s investigation, Council is in a position to assist, funds be made available in the Budget for the 2019/20 financial year.



4.2     Notice of Motion - Temporary Parking Permits for Organisations Doing Fundraising

TRIM Reference:        2018/2689

RESOLVED - 18/512                                                                         Cr G Taylor/Cr J Whitton

That Council resolves to make available extended parking permits to organisations that apply for a waiver of parking restrictions during nominated special events.




4.3     Rescission Motion - Development Application DA 362/2017(1) - Wade Park

TRIM Reference:        2018/2698

RESOLVED - 18/513                                                                         Cr J Hamling/Cr R Turner

1        That Council rescind the decision of the Planning and Development Committee held       on 2 October 2018:

2.3     Development Application DA 362/2017(1) - Lot 701 Lords Place (Wade Park)

TRIM Reference:          2017/2520

RESOLVED - 18/438                                                                                   Cr K Duffy/Cr R Kidd

That Council consents to development application DA 362/2017(1) for Recreation Facility (indoor) in Association with the Existing Recreation Facility (major) and Demolition at Lot 701 DP 1001618 – Wade Park, Lords Place, Orange pursuant to an adjustment to the attached conditions of consent, dictating the facility be moved 3-4 meters further west.

and replace it with the following recommendation:

That Council resolves:

1        To issue a consent to development application DA 362/2017(1) for Recreation Facility (indoor) in Association with the Existing Recreation Facility (major) and Demolition at Lot 701 DP 1001618 – Wade Park, Lords Place, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

2        That Council conduct a review of the existing Western Grandstand at Wade Park   and report to Council on options and costing for refurbishment and renewal to         current standards.



Division of Voting

Voted For

Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

Voted Against

Cr K Duffy





5       General Reports

5.1     Statement of Investments - September 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2505

RESOLVED - 18/514                                                                         Cr J Whitton/Cr S Munro

That Council resolves:

1        To note the Statement of Investments as at 30 September 2018.

2        To adopt the certification of the Responsible Accounting Officer.



5.2     Quarterly Budget Review and Performance Indicators

TRIM Reference:        2018/2631

RESOLVED - 18/515                                                                         Cr J Whitton/Cr R Turner

That Council resolves:

1        That the information provided in the report on the quarterly budget and performance indicators review for July to September 2018 be acknowledged.

2        The bank reconciliation statement be acknowledged.

3        To adopt the variations arising from the September 2018 quarterly review amounting to a decrease of $84,789 in the consolidated surplus.




Cr Turner requested a report on the Canobolas Scout Camp facility and how Council can upgrade the facility – CCTV cameras and inspections.



5.3     Appointment of Native Title Managers

TRIM Reference:        2018/2695

RESOLVED - 18/516                                                                       Cr J Whitton/Cr J Hamling

That Council resolves:

1        To nominate the Manager City Presentation, Manager Corporate Governance and Legal and Property Officers as its Native Title Managers;

2        To give notice to the Minister for Lands and Forestry of contact details of Council’s Native Title Managers as required under Section 8.8 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016.




6       Closed Meeting

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in Section 10A(2) of the Act, and should be dealt with in a Confidential Session of the Council meeting closed to the press and public.

In response to a question from the Mayor, the General Manager advised that no written submissions had been received relating to any item listed for consideration by the Closed Meeting of Council.

The Mayor extended an invitation to any member of the public present at the meeting to make a presentation to the Council as to whether the meeting should be closed for a particular item.


That Council adjourn into a Closed Meeting and members of the press and public be excluded from the Closed Meeting, and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Meeting be withheld unless declassified by separate resolution. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:

6.1     General Manager's Performance Appraisal (Restricted)

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors)..

6.2     Invitation to participate in group legal proceedings (Strictly Confidential and Privileged)

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (d)i commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it and (g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.



The Mayor declared the Ordinary Meeting of Council adjourned for the conduct of the Closed Meeting at 9.50pm.

The Mayor declared the Ordinary Meeting of Council resumed at 9.58pm.



7       Resolutions from Closed Meeting

The Manager Corporate Governance read out the following resolutions made in the Closed Meeting of Council.

6.1     General Manager's Performance Appraisal (Restricted)

TRIM Reference:        2018/2641

RESOLVED - 18/517                                                                        Cr S Nugent/Cr J Whitton

That the completion of the General Manager’s performance appraisal be noted.



6.2     Invitation to participate in group legal proceedings (Strictly Confidential and Privileged)

TRIM Reference:        2018/2726

RESOLVED - 18/518                                                                            Cr S Nugent/Cr K Duffy

That Council resolves:

1        To delegate to the General Manager the authority to participate in the JLT Class Action, to assess the benefits and costs of ongoing participation, to determine the Council’s further participation, and to take all necessary and convenient steps to represent and protect Council’s interests in the class action.

2        To receive progress reports at key milestones.




The Meeting Closed at 10.00pm


This is Page Number 7 and the Final Page of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 7 November 2018.


Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



4       Notices of Motion/Notices of Rescission


Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5       General Reports

5.1     Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

TRIM REFERENCE:        2018/2762

AUTHOR:                       Samantha Freeman, Manager Corporate Governance    




Council’s Policy Committees (Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee, Infrastructure Policy Committee, Sport and Recreation Policy Committee, Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee, Finance Policy Committee and Services Policy Committee) have delegation to determine matters before those Committees, with the exception of items that impact on Council’s Delivery/Operational Plan.

This report provides minutes of the Policy Committees held since the last meeting. Resolutions made by the Committees are for noting, and Recommendations are presented for adoption or amendment by Council.

In the past, resolutions have referred to specific Items in the Minutes of the respective committees and Councillors were required to search the Minutes for those matters that required Council approval.  To make it easier for Councillors, the relevant Items requiring Council approval have been extracted and set out in this cover sheet below.  Councillors can still review the Minutes of the meeting in the attachments.  Further work will be done to draw attention of Councillors to the specific matters that require the approval of Council.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “17.1 Collaborate - Provide representative, responsible and accountable community governance”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications





That Council resolves to adopt the following resolutions of Policy Committees from the meetings of 7 November 2018:


          1        Council resolves to approve the minutes Planning and Development Committee held on 7 November 2018.

          2        Council resolves to approve the following recommendations of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018:

2.2    Development Application DA 405/2017(2) - 241 Ploughmans Lane

         That Council resolves to issue modified development consent DA 405/2017(1) for Place of Public Worship and Business Identification Sign at Lot 9 DP 746439 - 241 Ploughmans Lane, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached modified Notice of Approval.

2.3    Development Application DA 33/2018(1) - 4613 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow

That Council resolves to defer development application DA 33/2018(1) - 4613 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow, until after a site inspection has taken place.

2.4    Development Application DA 335/2018(1) - 185-193 Bathurst Road

That Council resolves to issue consent to development application DA 335/2018(1) for Demolition (existing building and ancillary structures) at Lot 102 DP 842161 - 185-193 Bathurst Road, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.


          1        Council resolves to approve the minutes Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee held on 7 November 2018.

          2        Council resolves to approve the following recommendations of the Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018:

                   2.1    Minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee Meeting held 19 September 2018

That the minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee meeting held on 19 September 2018 be adopted.

3        Infrastructure Policy Committee

1        Council resolves to approve the minutes Infrastructure Policy Committee held         on 7 November 2018.

2        Council resolves to approve the following recommendations of the Infrastructure Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018:

2.1     Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Community Committee meeting - 8 October 2018

That the minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Community Committee meeting of 8 October 2018 be adopted.

2.2     Minutes of the City of Orange Traffic Committee meeting - 9 October 2018 (electronic)

That Council resolves:

1        Item 2.1 – Street Event – New Year’s Eve Part Under The Stars - of the Extraordinary City of Orange Traffic Committee Meeting of 9 October 2018;

          “That Conditional Approval for the 2018 New Year’s Eve Party Under The Stars be endorsed subject to compliance with the attached conditions.”

2        That the remainder of the Minutes of the Extraordinary City of Orange Traffic Committee of 9 October 2018 be adopted.

4        Sport and Recreational Policy Committee

          1        Council resolves to approve the minutes Sport and Recreational Policy Committee held on 7 November 2018.

          2        Council resolves to approve the following recommendations of the Sport and Recreation Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018:

2.1     Minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee Meeting held on 18 September 2018

That Council resolves:  

1        To acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange Showground Community Committee at its meeting held on 18 September 2018.

2        To adopt recommendations 3.4 and 3.5 from the minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee meeting of 18 September 2018:

3.4     That the Orange Showground Community Committee meetings be held quarterly and on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

3.5     (a)   That the discussion regarding the Naylor Pavilion Amenities concept Plan be acknowledged.

(b)   That the design of the amenities and cafeteria for the Naylor Pavilion be progressed.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee at its meeting held on 18 September 2018 be adopted.

2.2     Minutes of the Australia Day Community Committee Meeting - 3 October 2018

Council resolves to adopt the minutes of the Australia Day Community Committee meeting held on 3 October 2018.

3.1     Olympic Archery Requirements

1        That Council resolve to acknowledge the report on Olympic Archery requirements.

2        That Council consider funding of Option 2 in the next quarterly review.


That Council allocate up to $15,000 for more security at the Hockey Centre.

5        Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee

          1        Council resolves to approve the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Committee held on 7 November 2018.

          2        Council resolves to approve the following recommendations of the Environmental Sustainability Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018:

                   2.1    Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 19 October 2018

                             That Council resolves:

1       To acknowledge the reports presented to the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 19 October 2018.

2       To adopt the recommendations 2, 3.3, 3.5 (two recommendations) and 4.1 from the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting of 19 October 2018 being:

         2       That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 3 August 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting held on 3 August 2018.

3.3     That Council develop an energy reduction target for its own facilities

3.5    (i)      That the Committee acknowledges the current activities of staff, but recommends Council  seek additional resources to focus on biodiversity, including data collection and mapping.

                  (ii)     That Council acknowledges the passing and achievements of Ian Kiernan, the founder of the Clean Up Australia organisation, conservationist and environmental campaigner, who passed away on 16 October 2018.

                                      4.1     That the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee review and update the Committee Action Plan before the next meeting.

                            3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 19 October 2018 be adopted.

6        Finance Policy Committee

          1        Council resolves to approve the minutes of the Finance Policy Committee held on 7 November 2018.

          2        Council resolves to approve the following recommendations of the Finance Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018:

2.1     Requests for Financial Assistance

The Council resolves:

1       That the request for financial assistance from Orange Waratah Sports Club be declined.

2       That a donation of $1,000.00 ($750.00 from General Donations and $250.00 from Emergent Funding) be made to Desi Aussies of Orange for UTSAV 2018 - Diwali Celebration.

3       That Council place on exhibition for 28 days its intention to donate $1,000.00 from Emergent Funding to Mak Boxing Promotions for Orange-staged Boxing Festival.

4       That a donation of $1,500.00 be made from Emergent Funding to the Central West Regional of the Australian Poll Dorset Association.


         That recommendation 5 (Emergent Funding Joel Everett (Ability Dreaming) for Disability Tour Group Outings, be deferred until further information is received on this funding request.


          1        Council resolves to approve the minutes of the Services Policy Committee held on 7 November 2018.





          2        Council resolves to approve the following recommendations of the Services Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018:

2.1     Minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee Meeting – 21 September and 5 October 2018

1        That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting of 21 September and 5 October 2018.

2        That the remainder of the minutes and recommendations made by the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting held on 21 September and 5 October 2018 be adopted.

That Council formally congratulate staff involved with the NAIDOC awards, the Chair of the NAIDOC Committee, Gerald Powyer, and the NAIDOC Community Committee members.

2.2     Minutes of the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee Meeting - 26 September 2018

1        That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 September 2018.

2        That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 September 2018 be adopted.

2.3     Minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee – 16 October 2018

That Council resolves:  

1        To acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange Regional Museum Committee at its meeting held on 16 October, 2018.

2        To adopt recommendations 3.1 and 4.1 from the minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee meeting of 16 October, 2018:

3.1    That a report be brought back to the next Committee Meeting to investigate opportunities of the role of the cottages to describe the history of the buildings and to promote Orange Regional Museum.

4.1    That the Council actively pursue funding to support the sustainability of this program.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee at its meeting held on 16 October, 2018 be adopted.

8        That the remainder of the minutes of the Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee, Infrastructure Policy Committee, Sport and Recreation Policy Committee, Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee, Finance Policy Committee and Services Policy Committee be noted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Planning and Development Committee

At the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018, all resolutions were made under delegation, and the minutes are presented for noting.

Infrastructure Policy Committee

At the Infrastructure Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018, all resolutions were made under delegation, and the minutes are presented for noting.

Sport and Recreation Policy Committee

At the Sport and Recreation Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018, all resolutions were made under delegation, and the minutes are presented for noting.

Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee

At the Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018, all resolutions were made under delegation, and the minutes are presented for noting.

Finance Policy Committee

At the Finance Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018, all resolutions were made under delegation, and the minutes are presented for noting.

Services Policy Committee

At the Services Policy Committee meeting held on 7 November 2018, all resolutions were made under delegation, and the minutes are presented for noting.



1          PDC 7 November 2018 Minutes, 2018/2766

2          EEDPC 7 November 2018 Minutes, 2018/2772

3          IPC 7 November 2018 Minutes, 2018/2768

4          SRPC 7 November 2018 Minutes, 2018/2771

5          ESPC 7 November 2018 Minutes, 2018/2770

6          FPC 7 November 2018 Minutes, 2018/2769

7          SPC 7 November 2018 Minutes, 2018/2767


Planning and Development Committee                                       20 November 2018

5.1                       Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

Attachment 1      PDC 7 November 2018 Minutes




Planning and Development Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr R Turner (Chairperson), Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro (7.40pm), Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services, Administration Trainee



Cr R Kidd declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 2.4 DA 335/2018(1) – 185-193 Bathurst Road as Cr Kidd is a friend of the applicant.


2       General Reports

2.1     Items Approved Under the Delegated Authority of Council

TRIM Reference:        2018/2445

RESOLVED - 18/491                                                                           Cr J Whitton/Cr K Duffy

That Council resolves to acknowledge the information provided in the report by the Manager Development Assessments on Items  Approved Under the Delegated Authority of Council.





2.2     Development Application DA 405/2017(2) - 241 Ploughmans Lane

TRIM Reference:        2018/2720

RESOLVED - 18/492                                                                           Cr J Whitton/Cr K Duffy

That Council resolves to issue modified development consent DA 405/2017(1) for Place of Public Worship and Business Identification Sign at Lot 9 DP 746439 - 241 Ploughmans Lane, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached modified Notice of Approval.


** Cr Munro arrived at the meeting with the time being 7.40pm**

Division of Voting

Voted For

Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, , Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

Voted Against





2.3     Development Application DA 33/2018(1) - 4613 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow

TRIM Reference:        2018/2630

RESOLVED - 18/493                                                                           Cr K Duffy/Cr J Whitton

That Council resolves to defer development application DA 33/2018(1) - 4613 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow, until after a site inspection with the RMS has taken place.



Division of Voting

Voted For

Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

Voted Against

Cr M Previtera






2.4     Development Application DA 335/2018(1) - 185-193 Bathurst Road

TRIM Reference:        2018/2674

Cr R Kidd declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in this item as Cr Kidd is a friend of the applicant, left the Chamber, and did not participate in the voting or debate on this item.

RESOLVED - 18/494                                                                          Cr J Hamling/Cr T Mileto

That Council resolves to issue consent to development application DA 335/2018(1) for Demolition (existing building and ancillary structures) at Lot 102 DP 842161 - 185-193 Bathurst Road, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.



Division of Voting

Voted For

Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

Voted Against



Cr R Kidd (Mayor)



The Meeting Closed at 8.02pm.

Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee 20 November 2018

5.1                       Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

Attachment 2      EEDPC 7 November 2018 Minutes




Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr T Mileto (Chairperson), Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services, Administration Trainee




2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee Meeting held 19 September 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2471

RESOLVED - 18/495                                                                               Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

That the minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee meeting held on 19 September 2018 be adopted.



 The Meeting Closed at 8.10PM

Infrastructure Policy Committee                                                  20 November 2018

5.1                       Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

Attachment 3      IPC 7 November 2018 Minutes




Infrastructure Policy Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr S Romano (Chairperson) (Deputy Mayor), Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor,  Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services, Administration Trainee





2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Community Committee meeting - 8 October 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2559

RESOLVED - 18/496                                                                              Cr R Kidd/Cr S Nugent

That the minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Community Committee meeting of 8 October 2018 be adopted.





2.2     Minutes of the City of Orange Traffic Committee meeting - 9 October 2018 (electronic)

TRIM Reference:        2018/2595

RESOLVED - 18/497                                                                           Cr R Turner/Cr S Munro

That Council resolves:

1        Item 2.1 – Street Event – New Year’s Eve Part Under The Stars - of the Extraordinary City of Orange Traffic Committee Meeting of 9 October 2018;

                 “That Conditional Approval for the 2018 New Year’s Eve Party Under The Stars be endorsed subject to compliance with the attached conditions.”

2        That the remainder of the Minutes of the Extraordinary City of Orange Traffic Committee of 9 October 2018 be adopted.



3       General Reports

3.1     Current Works

TRIM Reference:        2018/2644

RESOLVED - 18/498                                                                              Cr R Kidd/Cr S Nugent

That Council resolves to acknowledge the information provided in the report on Current Works.




Cr Duffy requested that a report be provided on the current state of water hydrants.


Cr Duffy asked if the General Manager could provide a list of funding support Bathurst and Dubbo have received over the past few years.


Cr Munro asked if Council can implement a program to clean up the Northern Distributor Road.


Cr Romano requested that an investigation is undertaken in the road verge of the Northern Distributor Road as he advised that currently deep culverts on the roadside could cause vehicles that pull over to tip into the ditches beside them. 


The Meeting Closed at 8.30pm.

Sport and Recreation Policy Committee                                     20 November 2018

5.1                       Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

Attachment 4      SRPC 7 November 2018 Minutes




Sport and Recreation Policy Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr J Hamling (Chairperson), Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, , Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services, Administration Trainee





2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee Meeting held on 18 September 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2622

RESOLVED - 18/499                                                                               Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

That Council resolves:  

1        To acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange Showground Community Committee at its meeting held on 18 September 2018.

2        To adopt recommendations 3.4 and 3.5 from the minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee meeting of 18 September 2018:

3.4     That the Orange Showground Community Committee meetings be held quarterly and on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

3.5     (a)   That the discussion regarding the Naylor Pavilion Amenities concept Plan be acknowledged.

(b)   That the design of the amenities and cafeteria for the Naylor Pavilion be progressed.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee at its meeting held on 18 September 2018 be adopted.



2.2     Minutes of the Australia Day Community Committee Meeting - 3 October 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2510

RESOLVED - 18/500                                                                             Cr R Kidd/Cr J Whitton

Council resolves to adopt the minutes of the Australia Day Community Committee meeting held on 3 October 2018.


3       General Reports

3.1     Olympic Archery Requirements

TRIM Reference:        2018/2377

RESOLVED - 18/501                                                                        Cr S Romano/Cr S Munro

1        That Council resolve to acknowledge the report on Olympic Archery requirements.

2        That Council consider funding of Option 2 in the next quarterly review.







Cr Munro suggested communications be forwarded to the local schools advising of the proposed archery facility and seek interest for them to utilise archery as part of school sport.


Cr Munro asked if Council could receive a report on the steps being undertaken to protect lesser known Aboriginal artefacts at Mt Canobolas.


RESOLVED - 18/502                                                                               Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

That Council allocate up to $15,000 for more security at the Hockey Centre.




Cr Mileto requested Council receive a report on the feasibility of replacing red oak trees that were stolen from Spring Hill recently.



 The Meeting Closed at 8.55PM.

Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee                     20 November 2018

5.1                       Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

Attachment 5      ESPC 7 November 2018 Minutes




Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr M Previtera (Chairperson), Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services, Administration Trainee






2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 19 October 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2693

RESOLVED - 18/503                                                                              Cr S Nugent/Cr R Kidd

That Council resolves:

1        To acknowledge the reports presented to the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 19 October 2018.

2        To adopt the recommendations 2, 3.3, 3.5 (two recommendations) and 4.1 from the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting of 19 October 2018 being:

          2       That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 3 August 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting held on 3 August 2018.

3.3     That Council develop an energy reduction target for its own facilities

3.5     (i)   That the Committee acknowledges the current activities of staff, but recommends Council  seek additional resources to focus on biodiversity, including data collection and mapping.

                             (ii)    That Council acknowledges the passing and achievements of Ian Kiernan, the founder of the Clean Up Australia organisation, conservationist and environmental campaigner, who passed away on 16 October 2018.

4.1     That the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee review and update the Committee Action Plan before the next meeting.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 19 October 2018 be adopted.





3       General Reports

3.1     Renewable Energy Initiative

TRIM Reference:        2018/1793

RESOLVED - 18/504                                                                              Cr R Kidd/Cr S Nugent

That Council note the report by the Director Development Services on progress of a renewable project.




Cr Taylor advised that the Netwaste advertisement depicts pizza boxes being put in the green bin and sought clarification as to whether they were permitted in the green bin. 


Cr Munro raised the matter of a lack of trees and greenery in North Orange and requested information as to whether Council can require the shopping centre replant trees and install tree guards.


Cr Taylor requested Council look at the dead trees on Bundarra Place.


The Meeting Closed at 9.10pm.

Finance Policy Committee                                                                 20 November 2018

5.1                       Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

Attachment 6      FPC 7 November 2018 Minutes




Finance Policy Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr J McRae (Chairperson), Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy, Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr S Nugent, Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services, Administration Trainee





2       General Reports

2.1     Requests for Financial Assistance

TRIM Reference:        2018/2633

RESOLVED - 18/505                                                                              Cr R Kidd/Cr S Nugent

The Council resolves:

1        That the request for financial assistance from Orange Waratah Sports Club be declined.

2        That a donation of $1,000.00 ($750.00 from General Donations and $250.00 from Emergent Funding) be made to Desi Aussies of Orange for UTSAV 2018 - Diwali Celebration.

3        That Council place on exhibition for 28 days its intention to donate $1,000.00 from Emergent Funding to Mak Boxing Promotions for Orange-staged Boxing Festival.

4        That a donation of $1,500.00 be made from Emergent Funding to the Central West Regional of the Australian Poll Dorset Association.



RESOLVED - 18/506                                                                            Cr J McRae/Cr R Turner

That recommendation 5 (Emergent Funding Joel Everett (Ability Dreaming) for Disability Tour Group Outings, be deferred until further information is received on this funding request.


** Cr Munro requested that his name be recorded as having voted against this decision of Council. **



The Meeting Closed at 9.16PM.

Services Policy Committee                                                                20 November 2018

5.1                       Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

Attachment 7      SPC 7 November 2018 Minutes



Services Policy Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 7 November 2018


 1      Introduction


Cr S Nugent (Chairperson), Cr R Kidd (Mayor), Cr S Romano (Deputy Mayor), Cr K Duffy Cr J Hamling, Cr J McRae, Cr T Mileto, Cr S Munro, Cr M Previtera, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Manager Corporate Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Works Manager, Manager Financial Services, Administration Trainee




2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee Meeting – 21 September and 5 October 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2449

RESOLVED - 18/507                                                                               Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

1        That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting of 21 September and 5 October 2018.

2        That the remainder of the minutes and recommendations made by the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting held on 21 September and 5 October 2018 be adopted.





RESOLVED - 18/508                                                                              Cr S Nugent/Cr R Kidd

That Council formally congratulate staff involved with the NAIDOC awards, the Chair of the NAIDOC Committee, Gerald Power, and the NAIDOC Community Committee members.



2.2     Minutes of the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee Meeting - 26 September 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2673

RESOLVED - 18/509                                                                            Cr J Hamling/Cr K Duffy

1        That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 September 2018.

2        That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 September 2018 be adopted.



2.3     Minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee - 16 October 2018

TRIM Reference:        2018/2623

RESOLVED - 18/510                                                                         Cr R Kidd/Cr M Previtera

That Council resolves:  

1        To acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange Regional Museum Committee at its meeting held on 16 October, 2018.

2        To adopt recommendations 3.1 and 4.1 from the minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee meeting of 16 October, 2018:

3.1     That a report be brought back to the next Committee Meeting to investigate opportunities of the role of the cottages to describe the history of the buildings and to promote Orange Regional Museum.

4.1     That the Council actively pursue funding to support the sustainability of this program.

3        That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee at its meeting held on 16 October, 2018 be adopted.



 The Meeting Closed at 9.24PM .

Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.2     Update on Outstanding Resolutions of Council including Questions Taken on Notice and Notices of Motions.

TRIM REFERENCE:        2018/2763

AUTHOR:                       Samantha Freeman, Manager Corporate Governance     




Council previously received separate reports for Questions Taken on Notice, progress of Councillor Notices of Motions, and outstanding Council Resolutions. A list of updates on each of these are now provided together. Only matters requiring action to be taken are noted in this report including outstanding items from the start of the Council term. After completion, these items will be removed from this listing, however will be available for administrative purposes.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “17.1 Collaborate - Provide representative, responsible and accountable community governance”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the information provided in the report by the Manager Corporate Governance on Outstanding and Completed Notices of Motion, Questions of Notice and Matters arising be acknowledged.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Attached is a listing of tasks requiring action or follow up by Council staff from the commencement of the Council term. This list identifies progress on decisions of Council, including Councillor Notices of Motion and Questions Taken on Notice. Upon completion, items will be noted as such and removed after production to Council.



1          Resolutions from Council Meetings (including Questions Taken on Notice and Notices of Motions) - Summary, 2018/1041


Council Meeting                                                                                                              20 November 2018

5.2                       Update on Outstanding Resolutions of Council including Questions Taken on Notice and Notices of Motions.

Attachment 1      Resolutions from Council Meetings (including Questions Taken on Notice and Notices of Motions) - Summary


12 November 2018


Date of Meeting



Action Taken/Comment 


7 Nov 2018



Cr Turner requested a report on the Canobolas Scout Camp facility and how Council can upgrade the facility – CCTV cameras and inspections.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Duffy requested that a report be provided on the current state of water hydrants.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Duffy asked if the General Manager could provide a list of funding support Bathurst and Dubbo have received over the past few years. 

Information to be circulated to Councillors.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Munro asked if Council can implement a program to clean up the Northern Distributor Road.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Romano requested that an investigation is undertaken in the road verge of the Northern Distributor Road as he advised that currently deep culverts on the roadside could cause vehicles that pull over to tip into the ditches beside them. 


Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Munro suggested communications be forwarded to the local schools advising of the proposed archery facility and seek interest for them to utilise archery as part of school sport.

Letter to be sent to schools seeking interest.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Munro asked if Council could receive a report on the steps being undertaken to protect lesser known Aboriginal artefacts at Mt Canobolas.

Report to be provided to Council.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Mileto requested Council receive information on the feasibility of replacing red oak trees that were stolen from Spring Hill recently.

Three trees were removed. The estimated cost of replacement is $500 and has been scheduled for completion by City Presentation staff.



7 Nov 2018


Cr Taylor advised that the Netwaste advertisement depicts pizza boxes being put in the green bin and sought clarification as to whether they were permitted in the green bin. 

Information to be circulate to Councillors.


7 Nov 2018



Cr Munro raised the matter of a lack of trees and greenery in North Orange and requested information as to whether Council can require the shopping centre replant trees and install tree guards.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


7 Nov 2018



That Council formally congratulate staff involved with the NAIDOC awards, the Chair of the NAIDOC Committee, Gerald Power, and the NAIDOC Community Committee members.

Letter sent to staff and NAIDOC Committee congratulating them.


17 OCT 2018

Extraordinary PDC


Cr Munro asked about the development at Shiralee and if there are any building approvals for housing. It was advised that no 400m2 blocks had been sold. Cr Taylor also asked if 400m2 blocks aren’t selling, can we increase the size. A report to be provided back to Council on this matter.

Report to be provided.


16 OCT 2018



Cr Duffy requested information be circulated to Councillors regarding accountability if a street tree causes damage to a driveway.

Email circulated to Councillors.


16 OCT 2018



Council requested that the Spring Hill Community Committee be advised about the decommissioning of the Spring Hill Sewerage Treatment Plant.

This information will be provided to the Spring Hill Community Committee at its meeting of 15 November 2018.


16 OCT 2018



Cr Duffy requested Council liaise with Cabonne Council and advise the Spring Hill Community Committee in relation to the plans for roads travelling from the Village to Orange and Cadia Mine.

Information will be provided to the Spring Hill Community Committee at its meeting of 15 November 2018.


16 OCT 2018



Cr Hamling requested that upon the determination of a date for weeding of the swimming areas at Lake Canobolas, they be advised.

Hawkesbury Council attended the Lake 24 October 2018 to scope works. Weeding to occur in November


16 OCT 2018



Cr Nugent requested an update on the status of information still to be provided in regards to a Question Taken on Notice from the Extraordinary Council Meeting of 27 March 2018 in relation to Astill Drive.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


16 OCT 2018



Cr Duffy requested that the information on using a data analytics system to measure performance of the road network from a Question on Notice from the Council Meeting of 7 December 2017 could be provided to Councillors before they are required to attend the Roads Conference next month.

Report to be presented to Council Meeting in December 2018.


2 OCT 2018



That Council write to BMX Club to present to the Council in regards to their current and future use of the BMX track.

Correspondence forwarded to representatives of BMX in Orange requesting they attend the meeting of Council on 4 December 2018. Council is awaiting a reply and will follow up.



2 OCT 2018



Cr Turner requested a report on what can be done to upgrade or reclaim the land currently occupied by the BMX track

Report to be provided to Council Meeting December 2018. Actions will in a large part be influence by advice from the BMX club.


2 OCT 2018



Cr Previtera requested information be provided on when more permanent barriers will be replacing the temporary ones near Ploughmans Lane

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


4 Sept 2018


Councillor Taylor requested a report to update Council on what was happening with the Earth Sanctuary.

Report to December ESPC.


4 Sept 2018



Councillors Turner and Kidd requested a further letter be sent to Minister Upton regarding reopening the Mount Canobolas walking trails and if no response, arrange a meeting to follow them up.


Email circulated to Councillors 19 September 2018.

Letter sent to Minister Upton.

Following up on response from Minister.

Media coverage has recently occurred on this matter. (see comment below)

The National Parks and Wildlife Service were quoted as saying that they were committed to opening the park as soon as possible.

“For safety reasons the park has been closed over winter to allow for the winter snow and strong winds to dislodge any damaged trees to make safe the area for the construction phase of the repairs.”

The spokeswoman said work had already begun to repair the Nature Track, the Summit track and Towac Way, starting with clearing and removing dangerous trees, with more substantial construction work to follow.

“The plan is to repair the trails, signs and infrastructure that support the Great Volcanic Mountain Challenge as a priority.

“Following those repairs, NPWS will work on the high visitation walking tracks including Federal Falls and the Walls walking tracks.”

She said subject to favourable weather conditions, NPWS aimed to have facilities opened by late summer, in time for the Challenge.



4 Sept 2018


Cr Hamling asked whether we could follow up letter regarding compulsory swimming safety lessons for kindergarten students.

Follow up letters sent to Minister regarding swim safety on 7 September 2018.

Ministerial correspondence provided to Mr Donato Friday 7 September 2018.




4 Sept 2018


Cr Hamling requested that schools be strongly encouraged to attend information sessions of Ice – Not Once Not Ever if held again for High Schools of Orange regarding the drug Ice.

Letters to be sent to all high schools of Orange encouraging participation at future information sessions.




21 Aug 2018


Cr Duffy requested Council be provided with details of the companies involved in the DPI development and also copies of any contracts entered into by Council regarding the DPI development and site.

The company that has been named by the NSW Government to construct the new DPI building is Verde Property (Aust) Pty Ltd.

In relation to the Orange City Council agreement with Verde, at the closed Council meeting on 7 March 2017 the following was resolved:

That Council enter into an option agreement for part of the Old Orange Hospital Site with Council accepting the offered price as identified in the report if the option is exercised and that an option agreement fee of $50,000 (ex GST) being applied, refundable only upon purchase.

The closed report was circulated to Councillors on 29 September.


21 Aug 2018


Cr Taylor requested additional detail regarding the Councillor Legal Briefing to include a breakdown of the Council’s costs associated with the briefing including staff costs and any expenses incurred by the service providers (such as travel and accommodation) paid by the Council.

Information to be provided.


7 August 2018


Cr Munro requested a report regarding monitoring and trapping of cats and any plans in place to manage this be provided to Council.

Information to be circulated to Councillors.


7 August 2018


Cr Hamling requested information be provided regarding the QANTAS enquiry into the future infrastructure capacity of Orange airport and any reasons why they would require this information

Information provided.


7 August 2018


Cr Whitton requested a policy be developed on Cyber Security.

The Office of Corporate Governance is undertaking review of policy development in this financial year, including identifying gaps in Council’s policy framework. Cybersecurity has been identified as a key gap following an external review. A policy will be developed as part of the review program.


7 August 2018


Cr Kidd requested policy information regarding the use of Social Media.

Information to be provided. A Social Media Policy has been identified as a gap as part of the review of policies and will be developed as part of the schedule.




17 July 2018


Cr Duffy requested a report on providing Councillors with $2,000 to donate to charities of their choice.

The issue has been referred to the Office of Local Government to obtain advice on its legality and to identify any corruption-prevention and policy approaches that may be suitable.


3 July 2018


Cr Mileto requested information on the time frame to clean up or lease the property at 864 Huntley Road, Huntley (this property now falls within the Airport precinct).

Securing quotes for demolition of the house including safe disposal of asbestos, with an intention of cleaning it up under this year’s Airport Maintenance vote.


3 July 2018


Cr Duffy requested a report be provided regarding solar and LED street lighting including costings and maintenance considerations.

Report to be provided. Gathering information and exploring funding sources.



19 June 2018


Air Quality Monitoring System

·    Cr Nugent requested what other particles the monitoring system is capable of detecting.

·    Cr Nugent requested information on the action that arises from the monitoring and if there is any scope for proactive advice to the community.

Cr Taylor asked how the position of the monitoring system allows for accurate data for Orange.

Preliminary information provided in report to Council 7 August 2018.


5 June 2018


Cr Whitton requested a pedestrian island be investigated for Sale Street, near the old netball courts and National Avenue. 

On design register


5 June 2018


Cr Taylor requested all Councillors be provided with all relevant documentation regarding the ‘ORANGE’ number plates.

Information circulated by email to Councillors.


5 June 2018



Cr Hamling requested further information in relation to signage for bikes out of town.

An updated report went to the City of Orange Traffic Committee meeting held on 11 September 2018. Minutes will be presented to IPC on 2 October 2018.

The recommendation resolved at IPC on 2 October 2018 was as follows;

1.    That Council erects bicycle warning signs as shown in Figure 3 of this report in the locations shown within Schedule A of this report and rural recreational routes in the Ride Orange Guide.

2.    That Council advises Blayney and Cabonne Councils of Council’s decision in this matter and requests installation of similar signage on the cycling routes within their LGA.


15 May 2018


Cr Taylor requested that an investigation take place regarding the dumping of building waste material on Dane Lane behind Jack Brabham Park.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


17 Apr 2018


Council requested an update report on Kurim Shops and the Windred Street property, to include an outline of Council’s costs incurred to date on these matters.

Investigations underway in consultation with Council’s legal advisors


27 March 2018

Extraordinary CCL

Cr Mileto requested information on whether the current operations of this business will be concluded once the development at Astill Drive is completed.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


20 March 2018


Cr Nugent requested information on the requirement to provide accessible parking spaces for hotel/motel accommodation or restaurants.

Investigations underway. Information to be circulated to Councillors.


6 March 2018


Cr Duffy requested regular reporting on the contractor key performance indicators throughout the term of the contract.

Report provided quarterly via Current Works Report




20 Feb 2018


Cr Nugent requested a report providing further information on the process for investing Council funds and the types of products Council funds are invested in.

Report provided as part of the 2019/20 Budget program.


7 Dec 2017


Cr Duffy requested a report on the feasibility of using a data analytics system to measure performance of the road network to support Council’s applications for grant funding.

System to be reviewed


17 Oct 2017


Cr Munro requested a report be prepared on whether the Pay It Forward facility in Peisley Street could be used as a domestic violence crisis centre.

Report to be provided to Council - completed


17 Oct 2017



RESOLVED - 17/436  Cr K Duffy/Cr S Munro

1   That Council seek the support of Cabonne Council and Blayney Shire Council to review the 2006 Sub-Regional Rural and Industrial Land Use Strategy.

2   That Council seek funding from the State and Federal Governments for this study.

Strategy now underway with Eltons consulting. Consultation has begun.




12 November 2018


Date of Meeting



Action Taken/Comment 


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/511                                                                                                              Cr G Taylor/Cr J Whitton

1          That Council investigate the storage needs of the Service Clubs within Orange and Council’s ability to help.

2          That if, as a result of Council’s investigation, Council is in a position to assist, funds be made available in the Budget for the 2019/20 financial year.

Discussions to be held with Service Clubs and funds be made available.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/512                                                                                                              Cr G Taylor/Cr J Whitton

That Council resolves to make available extended parking permits to organisations that apply for a waiver of parking restrictions during nominated special events.

Application for extended parking permits during nominated special events to be placed on Council website.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/515                                                                                                             Cr J Whitton/Cr R Turner

That Council resolves:

1          That the information provided in the report on the quarterly budget and performance indicators review for July to September 2018 be acknowledged.

2          The bank reconciliation statement be acknowledged.

3          To adopt the variations arising from the September 2018 quarterly review amounting to a decrease of $84,789 in the consolidated surplus.



7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/511                                                                                                           Cr J Whitton/Cr J Hamling

That Council resolves:

1          To nominate the Manager City Presentation, Manager Corporate Governance and Legal and Property Officers as its Native Title Managers;

2          To give notice to the Minister for Lands and Forestry of contact details of Council’s Native Title Managers as required under Section 8.8 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016.

Minister for Lands and Forestry notified.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/512                                                                                                                 Cr S Nugent/Cr K Duffy

That Council resolves:

1          To delegate to the General Manager the authority to participate in the JLT Class Action, to assess the benefits and costs of ongoing participation, to determine the Council’s further participation, and to take all necessary and convenient steps to represent and protect Council’s interests in the class action.

2          To receive progress reports at key milestones.

Agreement signed indicating agreement to participate.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/492                                                                                                                Cr J Whitton/Cr K Duffy

That Council resolves to issue modified development consent DA 405/2017(1) for Place of Public Worship and Business Identification Sign at Lot 9 DP 746439 - 241 Ploughmans Lane, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached modified Notice of Approval.


Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/493                                                                                                                Cr K Duffy/Cr J Whitton

That Council resolves to defer development application DA 33/2018(1) - 4613 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow, until after a site inspection has taken place with the RMS.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/494                                                                                                             Cr J Hamling/Cr T Mileto

That Council resolves to issue consent to development application DA 335/2018(1) for Demolition (existing building and ancillary structures) at Lot 102 DP 842161 - 185-193 Bathurst Road, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/495                                                                                                                    Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

That the minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee meeting held on 19 September 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/496                                                                                                                   Cr R Kidd/Cr S Nugent

That the minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Community Committee meeting of 8 October 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/497                                                                                                                Cr R Turner/Cr S Munro

That Council resolves:

1          Item 2.1 – Street Event – New Year’s Eve Part Under The Stars - of the Extraordinary City of Orange Traffic Committee Meeting of 9 October 2018;

             “That Conditional Approval for the 2018 New Year’s Eve Party Under The Stars be endorsed subject to compliance with the attached conditions.”

2          That the remainder of the Minutes of the Extraordinary City of Orange Traffic Committee of 9 October 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/499                                                                                                                    Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

That Council resolves:      

1          To acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange Showground Community Committee at its meeting held on 18 September 2018.

2          To adopt recommendations 3.4 and 3.5 from the minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee meeting of 18 September 2018:

3.4       That the Orange Showground Community Committee meetings be held quarterly and on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

3.5       (a)    That the discussion regarding the Naylor Pavilion Amenities concept Plan be acknowledged.

(b)   That the design of the amenities and cafeteria for the Naylor Pavilion be progressed.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange Showground Community Committee at its meeting held on 18 September 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/500                                                                                                                  Cr R Kidd/Cr J Whitton

Council resolves to adopt the minutes of the Australia Day Community Committee meeting held on 3 October 2018.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/501                                                                                                             Cr S Romano/Cr S Munro

1           That Council resolve to acknowledge the report on Olympic Archery requirements.

2           That Council consider funding of Option 2 in the next quarterly review.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018


RESOLVED - 18/513                                                                                                                    Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

That Council allocate up to $15,000 for more security at the Hockey Centre.

Actions underway.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/514                                                                                                                   Cr S Nugent/Cr R Kidd

That Council resolves:

1     To acknowledge the reports presented to the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 19 October 2018.

2     To adopt the recommendations 2, 3.3, 3.5 (two recommendations) and 4.1 from the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting of 19 October 2018 being:

       2          That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 3 August 2018 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting held on 3 August 2018.

       3.3       That Council develop an energy reduction target for its own facilities

       3.5       (i)        That the Committee acknowledges the current activities of staff, but recommends Council  seek additional resources to focus on biodiversity, including data collection and mapping.

                    (ii)       That Council acknowledges the passing and achievements of Ian Kiernan, the founder of the Clean Up Australia organisation, conservationist and environmental campaigner, who passed away on 16 October 2018.

       4.1       That the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee review and update the Committee Action Plan before the next meeting.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 19 October 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/505                                                                                                                   Cr R Kidd/Cr S Nugent

The Council resolves:

1          That the request for financial assistance from Orange Waratah Sports Club be declined.

2          That a donation of $1,000.00 ($750.00 from General Donations and $250.00 from Emergent Funding) be made to Desi Aussies of Orange for UTSAV 2018 - Diwali Celebration.

3          That Council place on exhibition for 28 days its intention to donate $1,000.00 from Emergent Funding to Mak Boxing Promotions for Orange-staged Boxing Festival.

4          That a donation of $1,500.00 be made from Emergent Funding to the Central West Regional of the Australian Poll Dorset Association be declined.

Mak Boxing placed on public exhibition until 12 December 2018.

Applicants advised of Council’s resolution.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/506                                                                                                                 Cr J McRae/Cr R Turner

That recommendation 5 (Emergent Funding Joel Everett (Ability Dreaming) for Disability Tour Group Outings, be deferred until further information is received on this funding request.

Report listed for 20 November 2018 Council Meeting.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/507                                                                                                                    Cr R Kidd/Cr S Munro

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting of 21 September and 5 October 2018.

2          That the remainder of the minutes and recommendations made by the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting held on 21 September and 5 October 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/509                                                                                                                Cr J Hamling/Cr K Duffy

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 September 2018.

2          That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 September 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


7 Nov 2018



RESOLVED - 18/515                                                                                                             Cr R Kidd/Cr M Previtera

That Council resolves:      

1          To acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange Regional Museum Committee at its meeting held on 16 October, 2018.

2          To adopt recommendations 3.1 and 4.1 from the minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee meeting of 16 October, 2018:

3.1       That a report be brought back to the next Committee Meeting to investigate opportunities of the role of the cottages to describe the history of the buildings and to promote Orange Regional Museum.

4.1       That the Council actively pursue funding to support the sustainability of this program.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange Regional Museum Committee at its meeting held on 16 October, 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.


17 OCT 2018

Extraordinary CCL


TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2498

RESOLVED - 18/487            Cr J Whitton/Cr S Nugent

That the Council resolves:

1          That Tender F3023 for the Decommissioning of Hawkes Dam, be awarded to CPB Excavations for their tendered price of $220,768 (Ex GST)

2          That permission be granted for the use of the Council Seal on any relevant document if required.

Contract signed with Contractor.


17 OCT 2018

Extraordinary CCL


TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2438

RESOLVED - 18/486            Cr J Hamling/Cr J Whitton

Council resolve to approve:

1          That the General Manager be granted delegated authority to negotiate and/or bid at auction for the purchase land at 298 Clergate Road Lot 1 DP1085646 and for the purchase to be funded from property development fund.

2          That the land be classified operational on acquisition.

3          That the General Manager be delegated the authority necessary or convenient to give effect to this resolution, including but not limited to the affixing the Council Seal.

Contracts exchanged on 9 November 2018.


17 OCT 2018

Extraordinary PDC

2.5       DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION DA 224/2018(1) - 102-110 AUTUMN STREET

TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2494

RESOLVED - 18/484            Cr J Hamling/Cr R Kidd

That Council consents to development application DA 224/2018(1) for Demolition (demolition of 16 existing self-contained dwellings, two carports and removal of three trees), and Seniors Housing (construction of eight self-contained dwellings) at Lot 50 DP 1130577 - 102-110 Autumn Street, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Determination Issued.


17 OCT 2018

Extraordinary PDC


TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2493

RESOLVED - 18/483            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Romano

That Council consents to development application DA 91/2018(1) for Subdivision (two lot residential), Demolition (existing shed), Dual Occupancy and Subdivision (three lot Community Title) at Lot 1 DP 38296 - 14 Moulder Street, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Submitters Advised.


17 OCT 2018

Extraordinary PDC


TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2495

RESOLVED - 18/482            Cr R Kidd/Cr K Duffy

That Council consents to development application DA 302/2016(1) for Demolition and Hotel or Motel Accommodation at Lot 1 DP 784423 - 245 Lords Place, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Determination Issued.


17 OCT 2018

Extraordinary PDC


TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2443

RESOLVED - 18/481            Cr R Turner/Cr K Duffy

That Council consents to development application DA 445/2011(4) for Restaurant and Shop at Lot B DP 152339 - 47 Byng Street, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval with the following additional conditions:

1          That double glazing be used in all external glazing and doors.

2          That the extraction pan on the western wall be moved to further reduce the impact on immediate neighbours to the satisfaction of the MBE.

3          That parking lines, driveway protection and other measure be installed by the developer in the immediate area to the satisfaction of DTS to minimise the impacts upon the immediate precinct.

4          That a compliance report be submitted after 3 months of operation to the satisfaction of the MDA.


Determination Issued.


16 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2512

RESOLVED - 18/478            Cr J McRae/Cr S Nugent

The Council resolves:

1          Council acknowledge that the North Orange Rotary have requested that the Council meet the Club’s expenses for hire of the Orange Civic Theatre under the Donations Policy, amounting to a total of $5027.42.

2          That North Orange Rotary will pay these expenses to the Council on presentation of an invoice.

3          That, subject to payment against the Council invoice:

            a     that the Council approve a donation of $1,575.39 to the North Orange Rotary from the General Donation Fund into a special account to be opened by North Orange Rotary for the training of a Guide Dog for a resident of the Orange LGA (which includes the $1,000 already approved by the Council);

            b     that the Council approve a donation of $1,726.01 to the North Orange Rotary from the 3rd Quarter Emergent Fund into a special account to be opened by North Orange Rotary for the training of a Guide Dog for a resident of the Orange LGA;

            c     that the Council approve a donation of $1,726.02 to the North Orange Rotary from the 4th Quarter Emergent Fund into a special account to be opened by North Orange Rotary for the training of a Guide Dog for a resident of the Orange LGA;

             d    that North Orange Rotary write to the Council formally acknowledging the terms of this donation and its commitment to (1) establishing the account; (2) spending funds from this account solely for the purpose of training of a Guide Dog for a resident of the Orange LGA; (3) advise Council immediately when and if a suitable trained dog is provided to an Orange resident and the funds paid to the Guide Dogs NSW/ACT; (4) acknowledge that the funding for the training is provided by the North Orange Rotary and Orange City Council; (5) return the funds to Council immediately if for any reason the funds cannot be expended on a guide dog for a person who is a resident of Orange so that the Council can reallocate those funds to support other people with disabilities in Orange.

E-mail sent to applicant and applicant called on 22 October 2018 to advise Council's resolution; letter (D18/56949) posted on 23 October 2018. Payment will be arranged according to the resolution.




16 OCT 2018


5.4       CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR RECESS 2018/2019

TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2433

RESOLVED - 18/477            Cr J Hamling/Cr S Nugent

That Council resolves:

1          The Civic Centre, Giyalang Ganya and Works Depot close down for the Christmas period from Monday 24 December 2018 to Tuesday 1 January 2019 (inclusive).

2          During the period 24 December 2018 to 5 February 2019, Council delegate its function to determine development applications and planning matters, with the exception of matters that cannot be delegated under the Local Government Act 1993 or the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, in circumstances where it is unreasonable to defer consideration of the matter, to the Mayor, Chairperson of the Planning and Development Committee, and the General Manager (so that the General Manager and either the Mayor OR the Chairperson of the Planning and Development Committee, are available to determine matters).

Information distributed.


16 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2566

RESOLVED - 18/476            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Nugent

That Council resolves to change the date of the Council and Policy Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday 6 November 2018 to Wednesday 7 November 2018.

All necessary action taken place to re-schedule meeting. Change advertised.

Meeting held on Wednesday 7 November 2018.


16 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2457

RESOLVED - 18/475            Cr J Hamling/Cr K Duffy

That the information provided in the report by the Manager Corporate Governance on Outstanding and Completed Notices of Motion, Questions of Notice and Matters arising be acknowledged.

Resolution Noted.

Register Updated 13 November 2018 for readability

- Green = COMPLETE

- Yellow = ONGOING



16 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2456

RESOLVED - 18/474            Cr J Whitton/Cr R Kidd

That Council resolves to adopt the following resolutions of Policy Committees from the meetings of 2 October 2018:


             Council resolves to approve the minutes Infrastructure Policy Committee held on 2 October 2018.


             Council resolves to approve the minutes Sport and Recreational Committee held on 2 October 2018.


             Council resolves to approve the minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Committee held on 2 October 2018.


             Council resolves to approve the minutes of the Finance Policy Committee held on 2 October 2018.


             Council resolves to approve the minutes of the Services Policy Committee held on 2 October 2018.

Resolution Noted


16 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2507

RESOLVED - 18/473            Cr J Hamling/Cr K Duffy

That Council defer this item for consideration after a site visit and briefing have been held.

Rescission Motion Passed 7 November 2018


TRIM REFERENCE:                          2018/2698

RESOLVED - 18/513                         Cr J Hamling/Cr R Turner

1          That Council rescind the decision of the Planning        and Development Committee held on 2 October              2018:

“2.3             Development Application DA 362/2017(1) - Lot              701 Lords Place (Wade Park)

TRIM Reference:                          2017/2520

RESOLVED - 18/438                         Cr K Duffy/Cr R Kidd

That Council consents to development application DA 362/2017(1) for Recreation Facility (indoor) in Association with the Existing Recreation Facility (major) and Demolition at Lot 701 DP 1001618 – Wade Park, Lords Place, Orange pursuant to an adjustment to the attached conditions of consent, dictating the facility be moved 3-4 meters further west.”

and replace it with the following recommendation:

That Council resolves:

1          To issue a consent to development application   DA 362/2017(1) for Recreation Facility (indoor) in             Association with the Existing Recreation Facility             (major) and Demolition at Lot 701 DP 1001618 –             Wade Park, Lords Place, Orange pursuant to the             conditions of consent in the attached Notice of        Approval.

2          That Council conduct a review of the existing              Western Grandstand at Wade Park and report to              Council on options and costing for refurbishment              and renewal to current standards.


16 OCT 2018




RESOLVED - 18/472            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Romano

That Council establish a community based Committee for the creation of an Orange Irish Heritage Festival.

Meeting for interested community members will be held on 27 November 2018 at the Council Chambers.


2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2421

RESOLVED - 18/462            Cr S Romano/Cr S Munro

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Clifton Grove Community Committee at its meeting of 13 September 2018.

2          That Council determine recommendation 3.1 and 3.2 from the minutes of the Clifton Grove Community Committee meeting held on 13 September 2018.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Clifton Grove Community Committee meeting held on 13 September 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2393

RESOLVED - 18/461            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Romano

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting held on 20 July 2018.

2          That the remainder of the minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting held on 20 July 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2420

RESOLVED - 18/460            Cr R Kidd/Cr K Duffy

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Orange Health Liaison Committee at its meeting held on 5 September 2018.

2          That Council determine recommendation 3.1 from the minutes of the Orange Health Liaison Committee meeting of 5 September 2018.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Orange Health Liaison Committee at its meeting held on 5 September 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2413

RESOLVED - 18/459            Cr R Kidd/Cr M Previtera

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Cultural Heritage Community Committee at its meeting held on 4 September 2018.

2          That the minutes of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee at its meeting held on 4 September 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.




2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2337

RESOLVED - 18/458            Cr J Whitton/Cr M Previtera

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Ageing and Access Community Committee at its meeting held on 29 August 2018.

2          That Council determine recommendations 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1 from the minutes of the Ageing and Access Community Committee meeting of 29 August 2018.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Ageing and Access Community Committee at its meeting held on 29 August 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Action Plan updated.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2317

RESOLVED - 18/457            Cr R Kidd/Cr J McRae

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee at its meeting of 27 August 2018.

2          That Council determine recommendation 3.1 from the minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee meeting of 27 August 2018.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee Meeting of 27 August 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.

Actions resolved by Council to be enacted.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2267

RESOLVED - 18/452            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Munro

1          That Council acknowledge the reports presented to the Companion Animals Community Committee at its meeting held on 3 September 2018.

2          That Council determine recommendation 4.1 from the minutes of the Companion Animals Community Committee meeting of 3 September 2018.

3          That the remainder of the minutes of the Companion Animals Community Committee at its meeting held on 3 September 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.




2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2261

RESOLVED - 18/445            Cr J Whitton/Cr S Nugent

That the recommendations made by the Airport Community Committee at its meeting held on 29 August 2018 be adopted.

Resolutions noted.




2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2243

RESOLVED - 18/443            Cr K Duffy/Cr G Taylor

That Council choose Alan Renike and Cr Russell Turner as its two permanent and Cr Scott Munro as its one alternate Joint Regional Planning Panel expert representatives.

JRPP advised of the appointment of Cr Turner and Alan Renike. Cr Munro withdraw nomination. JRPP to advise if alternate member is required.


2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2376

RESOLVED - 18/442            Cr J Whitton/Cr S Munro

That Council consents to development application DA 312/2018(1) for Subdivision (three lot Torrens) at Lots 1 and 2 Section 4 DP 758817 – 84 Dalton Street and Lot 1 Anson Street, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Determination Issued



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2260

RESOLVED - 18/441            Cr K Duffy/Cr R Kidd

That Council consents to development application DA 240/2018(1) for Shop (alterations and additions to existing building) and Signage at Lot 4 DP 626604 - 216-238 Peisley Street, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Determination Issued.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2419

RESOLVED - 18/440            Cr S Romano/Cr M Previtera

That Council consents to development application DA 211/2018(1) for Vehicle Sales or Hire Premises (alterations and additions) and Business Identification Signs at Lots 3, 26 and 27 DP 270446 – 10, 12 and 14 Gateway Crescent, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Determination Issued.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2398

RESOLVED - 18/439            Cr S Munro/Cr G Taylor

That Council consents to development application DA 16/2018(1) for Subdivision (two lot residential), Demolition (tree removal), Dwelling and Attached Garage, and Subdivision (two lot residential) at Lot 100 DP 857135 – 38-40 Rosemary Lane, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.

Determination Issued.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2017/2520

RESOLVED - 18/438            Cr K Duffy/Cr R Kidd

That Council consents to development application DA 362/2017(1) for Recreation Facility (indoor) in Association with the Existing Recreation Facility (major) and Demolition at Lot 701 DP 1001618 – Wade Park, Lords Place, Orange pursuant to an adjustment to the attached conditions of consent, dictating the facility be moved 3-4 meters further west

Resolution noted.

Rescission Motion Passed 7 November 2018


TRIM REFERENCE:                          2018/2698

RESOLVED - 18/513                         Cr J Hamling/Cr R Turner

1          That Council rescind the decision of the Planning        and Development Committee held on 2 October              2018:

“2.3             Development Application DA 362/2017(1) - Lot              701 Lords Place (Wade Park)

TRIM Reference:                          2017/2520

RESOLVED - 18/438                         Cr K Duffy/Cr R Kidd

That Council consents to development application DA 362/2017(1) for Recreation Facility (indoor) in Association with the Existing Recreation Facility (major) and Demolition at Lot 701 DP 1001618 – Wade Park, Lords Place, Orange pursuant to an adjustment to the attached conditions of consent, dictating the facility be moved 3-4 meters further west.”

and replace it with the following recommendation:

That Council resolves:

1          To issue a consent to development application   DA 362/2017(1) for Recreation Facility (indoor) in             Association with the Existing Recreation Facility             (major) and Demolition at Lot 701 DP 1001618 –             Wade Park, Lords Place, Orange pursuant to the             conditions of consent in the attached Notice of        Approval.

2          That Council conduct a review of the existing              Western Grandstand at Wade Park and report to              Council on options and costing for refurbishment              and renewal to current standards.



2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2389

RESOLVED - 18/437            Cr J Whitton/Cr K Duffy

That Council modifies development consent DA 307/2013(5) for Dwelling House, Community Title Subdivision (three lot residential), Community Title Subdivision (four lot residential) and Dwelling Houses (four) at approved Lot 4 in a subdivision of Lot 7 DP 286647 - 51 Moulder Street, Orange (formerly known as Lot 1 DP 797835 and Lot 201 DP 1175177 - 49 and 51 Moulder Street, Orange), pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached modified Notice of Approval.

Consent issued.




2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2266

RESOLVED - 18/468            Cr J Whitton/Cr K Duffy

1           That Council enter into a supply panel contract with JM Concreting, Mark Foley, GR Spurr, Orange Concrete Services and Orello Pty Ltd for the two year period commencing 19 September 2018 for Concrete Civil Works.

2           That purchases under this panel contract be made that are most advantageous to Council.

3           That approval be granted for the use of the Council Seal on any relevant document if required.

Contracts have been sent out, received, signed and countersigned for the following companies:

•          GR Spurr Concreting Pty Ltd

•          Foley Mark and Heather

•          JM Concreting Pty Ltd

•          Orange Concreting Service

•          Orello Pty Ltd

Signed copies are being posted back to the respective companies today & tomorrow, with a view of commencing footpath works in North-Orange within 3-4 weeks.


2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2367

RESOLVED - 18/466            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Romano

That Council resolves to approve the following Councillor to attend the Australian Airports Association Conference:

1.          Cr Sam Romano

2.          Cr Mario Previtera

Councillors registered as per Council resolution, accommodation and flights booked.


2 OCT 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2371

RESOLVED - 18/465            Cr G Taylor/Cr S Romano

That Council resolve Cr Duffy and Cr Hamling to attend the National Local Roads and Transport Congress to be held in Alice Springs, NT on 20-22 November 2018

Councillors registered as per Council resolution, accommodation and flights booked


4 Sept 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2175

RESOLVED - 18/416            Cr M Previtera/Cr S Munro

That Council publicly exhibits, for a period of 28 days, proposals to: (as below)

1      Permit camping on the Southern side of Gosling Creek with access to amenities on the Northern Side of Gosling Creek;

2      Permit Camping on the Northern side of Gosling Creek within a designated area at times determined by Council so as not to conflict with events or activities;

3      Permit RV parking within established car parks at Gosling Creek;

4      Permit access to Spring Creek Dam for non-powered and electric boating, fishing but not camping;

5      Not permit land or water based activity at Suma Park; and

6     Report to Council following the public exhibition on the submissions received.


Site meeting to be arranged for Councillors.

Report to Council upon completion of exhibition period tabling submissions received.






4 Sept 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/2178

RESOLVED - 18/408            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Romano

1       Council note the report; and

2       Council adopt the preliminary plans for the future development of Wade Park as outlined in this report and seek funding for this project.


Seeking grant funding.



4 Sept 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/1868

RESOLVED - 18/403            Cr J McRae/Cr S Nugent

1           That Council supports the ‘Be Seen. Be Safe’ road safety campaign.

2           That Council recommends all fleet and plant vehicles where appropriate be driven with their headlights on.

Official launch with Mayors was held on Wednesday 12 September 2018.

A social media campaign, toolbox meeting and an observation study will be undertaken.


4 Sept 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/1927

RESOLVED - 18/397            Cr S Nugent/Cr K Duffy

1      That Council delegate to staff the preparation of a Planning Proposal to add ‘Artisan food and drink industry’ to more commercial zones in Orange and for it to be put through the Gateway process and on to public exhibition.

2      That staff prepare appropriate environmental controls in relation to scale, traffic, odours, noise and waste for inclusion in the Planning Proposal.

Planning proposal being prepared – to Gateway.


21 Aug 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/1751

RESOLVED - 18/387            Cr S Romano/Cr R Turner

1     Council enter into consecutive leases of five years each to a maximum of 20 years with Aero Refuellers Pty Limited at the Orange Airport.

2     The Council delegate to the General Manager authority to negotiate the terms of the lease and to take such actions as may be necessary or convenient to execute the lease.

3     That approval be granted for the use of the Council Seal on any necessary documentation if required.

Lease terms being discussed between respective solicitors.




21 Aug 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:                 2018/1952

RESOLVED - 18/516              Cr S Nugent/Cr S Munro

1      That Council enter into a Licence Agreement for the use of Lake Canobolas for a stand up paddleboard hire facility for up to 3 years.

2      That permission be granted for the use of the Council Seal on any necessary documentation.

Proposed lessee in the process of lodging a development application with Cabonne Council



21 Aug 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:  2018/1159

RESOLVED - 18/385            Cr S Munro/Cr S Nugent

1     That Council enter into a 5 year lease (with one 5 year option) with Cook Park Guildry Co-operative Limited of the Bastick Cottage in Cook Park at a rental of $150 per week.

2     That permission be granted for the use of the Council Seal on all necessary documentation.

Crown Land lease in the process of being prepared.


14 August 2018


2.10      Orange Local Environmental Plan 2011 - Amendment 17 'Towac Equine Precinct'

RESOLVED - 18/517                                                                                                                Cr T Mileto/Cr G Taylor

1      That Council support sending the planning proposal to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway determination, subject to the proposed 1ha area being amended so as to also be set at 2ha.

2      That, subject to any Gateway condition requirements, Council place the planning proposal on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

3      That Council include the draft Development Control Plan provisions relating to Animal Boarding or Training Establishments with any public exhibition of the planning proposal.

4      That subsequent to the public exhibition process, Council consider whether to exclude any specific properties from the planning proposal.

Planning Proposal and attachments sent to Gateway.


14 August 2018


2.11 Draft Enforcement Policy
RESOLVED - 18/5183                                                                                                                Cr K Duffy/Cr T Mileto

That Council endorses the attached Draft Enforcement Policy for public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

Public exhibition period closed. Policy to come to next Council meeting for adoption.


14 August 2018


3.1                                    DA Legal Cost Award Update (Strictly Confidential and Privileged)
RESOLVED - 18/519                                                                                                               Cr G Taylor/Cr S Nugent

That Council delegate to the General Manager the management of the cost award matters.

Negotiations underway.


7 August 2018



RESOLVED - 18/349                                                                                                                Cr J Whitton/Cr K Duffy

That Orange City Council work with the Orange Chamber of Commerce and/or local organisations to hold a forum involving government, community and business representatives to discuss what the State and Federal governments are doing to reduce electricity price increases for regional residents and businesses.

Preliminary planning meeting has been held with a view to holding a forum towards the end of the year.


7 August 2018



TRIM REFERENCE:                                                                                                                                             2018/1874

RESOLVED - 18/348                                                                                                           Cr J Whitton/Cr J Hamling

That Council staff provide prepare a business case for the establishment of an Asphalt Hot Mix Plant in Orange exploring options for both the local and surrounding areas.

Scheduled, with some discussion with industry continuing.


17 July 2018



RESOLVED - 18/520                                                                                                              Cr G Taylor/Cr J Whitton

That Council contribute to the establishment of a community wood and heating bank as follows:

1   The wood and heating bank be based on a similar structure as support services such as Foodbank where suitable organisations manage a voucher system based on an appropriate criteria.

2   Council initiate the service with the purchase of $5,000 worth of wood.

3   Council take donations of appropriate wood and financial contributions to provide to the service.

4   Where available and suitable, surplus wood from Council operations be provided to the service.

5   Council seek collaboration with suitable service providers and service clubs to establish and continue the service.

6   The wood and heating bank be trialled to December 2019 with a review to then be undertaken.

Commenced discussions with potential suppliers and determining the parameters of the scheme.


3 July 2018



RESOLVED - 18/301            Cr S Nugent/Cr T Mileto

(as below)

That Council prepare a report on the legislative, policy and operational options that could be considered in Orange for:

1 Reducing the number of significant trees removed/destroyed in new sub-division and in-fill developments.

2 Better protection and ensuring the survival of trees to be retained in new sub-division and in-fill developments.

3 Maximising the survival rate of replacement trees planted in compliance with conditions of consent for development applications.

4 Protecting street trees across the city.

5 That the variety of trees are suitable to the environment in which they are planted

Report to November ESPC


3 July 2018



RESOLVED - 18/301            Cr K Duffy/Cr S Romano

That Council write to and invite all Candidates in the March 2019 NSW State Election to Address Council at the Open Forum.

Letter to be written to candidates.


3 July 2018


4.5  Notice of Motion - Quarterly Report on Development Applications Lodged

RESOLVED - 18/302            Cr K Duffy/Cr M Previtera

That Council receive a Quarterly Report on All Development Applications lodged with Council that are over 3 months old.

Quarterly report provided. 


3 July 2018


2.1 Australian Local Government Womens Association Conference bids

RESOLVED - 18/303            Cr J McRae/Cr J Whitton

That a Communication Strategy be prepared in relation to the promotion of diversity and participation in Local Government.

Workshop preparations underway and proposed for early 2019.





CR TAYLOR – Requested the trees on Ploughmans Lane between Cargo and Forbes Rd be inspected for overhang and to determine if any need to be removed due to being dead/dying. CRM Number 9173/2018

CR TAYLOR – Requested the trees on Bundarra Place be inspected as some may be dead/dying. CRM Number 9720/2018.

Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.3     Statement of Investments - October 2018

TRIM REFERENCE:        2018/2787

AUTHOR:                       Brock Gannon, Financial Accounting Officer    




The purpose of this report is to provide a statement of Council’s investments held as at 31 October 2018.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “17.2 Collaborate - Ensure financial stability and support efficient ongoing operation”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That Council resolves:

1        To note the Statement of Investments as at 31 October 2018.

2        To adopt the certification of the Responsible Accounting Officer.



further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Section 212(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires that a written report be presented each month at an Ordinary Meeting of the Council detailing all money that Council has invested under Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

As at 31 October 2018, the investments held by Council in each fund is shown below:





General Fund



Water Fund



Sewer Fund



Total Funds





A reconciliation of Council’s investment portfolio provides a summary of the purposes for which Council’s investments are being held. The summary is as follows:


Externally Restricted



General Fund



Water Fund



Sewer Fund






Internally Restricted






Total Funds




The unrestricted cash position movements during the month are normal as projects commence and income is received. Movements may also arise following processing of income received between funds or into restricted assets to appropriately allocate for the purposes Council has determined.








Portfolio Advice

Council utilises the services of an independent investment advisor in maintaining its portfolio of investments. Council’s current investment advisor is Imperium Markets, an independent asset consultant that works with wholesale investors to develop, implement and manage their investment portfolio. Imperium Markets is a leading provider of independent investment consulting services to a broad range of institutional investors including government agencies, superannuation funds and not-for-profit organisations.

Imperium Markets major services provided to Council include:

·    Quarterly portfolio summary reports

·    Advice on investment opportunities, in particular Floating Rate Note products

·    Advice on policy construction

·    Year-end market values for Floating Note Rate products held by Council.


Portfolio Performance

Council’s current Long Term Financial Plan establishes the benchmark for Council’s interest on investments at “75 basis points above the current cash rate”. The cash rate as at 31 October 2018 remained at 1.50 per cent. The weighted average interest rate of Council’s investment portfolio at the same reporting date was 2.87 per cent which continues to exceed Council’s benchmark i.e. the cash rate of 1.50 per cent plus 0.75 per cent (or 75 basis points).



Council has also utilised the AusBond Bank Bill Index to provide a further benchmark focused towards long term investments. As at 31 October 2018, the AusBond rate was 2.09 per cent. The weighted average interest rate of Council’s investment portfolio at the same reporting date was 2.87 per cent.


Council’s Investment Policy establishes limits in relation to the maturity terms of Council’s investments as well as the credit ratings of the institutions with whom Council can invest.

The following tables provide a dissection of Council’s investment portfolio as required by the Policy. The Policy identifies the maximum amount that can be held in a variety of investment products or with institutions based on their respective credit ratings.

Table 1 shows the percentage held by Council (holdings) and the additional amount that Council could hold (capacity) for each term to maturity allocation in accordance with limits established by Council’s Policy.


Table 1: Maturity – Term Limits

Term to Maturity Allocation



Remaining Capacity

0 - 3 Months




3 - 12 Months




1 - 2 Years




2 - 5 Years




5+ Years





Table 2 shows the total amount held, and the weighted average interest rate (or return on investment), by credit rating. The credit rating is an independent opinion of the capability and willingness of a financial institution to repay its debts, or in other words, the providers’ financial strength or creditworthiness. The rating is typically calculated as the likelihood of a failure occurring over a given period, with the higher rating (AAA) being superior due to having a lower chance of default. However, it is generally accepted that this lower risk will be accompanied by a lower return on investment.

Table 2 demonstrates that Council receives a lower return for its AA rated investments than for those with ratings of A or less. The level of money held in the bank accounts has been added to the table to illustrate the ability of Council to cover the operational liabilities that typically occur (for example payroll, materials and contracts, utilities).


Table 2: Credit Rating Limits

Credit Rating



Remaining Capacity


Return on Investment

Bank Accounts






























Below BBB






Certification by Responsible Accounting Officer

I, Jason Cooke, hereby certify that all investments have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council’s Investment Policy.



Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.4     Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2779

AUTHOR:                       David Waddell, Director Development Services    




Council received a development application for part redevelopment of the former Orange Base Hospital site for the purposes of a Public Administration Building and Commercial Premises. Given the capital investment value of the proposed development, the consent authority for the development is the Western Joint Regional Planning Panel (Western JRPP). Council commissioned Keylan Consulting Pty Ltd to carry out an independent assessment of the above described development application given that Council has an ownership interest in the land. The assessment report, draft Notice of Determination, plans and submissions are attached for Council’s reference.

The purpose of this report is to make Council aware that the abovementioned development application is being tabled for the determination of the Western JRPP and to make the recommendation that the report be acknowledged. The report also specifies the protocols to be followed should Council wish to provide a written submission relating to the attached report to the Western JRPP.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “10.1 Preserve - Engage with the community to ensure plans for growth and development are respectful of our heritage”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That Council resolves:

1        That the information contained in the report by Keylan Consulting for development application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange be acknowledged.

2        That Council determine whether or not it makes a submission upon this application to the Western Joint Regional Planning Panel.




further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Reference is made to the abovementioned development application. The project involves the construction of commercial premises and public administration facility on part of the former Orange Base Hospital site, comprising:

·    a four-storey building with a total gross floor area (GFA) of 8,500 m²;

·    commercial and public administration uses on the upper floors of the building;

·    ancillary retail uses at the ground floor level (café, restaurant);

·    a total of 393 car parking spaces provided at basement level, at-grade and within a separate multi-level car parking facility;

·    end of trip facilities;

·    site landscaping and fencing; and

·    associated plant facilities.

The project is expected to generate in the order of 130 full-time equivalent jobs during construction and accommodate 650 full-time equivalent jobs during operation. The building is proposed to be tenanted by the NSW Department of Industry, which is expected to relocate from its existing office premises at Kite Street in Orange.

The Western JRPP is the relevant consent authority for the application given the capital investment value of the development. Given Council’s interest with respect to ownership of the land, Council engaged the services of Keylan Consulting Pty Ltd to undertake an independent assessment of the development application and to provide a recommendation for determination of the DA, including any recommended conditions of consent.

A copy of the consultant’s planning assessment report and draft Notice of Determination have been forwarded to the Panel Secretariat of the Western JRPP. The Panel Secretariat has advised that the application is listed for consideration by the Joint Regional Planning Panel on 6 December 2018.

Attached for Council’s information is a copy of the planning assessment report from Council’s consultant, accompanying plans, draft Notice of Approval and submissions for the subject application. The assessment report by Keylan Consulting outlines an assessment of the extent of the environmental impacts, with recommendations presented within the report for the JRPP’s consideration.

Council may make a submission on the development application that is to be determined by a Regional Panel during and up until seven days before the Panel meeting. In the event that Council chooses to make a written submission in relation to the subject application, the submission is required to be prepared by a consultant or another Council officer who was not involved in the initial assessment of the application.





1          Assessment report from Keylan Consulting Pty Ltd, IC18/22239

2          Draft Notice of Determination, D18/61569

3          Architectural Plans, D18/61547

4          Landscape Plans, D18/61553

5          Agency Submissions, D18/61532

6          Public Submissions, D18/61533


Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.4                       Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange

Attachment 1      Assessment report from Keylan Consulting Pty Ltd

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Council Meeting                                                                                             20 November 2018

5.4                       Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange

Attachment 2      Draft Notice of Determination


OrangeCityCouncilNEW#45524E (2)



Development Application No DA 318/2018(1)


NAXX/XX                                                                                    Container XXXXXX




issued under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Section 81(1)


Development Application


  Applicant Name:

Verde Property (Aust) Pty Ltd

  Applicant Address:

Attention: Stephen Gosling

GPO Box 5086

Brisbane  QLD  4001

  Owner’s Name:

Verde Property (Aust) Pty Ltd

  Land to Be Developed:

Lot 500 in subdivision of Lot 2 (Section 4) DP 758817 – 84 Dalton Street, Orange


  Proposed Development:

Commercial Premises and Public Administration Building



Building Code of Australia

 building classification:


To be determined by the PCA





  Made On:






Consent to Operate From:


Consent to Lapse On:



Terms of Approval


The reasons for the imposition of conditions are:

(1)      To ensure a quality urban design for the development which complements the surrounding environment.

(2)      To maintain neighbourhood amenity and character.

(3)      To ensure compliance with relevant statutory requirements.

(4)      To provide adequate public health and safety measures.

(5)      Because the development will require the provision of, or increase the demand for, public amenities and services.

(6)      To ensure the utility services are available to the site and adequate for the development.

(7)      To prevent the proposed development having a detrimental effect on adjoining land uses.

(8)      To minimise the impact of development on the environment.







(1)      The development must be carried out in accordance with:


(a)      Architectural plans prepared by Group GSA numbered A1101 (03/09/2018), A1102 (03/09/2018), A2000 (03/09/2018), A2001 (03/09/2018), A2002 (03/09/2018), A2003 (03/09/2018), A2004 (03/09/2018), A2005 (03/09/2018), A2006 (03/09/2018), A2007 (03/09/2018), A2008 (03/09/2018), A2009 (03/09/2018), A3000 (03/09/2018), A3001 (03/09/2018), A3002 (03/09/2018), A3003 (03/09/2018), A3004 (03/09/2018), A3100 (03/09/2018), A3101 (03/09/2018), A3102 (03/09/2018), A3103 (03/09/2018), A5000 (03/09/2018), A6000 (03/09/2018) (23 sheets).


(b)      Civil engineering plans prepared by Henry & Hymas numbered DIO-CV-0000 (Aug 2018), DIO-CV-0100 (Aug 2018), DIO-CV-0200 (Aug 2018), DIO-CV-0201 (Aug 2018), DIO-CV-0250 (Aug 2018), DIO-CV-SE01 (Aug 2018), DIO-CV-SE02 (Aug 2018), DIO-CV-SE03 (Aug 2018) (8 sheets).


(c)      Landscape plans prepared by Group GSA Pty Ltd numbered 1000 (03/09/2018), 1100 (03/09/2018), 2001 (03/09/2018), 2002 (03/09/2018), 2003 (03/09/2018), 2004 (03/09/2018), 2005 (03/09/2018), 2006 (03/09/2018), L-3001 (03/09/2018) (9 sheets).


(b)      Statements of Environmental Effects or other similar associated documents that form part of the approval.


as amended in accordance with any conditions of this consent.





(2)      All building work must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia.


(3)      A sign is to be erected in a prominent position on any site on which building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out:

(a)      showing the name, address and telephone number of the principal certifying authority for the work, and

(b)      showing the name of the principal contractor (if any) for any building work and a telephone number on which that person may be contacted outside working hours, and

(c)      stating that unauthorised entry to the site is prohibited.

Any such sign is to be maintained while the building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out.


(4)      Where any excavation work on the site extends below the level of the base of the footings of a building on adjoining land, the person having the benefit of the development consent must, at the person’s own expense:

(a)      protect and support the adjoining premises from possible damage from the excavation, and

(b)      where necessary, underpin the adjoining premises to prevent any such damage.

Note:  This condition does not apply if the person having the benefit of the development consent owns the adjoining land or the owner of the adjoining land has given consent in writing to this condition not applying.







(5)      Engineering plans providing complete details of all proposed driveways and car parking areas are to be submitted to Orange City Council or an Accredited Certifier (Categories B1, C3, C4, C6) upon application for a Construction Certificate. These plans are to provide details of levels, cross falls of all pavements, proposed sealing materials and proposed drainage works and are to be in accordance with Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code.

The carpark design and construction shall allow for access to, and the future construction of, four (4) spaces located on the former ambulance building site.


(6)      A 150mm-diameter sewer main and junction shall be constructed from Council’s existing main to serve the proposed development. Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued engineering plans for this sewerage system are to be submitted to and approved by Orange City Council.


(7)      A dedicated fire main and water supply shall be provided for the development. Engineering plans of the proposed water main connection are to be submitted to and approved by Orange City Council prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate.


(8)      The development’s stormwater design shall include stormwater detention within the development, designed to limit peak outflows from the land to the pre-existing natural outflows up to the 100 year ARI frequency, with sufficient allowance in overflow spillway design capacity to safely pass flows of lower frequency (that is, a rarer event) without damage to downstream developments. Where appropriate, the spillway design capacity is to be determined in accordance with the requirements of the Dam Safety Committee.

The design of the detention storage is to be undertaken using the ILSAX/DRAINS rainfall-runoff hydrologic model or an approved equivalent capable of assessing runoff volumes and their temporal distribution as well as peak flow rates. The model is to be used to calculate the flow rates for the existing and post-development conditions. The developed flows are to be routed through the proposed storage within the model so that the outflows obtained are no greater than the flows obtained for the pre-existing natural flows. A report detailing the results of the analysis, which includes:

(a)      a catchment plan showing sub-catchments under existing and developed conditions;

(b)      schematic diagram of the catchment model showing sub areas and linkages;

(c)      tabulation detailing the elevation, storage volume and discharge relationships; and

(d)      tabulation for the range of frequencies analysed, the inflows, outflows and peak storage levels for both existing and developed conditions.

The above information and copies of the data files for the model and engineering design plans of the required drainage system are to be submitted to Orange City Council upon application for a Construction Certificate.


(9)      An approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act is to be sought from Orange City Council, as the Water and Sewer Authority, for water, sewer and stormwater connection. No plumbing and drainage is to commence until approval is granted.


(10)    Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the applicant is to obtain an approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act for the temporary closure of any footpath or roadway.

A pedestrian/vehicle management plan is to accompany the application. Details are to be provided of the protective hoardings, fences and lighting that are to be used during demolition, excavation and building works in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000, Australian Standard AS3798-1996 (Guidelines on Earthworks for Commercial and Residential Developments) and the WorkCover Authority.

Note:  On corner properties particular attention is to be given to the provision of adequate sight distances.


(11)    Detailed plans and specifications are to be provided specifying the proposed fitout of the food preparation and storage areas in accordance with the requirements of Australian Standard 4674-2004 "Design and construction and fitout of food premises" and Standard 3.2.3 "Food Premises and Equipment" of the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code.


(12)    The applicant is to submit a waste management plan to Orange City Council that describes the nature of wastes to be removed, the wastes to be recycled and the destination of all wastes. All wastes from the construction phase of this project are to be deposited at a licensed or approved waste disposal site.


(13)    The applicant shall provide the Principal Certifying Authority and Council with a report from a qualified Acoustic Consultant that identifies all mechanical equipment and attenuation solutions (such as acoustic shielding) to be installed within the development. The Report shall confirm that the operation of such plant will comply with the NSW State Industrial Noise Policy. Plans must be amended to include any recommendations and design requirements of the Acoustic Consultant prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate.


(14)    Engineering plans, showing details of all proposed work and adhering to any engineering conditions of development consent, are to be submitted to, and approved by, Orange City Council or an Accredited Certifier (Categories B1, C3, C4, C6) prior to the issuing of a Construction Certificate.


(15)    A water and soil erosion control plan is to be submitted to Orange City Council or an Accredited Certifier (Categories B1, C3, C4, C6) for approval prior to the issuing of a Construction Certificate. The control plan is to be in accordance with the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code and the Landcom, Managing Urban Stormwater; Soils and Construction Handbook.


(16)    All stormwater from the site shall be piped to the existing underground stormwater drainage pipes in Prince Street and Anson Street. Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued engineering plans for this stormwater system shall be submitted to and approved by Orange City Council.


(17)    Stormwater runoff from the site shall be directed to a stormwater treatment system. The design of the stormwater treatment system shall ensure that the quality of stormwater leaving the developed site shall be equal to or better than predevelopment outflows. The criteria for assessment shall include the following key indicators: Total Phosphorus (μg.L-1), Total Nitrogen (μg.L-1), pH (lower and upper limits), Salinity (μS.cm-1), and Turbidity (NTU).


The stormwater treatment system design shall be submitted to Orange City Council for approval by Councils Director – Technical Services prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. The design shall be undertaken using an accredited assessment tool (Music™ or other approved assessment tool) and shall include the abovementioned key indicators and copies of the electronic data files.


(18)    A Road Opening Permit (ROP) in accordance with Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 shall be approved by Orange City Council prior to a Construction Certificate being issued or any intrusive works being carried out within the public road or footpath reserve. Works covered by a ROP include:

(a)      Installation, maintenance, repairs/replacement or upgrading of utilities (water, gas, electricity or telecommunications).

(b)      Any type of stormwater or sewer connection works and repairs.

(c)      Construction of any temporary/permanent driveway access to a property for residential or construction vehicle access. Replacement of redundant driveways with new footpaths.

(d)      Upgrading the road, kerb & gutter associated with a development site approved by the Orange City Council.


A Road Opening Permit Certificate of Compliance is to be issued for the works by Council prior to any Occupation/ Final Certificate being issued for the development.


Subject to Council’s approval of a Road Opening Permit, a Development Security Bond is required to be lodged in accordance with Orange City Council Development Security Bond Policy. A bond amount as per Council’s Fees and Charges is to be provided to Council prior to the issuing of any Construction Certificate for the development.


(19)    A Liquid Trade Waste Application is to be submitted to Orange City Council prior to the issuing of a Construction Certificate. The application is to be in accordance with Orange City Council’s Liquid Trade Waste Policy. Engineering plans submitted as part of the application are to show details of all proposed liquid trade waste pre-treatment systems and their connection to sewer.

Where applicable, the applicant is to enter into a Liquid Trade Waste Service Agreement with Orange City Council in accordance with the Orange City Council Liquid Trade Waste Policy.


(20)    Payment of contributions for water, sewer and drainage works is required to be made at the contribution rate applicable at the time that the payment is made. The payment of contributions is required to be paid prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate for the building structure. The contributions are based on 84.5 ETs for water supply headworks and 84.5 ETs for sewerage headworks. A Certificate of Compliance, from Orange City Council in accordance with the Water Management Act 2000, will be issued upon payment of the contributions.

This Certificate of Compliance is to be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the issuing of a Construction Certificate.


(21)    Backflow Prevention Devices are to be installed to AS3500 and in accordance with Orange City Council Backflow Protection Guidelines. Details of the Backflow Prevention Devices are to be submitted to Orange City Council prior to the issuing of a Construction Certificate.


(22)    The applicant shall prepare a plan(s) detailing the location and design of a 600mm wide concrete median to be constructed the full length of Anson Street between Dalton and Prince Street. The new concrete median shall restrict traffic movements to and from the Anson Street access driveway to left-in and left-out only. The infrastructure shall be located and designed to tie in with the existing concrete mediums located at the nearby traffic lights and roundabout to the satisfaction of Orange City Council.


(23)    The applicant shall prepare a plan(s) detailing the location and design of a 900mm high masonry separation barrier between the turning bay (shown on plan A2000, dated 03/09/2018) and public footpath along Prince Street. The separation barrier shall be located and designed to the satisfaction of Orange City Council.


(24)    The applicant shall provide revised landscape plans showing additional landscaping treatment along the Dalton Street elevation in order to provide screening of the multi-storey car park. The plans are to identify the number and type of species to provided. The revised landscape plans shall be prepared to the satisfaction of Orange City Council.





(25)    Prior to works commencing, the applicant shall prepare a structural Dilapidation Report identifying the condition of all public infrastructure in the vicinity of the site (including roads, gutters, footpaths, sewer manholes, water main valves and hydrants etc.) in Prince Street, Anson Street and Dalton Street. The existing structural condition of the historic former Ambulance Station building located at the corner of Prince Street and Anson Street shall also be documented. A copy of the Dilapidation Report shall be submitted to the principal certifying authority and Orange City Council.


(26)    Prior to works commencing, a Traffic Management Plan shall be prepared for the construction phase of the project.


(27)    A Construction Certificate application is required to be submitted to, and issued by Council/Accredited Certifier, prior to any excavation or building works being carried out onsite.


(28)    A temporary onsite toilet is to be provided and must remain throughout the project or until an alternative facility meeting Council’s requirements is available onsite.


(29)    Soil erosion control measures shall be implemented on the site.





(30)    Prior to the commencement of construction works, a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) must be submitted to the satisfaction of the principal certifying authority. The CEMP must address, but not be limited to, the following matters where relevant:

Details of:

i)        hours of work;

ii)       24 hour contact details of site manager;

iii)      traffic management

iv)      construction noise and vibration management, prepared by a suitable qualified person;

v)       management of dust and odour to protect the amenity of the neighbourhood;

vi)      erosion and sediment control measures;

vii)     stormwater control and discharge;

viii)     measures to ensure that sediment and other materials are not tracked onto the roadway by vehicles leaving the site;

ix)      procedures for encountering groundwater during construction works;

x)       external lighting in compliance with AS4282:1997 Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting;

xi)      waste classification (for materials to be removed) and validation (for materials to remain) be undertaken to confirm the contamination status in these areas of the site; and

xii)     waste storage, recycling and litter control.

The CEMP must not include works that have not been explicitly approved in this development consent.

In the event of any inconsistency between the consent and the CEMP, the consent prevails.

The Applicant must submit a copy of the CEMP to Orange City Council prior to commencement of work.

The CEMP (as revised from time to time) must be implemented by the Applicant for the duration of the construction works.


(31)    In the event of an unexpected find during works such as (but not limited to) the presence of undocumented waste, odorous or stained soil, asbestos, structures such as underground storage tanks, slabs, or any contaminated or suspect material, all work on site must cease immediately. The beneficiary of the consent must discuss with Orange City Council the appropriate process that should be followed therein. Works on site must not resume unless the express permission of the Director Development Services is obtained in writing.


(32)    In the event that surface disturbance identifies an unexpected Aboriginal objects, relics or other historical items, all works must halt in the immediate area to prevent any further impacts to the object(s). A suitably qualified archaeologist and the registered Aboriginal representatives must be contacted to determine the significance of the objects. The Applicant must consult with the Aboriginal community representatives, the archaeologists, the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and Orange City Council to develop and implement management strategies for all objects/sites. Works shall only recommence with the written approval of OEH.


(33)    Any adjustments to existing utility services that are made necessary by this development proceeding are to be at the full cost of the developer.


(34)    All construction/demolition work on the site is to be carried out in accordance with the EPA’s Interim Construction Noise Guideline 2009.


(35)    A Registered Surveyor’s certificate identifying the location of the building on the site must be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the pouring of the slab or footings.



(36)    All construction works are to be strictly in accordance with the Reduced Levels (RLs) as shown on the approved plans.


(37)    All materials onsite or being delivered to the site are to be contained within the site. The requirements of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 are to be complied with when placing/stockpiling loose material or when disposing of waste products or during any other activities likely to pollute drains or watercourses.


(38)    The provisions and requirements of the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code are to be applied to this application and all work constructed within the development is to be in accordance with that Code.


The developer is to be entirely responsible for the provision of water, sewerage and drainage facilities capable of servicing the development from Council’s existing infrastructure. The developer is to be responsible for gaining access over adjoining land for services where necessary and easements are to be created about all water, sewer and drainage mains within and outside the lots they serve.


(39)    All driveway and parking areas are to be sealed with bitumen, hot mix or concrete and are to be designed for all expected loading conditions (provided however that the minimum pavement depth for gravel and flush seal roadways is 200mm) and be in accordance with the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code and AS 2890.1 – Parking Facilities.


(40)    Heavy-duty concrete kerb and gutter laybacks and footpath crossings are to be constructed for the entrances to the proposed development in Anson Street and Prince Street. The location and construction of the laybacks and footpath crossings are to be as required by the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code.


(41)    The applicant shall remove all redundant access driveways located in Prince Street, Anson Street and Dalton Street and reinstate the road pavement. Removal of the redundant access driveways shall be undertaken to the satisfaction of Orange City Council.


(42)    The existing variable width concrete footpath in Dalton Street shall be removed for the full length of the Dalton Street frontage. A 2 metre wide concrete footpath shall be constructed for the full frontage of the site in Dalton Street. The grassed kerbside areas shall be turfed with an appropriate cool climate grass.


(43)    The existing concrete and bitumen footpaths in Anson Street and Prince Street shall be removed for the full length of the Anson Street and Prince Street frontages to the traffic light blisters. A full width concrete footpath shall be constructed for the frontage of the site to Anson Street and Prince Street as per the design vision illustration.


(44)    The existing kerbside barrier island and fence located on the Prince Street frontage shall be removed and the road pavement reinstated with road base and AC surfacing and be in accordance with the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code.


The existing driveways in Prince Street, Anson Street and Dalton Street that are not proposed to be used are to be replaced with concrete and/or bluestone kerb, and the footpath reinstated to the requirements of the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code.


(45)    The applicant shall relocate the existing bus shelter in Dalton Street to the Anson Street frontage on the northern side of the proposed carpark access. The bus shelter shall be located and constructed to the satisfaction of Orange City Council.


(46)    The applicant shall upgrade the existing street lighting to the counter leaving style as per the design vision illustration.


(47)    The road pavement in Anson street and Prince Street shall be rehabilitated using heavy patching methods shown in Austroads guide to Pavement Technology: Part 5 Pavement Evaluation and Treatment design and to Orange City Council’s satisfaction then sealed with 50mm thick AC14 asphalt from kerb to kerb on top of a 10mm PMB SAMI seal.




(48)    A total of 393 car parking spaces are to be provided as part of the development, in accordance with the plans listed at Condition 1.


(49)    A Certificate of Compliance, from a Qualified Engineer, stating that the stormwater detention basin and stormwater treatment system complies with the approved engineering plans is to be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the issuing of an Occupation Certificate.


(50)    Certification from Orange City Council is required to be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate stating that all works relating to connection of the development to Council assets, works on public land, works on public roads, stormwater, sewer and water reticulation mains and footpaths have been carried out in accordance with the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code and the foregoing conditions, and that Council will take ownership of the infrastructure assets.


(51)    Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, the applicant must engage a suitably qualified person to prepare a Post-Construction Dilapidation Report at the completion of construction. This report is required to ascertain whether the construction created any structural damage to adjoining buildings or infrastructure.


This report is to be submitted to the principal certifying authority who shall compare the Post-Construction Dilapidation Report with the Pre-Construction Dilapidation Report required by these conditions and obtain written confirmation from the relevant authority and/or land owners that there is no adverse structural damage to their buildings, infrastructure and/or roads.


A copy of the Post-Construction Dilapidation Report is to be provided to Orange City Council.


(52)    Street trees are to be supplied and installed along all street frontages, to Orange City Council’s specification and to the satisfaction of Council’s Manager, City Presentation.


(53)    Garbage collection is to be fully contained within the site. Bins must not to be located on the footpath or roadway on collection days. Prior to a Occupation Certificate being issued plans and/or details of the operation of the garbage collection are to be submitted to and approved by Orange City Council, including details of a private service agreement with Council’s waste contractor. The private service agreement must be to the satisfaction of Council's Waste Services Manager.


(54)    External lighting is to be provided to ensure adequate lighting of the proposed car park to ensure the safety of employees and visitors outside of daylight hours. The lighting must be installed on the external façade of the existing / proposed building and be orientated in such a manner that it does not cause light spill from the subject property. Outdoor lighting must be in accordance with Australian Standard Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting – AS 4282-1997.


(55)    No person is to use or occupy the building or alteration that is the subject of this approval without the prior issuing of an Occupation Certificate.


(56)    Where Orange City Council is not the Principal Certifying Authority, a final inspection of water connection, sewer and stormwater drainage shall be undertaken by Orange City Council and a compliance certificate issued, prior to the issue of either an interim or a final Occupation Certificate.


(57)    The owner of the building/s must cause the Council to be given a Final Fire Safety Certificate on completion of the building in relation to essential fire or other safety measures included in the schedule attached to this approval.


(58)    The applicant shall provide Council with an Operational Management Plan. The Plan shall include measures to appropriately mitigate operational noise from the development including noise from plant; patrons/pedestrians entering/leaving the site; noise from private areas; waste collection times; delivery times, general access and security gate operations.



(59)    Certification from Orange City Council is required to be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate stating that all works relating to connection of the development to Council assets, works on public land, works on public roads, stormwater, sewer and water reticulation mains and footpaths have been carried out in accordance with the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code and the foregoing conditions, and that Council will take ownership of the infrastructure assets.


(60)    Certificates for testable Backflow Prevention Devices are to be submitted to Orange City Council by a plumber with backflow qualifications prior to the issue of a final Occupation Certificate.


(61)    All of the foregoing conditions are to be at the full cost of the developer and to the requirements and standards of the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code, unless specifically stated otherwise. All work required by the foregoing conditions is to be completed prior to the issuing of an Occupation or Subdivision Certificate, unless stated otherwise.


(62)    A 6.0m wide right of way aligning with the Anson Street carpark entrance and providing access to the 4 car parking spaces on the former ambulance building site shall be registered on the title of Lot 500 prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate.





(63)    Service vehicles may only access the site via Prince Street. All service vehicles are restricted to a maximum length of 9.6 metres and must enter and exit the site in a forward direction only to ensure full sight distance of oncoming traffic and pedestrians.


(64)    Operating hours of the ground floor retail tenancy (restaurant or café) is restricted to between 6am - 6pm Monday to Friday, inclusive.


(65)    The owner is required to provide to Council and to the NSW Fire Commissioner an Annual Fire Safety Statement in respect of the fire-safety measures, as required by Clause 177 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


(66)    An assessment of noise emissions from the premises is to be provided to Council within 3 months from the issue of any Occupation Certificate. This commissioning report is to indicate noise levels through the monitoring of noise emanating from the normal peak use of the premises and determine if any, necessary noise mitigation measures. Any identified mitigation works shall be carried out within 1 month of the commissioning report, and the operation of the premises shall be carried out in accordance with any recommendations set out in the report.


(67)    Emitted noise shall not exceed 5dB(A) above background sound level measured at the nearest affected residence.


(68)    Waste collection bins shall be contained within the site and not located on public footpaths or roadways.


(69)    Copies of maintenance records for servicing of the stormwater treatment system and stormwater detention basin shall be forwarded to Council on 1 December annually.





(70)    Any signage incorporated as part of the development that does not satisfy the exempt and complying development provisions under State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 require separate development approval.



(71)    Any existing encumbrances in favour of Essential Energy (or its predecessors) noted on the title of the above property are complied with.

Essential Energy’s records indicate there is electricity infrastructure located within close proximity to the property. Any activities within this location must be undertaken in accordance with the latest industry guideline currently known as ISSC 20 Guideline for the Management of Activities within Electricity Easements and Close to Infrastructure.

Prior to carrying out any works, a “Dial Before You Dig” enquiry must be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of Part 5E (Protection of Underground Electricity Power Lines) of the Electricity Supply Act 1995 (NSW).

Given there is electricity infrastructure in the area, it is the responsibility of the person/s completing any works around powerlines to understand their safety responsibilities. SafeWork NSW (www.safework.nsw.gov.au) has publications that provide guidance when working close to electricity infrastructure. These include the Code of Practice – Work near Overhead Power Lines and Underground Assets.





Other Approvals


(1)      Local Government Act 1993 approvals granted under section 68.




(2)      General terms of other approvals integrated as part of this consent.






Right of Appeal


If you are dissatisfied with this decision, section 8.7 of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 gives you the right to appeal to the Land and Environment Court within 6 months after the date on which you receive this notice.

* Section 8.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 does not apply to the determination of a development application for State significant development or local designated development that has been the subject of a Commission of Inquiry.


  Disability Discrimination Act 1992:

This application has been assessed in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. No guarantee is given that the proposal complies with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.


The applicant/owner is responsible to ensure compliance with this and other anti-discrimination legislation.


The Disability Discrimination Act covers disabilities not catered for in the minimum standards called up in the Building Code of Australia which references AS1428.1 - "Design for Access and Mobility". AS1428 Parts 2, 3 and 4 provides the most comprehensive technical guidance under the Disability Discrimination Act currently available in Australia.

  Disclaimer - S88B Restrictions on the Use of Land:

The applicant should note that there could be covenants in favour of persons other than Council restricting what may be built or done upon the subject land. The applicant is advised to check the position before commencing any work.





On behalf of the consent authority WESTERN REGIONAL PLANNING PANEL














Council Meeting                                                                                                              20 November 2018

5.4                       Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange

Attachment 3      Architectural Plans

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Council Meeting                                                                                                              20 November 2018

5.4                       Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange

Attachment 4      Landscape Plans

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Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.4                       Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange

Attachment 5      Agency Submissions

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Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.4                       Development Application DA 318/2018(1) - proposed Department of Industry Building - 84 Dalton Street, Orange

Attachment 6      Public Submissions

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Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.5     Development Application DA 41/2007(2) - 84 Glenroi Avenue

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2862

AUTHOR:                       Paul Johnston, Manager Development Assessments    




Application lodged

18 September2018


Ophir Tavern Business Pty Ltd


Ophir Tavern Land Pty Ltd

Land description

Lot 3 DP 630463 - 84 Glenroi Avenue, Orange

Proposed land use

Hotel (additions and alterations to existing)

Value of proposed development


Approval is sought to modify an existing 2007 consent for the Ophir Tavern. The renovations relate to a refit and expansion (within the existing building footprint) of the kitchen, new flooring and ceiling finishes, some new internal partitioning and various other detail changes.

The changes cannot be carried out as exempt development for two reasons. Firstly the current use as a hotel (commercially referred to as a “tavern”) is not permissible in the zone. The development on the site is an “existing use” within the meaning of the Act, and any changes to an existing use requires consent in order to carry out the said alterations. Secondly, the proposed works substantially alter the cooking and food servery arrangements within the building, which within itself cannot be carried out as exempt development.

Complicating the issue further is that the works have been substantially completed without consent. Council is prevented under the legislation from granting retrospective development consent to a complete new application. However, the Land and Environment Court has established precedent that permits retrospectivity for Section 4.55 modifications.

In this case, it is considered that the works constitute a modification of consent. Matters in relation to compliance with the Building Code of Australia and Food Act requirements have been taken into consideration. Consequently, approval of the development as modified is supported.

This report is provided direct to Council as the applicant has requested that the application be dealt with expeditiously as he has currently engaged contractors and risks extra costs or contractors going to other jobs and delays on the project.

The matter of illegal works will be dealt with separately in conjunction with the Enforcement Policy which is to be reported to Council in December.



Figure 1 - locality plan


On 1 March 2018 the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 was substantially amended. The most immediate change involves the restructuring and renumbering of the Act, with other more substantive changes to be phased in over time. However, for some applications (particularly where an application was lodged prior to the changes coming into effect) the supporting documentation may still reference the previous numbering regime. In the drafting of this report the content and substance of the supporting material has been considered irrespective of which legislative references were used.


Development in Orange is governed by two key documents Orange Local Environment Plan 2011 and Orange Development Control Plan 2004. In addition the Infill Guidelines are used to guide development, particularly in the heritage conservation areas and around heritage items.

Orange Local Environment Plan 2011 – The provisions of the LEP must be considered by the Council in determining the application. LEPs govern the types of development that are permissible or prohibited in different parts of the City and also provide some assessment criteria in specific circumstances. Uses are either permissible or not. The objectives of each zoning and indeed the aims of the LEP itself are also to be considered and can be used to guide decision making around appropriateness of development.


Orange Development Control Plan 2004 – the DCP provides guidelines for development. In general it is a performance based document rather than prescriptive in nature. For each planning element there are often guidelines used. These guidelines indicate ways of achieving the planning outcomes. It is thus recognised that there may also be other solutions of merit. All design solutions are considered on merit by planning and building staff. Applications should clearly demonstrate how the planning outcomes are being met where alternative design solutions are proposed. The DCP enables developers and architects to use design to achieve the planning outcomes in alternative ways.


This development is straight forward, however raises the issue of potentially illegal works, which will be dealt with at a later juncture.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “10.1 Preserve - Engage with the community to ensure plans for growth and development are respectful of our heritage”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That Council resolves to modify development consent DA 41/2007(1) for Hotel (additions and alterations to existing) at Lot 3 DP 630463 - 84 Glenroi Avenue, Orange pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached modified Notice of Approval.



further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



Council's development consent is sought for the modification of DA 41/2007(1) relating to kitchen and dining room alterations, ramp and modifications to TAB and gaming area at the Ophir Hotel.


The scope of works for the proposed modification is as follows:


·    replace damaged carpet

·    replace ceiling

·    replace gyprock wall where damaged

·    install gas fireplace

·    demolish internal non-load bearing partition walls including glazed wall adjacent skylight

·    demolish raised bar joinery

·    replace light fixtures

·    painting.


·    demolish internal non-load bearing partition wall

·    repair kitchen floor (Epoxy coating)

·    repair kitchen walls (tiles)

·    install new kitchen equipment

·    install internal joinery and walls adjacent cooking line.

External Works:

·    paving and entry works, including paving and ramp to facilitate disabled access to the dining room from the car park.

TAB and Gaming Area:

·    internal alterations to TAB and gaming area as per plans.


Section 1.7 - Application of Part 7 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994

Development Applications lodged on or after 25 February 2018

Section 1.7 of the EP&A Act 1979 identifies that Part 7 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 have effect in connection with terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Having regard to the relevant provisions and based on an inspection of the subject property, it is considered that the proposed development is not likely to significantly affect a threatened species. A Biodiversity Development Assessment Report is not required in this instance. In this instance, site inspection reveals that the subject property has no biodiversity or habitat value.


Section 4.55 - Modification of consent – generally

Section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 states:

A consent authority may…modify the consent if:

(a)     it is satisfied that the proposed modification is of minimal environmental impact, and

(b)     it is satisfied that the development to which the consent as modified relates is substantially the same development as the development for which the consent was originally granted and before that consent as originally granted was modified (if at all), and

(c)     it has notified the application in accordance with:

(i)      the regulations, if the regulations so require, or

(ii)     a development control plan, if the consent authority is a council that has made a development control plan under section 72 that requires the notification or advertising of applications for modification of a development consent, and

(d)     it has considered any submissions made concerning the proposed modification within any period prescribed by the regulations or provided by the development control plan, as the case may be.

In consideration of this clause, the following comments are made:

·    The proposed modification of consent is considered to be of minimal environmental impact as the large majority of the proposed changes are amendments to the internal layout and fitout of the building. As a modification of minor environmental impact, no advertising or notification is required.

·    The development to which the consent as modified relates is substantially the same development as the development for which consent was originally granted, with some changes proposed to the internal layout. The consent granted in 2007 permitted internal renovations and alterations within and generally throughout the building, and relates generally to the same categories of changes to the building as is currently contained in the proposed modification and within generally the same area as the proposed modification. There is a later development consent (DA 374/2012) for very minor internal changes to the building (the installation of a bi-fold door system and new entry doors), but this later consent does not alter the use or the overall configuration of the building. It is appropriate and relevant to base the proposed modification of consent on the 2007 approval.

·    The proposed modification is of minor nature and is not considered to be advertised development. No submissions have been received in relation to the proposed modification.

Pursuant to section 4.55(3) of the EPAA 1979:

In determining an application for modification of a consent under this section, the consent authority must take into consideration such of the matters referred to in section 4.15(1) as are of relevance to the development the subject of the application.

The relevant matters are considered below.


Land & Environment Court Case Law – retrospectivity of consent

Windy Dropdown Pty Ltd v Warringah Council

This was a decision of Talbot J in the LEC. Justice Talbot held that the provisions of s.102 [see now s.4.55] of the EPA Act could be used to modify a development consent where the works the subject of the modification application had already been carried out.

Willoughby City Council v Dasco Design and Construction Pty Ltd

This was a decision from Justice Bignold J in the LEC. His Honour Bignold held that he agreed with Talbot J's conclusion in Windy Dropdown that the power of modification is available even in a case where the relevant works have already been carried out; and referred to the decision of Handley JA in Tynan v Meharg [No 2], stating that he (Bignold J) did not think that Handley JA's reference to Herbert could be taken as a clear and deliberate endorsement of the actual decision in Herbert holding that the statutory modification power was not available in a case where the works had already been carried out.

Austcorp No 459 Pty Ltd v Baulkham Hills SC [2002] NSWLEC 90 (7 June 2002)

The Court held that section 96 (now referred to as section 4.55) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the EPA Act) can operate retrospectively for work that has already been carried out not in accordance with a consent. Austcorp No. 459 relied on the findings of Windy Dropdown Pty Ltd v Warringah Council [2000] NSWLEC 240 where Talbot J held that “the broad construction of s 96 [now section 4.55] leads to a practical result that enables a consent authority to deal with unexpected contingencies as they arise during the course of construction of development or even subsequently, provided of course that the development to which the consent as modified relates is substantially the same development (Talbot’s emphasis). His Honour stated [at 27] “the language of section 96 … itself does not mandate against retrospective development”. His Honour subsequently approved the development on its merits.

The combined weight of Windy Dropdown, Dasco Design and Construction and Austcorp 459 Pty Ltd is such that there can no longer be any doubt about the power of a consent authority in NSW to modify a development consent, even where the relevant works have already been carried out.

In summary, the above commentary indicates that works that have been undertaken for which no prior consent exists but these unapproved works, if considered a modification of consent, can be rendered lawful under this modification on the basis that the works are substantially the same as the original consent. Council staff are satisfied that the application to modify the consent (including the works that have already commenced) is substantially the same development as the development approved in 2007.

Whether Council wishes to pursue the applicant for the works illegally completed is a separate matter to the assessment of the application itself. Carrying out works without the necessary prior approvals might set an undesirable precedent, and Council may wish to take separate punitive action to deter this behaviour. However, the issue of precedence and good governance has no relevance or correlation to the assessment of the modification itself.


The relevant precedents set out in in the abovementioned case law apply only to Section 4.55 modifications of consent. They do not apply to construction certificates or full development applications. The general prohibition placed on retrospective consents continues to apply to these various approvals; for already completed works. Council cannot issue a determination for a completely separate development application, neither can it issue a retrospective construction certificate. The Council must still be provided with sufficient information as to be able to address clauses 92, 93 and 94 of the EP&A Regulations, which are mandatory provisions relating to the building suitability for purpose (in general). It is for this reason that full BCA compliance reports and Food Act compliance details that would normally be submitted as part of a waste management plan were required to be submitted with the application.

Section 4.15

Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 requires Council to consider various matters, of which those pertaining to the application are listed below.


The parent application (DA 41/2007(1)) was assessed and determined under the provisions of a previously applicable EPI (being LEP 2000). Fundamentally, under LEP 2000, the parent application was permissible, whereas under the provisions of LEP 2011, the parent application would be prohibited. As a modification of consent, the parent application is considered to be an existing use pursuant to Division 4.11 of the Act.

Section 4.65 sets out the definition of an existing use:

(a)     the use of a building, work or land for a lawful purpose immediately before the coming into force of an environmental planning instrument which would, but for this Division, have the effect of prohibiting that use, and

(b)     the use of a building, work or land:

(i)      for which development consent was granted before the commencement of a provision of an environmental planning instrument having the effect of prohibiting the use, and

(ii)     that has been carried out, within one year after the date on which that provision commenced, in accordance with the terms of the consent and to such an extent as to ensure (apart from that provision) that the development consent would not lapse.

Section 4.66 sets out the provisions with respect to the continuation of an existing use:

(1)     Except where expressly provided in this Act, nothing in this Act or an environmental planning instrument prevents the continuance of an existing use.

(2)     Nothing in subsection (1) authorises:

(a)     any alteration or extension to or rebuilding of a building or work, or

(b)     any increase in the area of the use made of a building, work or land from the area actually physically and lawfully used immediately before the coming into operation of the instrument therein mentioned, or


(c)     without affecting paragraph (a) or (b), any enlargement or expansion or intensification of an existing use, or

(d)     the continuance of the use therein mentioned in breach of any consent in force under this Act in relation to that use or any condition imposed or applicable to that consent or in breach of any condition referred to in section 4.17 (1) (b), or

(e)     the continuance of the use therein mentioned where that use is abandoned.

(3)     Without limiting the generality of subsection (2) (e), a use is to be presumed, unless the contrary is established, to be abandoned if it ceases to be actually so used for a continuous period of 12 months.

The EPA Regulations contain provisions with respect to changes that can be made to an existing use. Clause 41 of the Regulations sets out the provisions whereby alterations, expansions and renovations to buildings containing an existing use may be undertaken. The proposed modification falls within the ambit of those restrictions.

Clause 44 of the regulations sets out more specific provisions relating to applications to rebuild buildings and works that contain an existing use.

(1)     Development consent is required for any rebuilding of a building or work used for an existing use.

(2)     The rebuilding:

(a)     must be for the existing use of the building or work and for no other use, and

(b)     must be carried out only on the land on which the building or work was erected or carried out immediately before the relevant date.

The application suitably demonstrates that the proposed modification of consent is consistent with the provisions of clause 44.

Orange Local Environmental Plan 2011

Insofar as it can be lawfully applied, the following assessment against the provisions of the LEP is provided:

Part 1 - Preliminary

Clause 1.2 - Aims of Plan

The broad aims of the LEP are set out under subclause 2. Those relevant to the application are as follows:

(a)     to encourage development which complements and enhances the unique character of Orange as a major regional centre boasting a diverse economy and offering an attractive regional lifestyle,

(b)     to provide for a range of development opportunities that contribute to the social, economic and environmental resources of Orange in a way that allows present and future generations to meet their needs by implementing the principles for ecologically sustainable development,

(c)     to conserve and enhance the water resources on which Orange depends, particularly water supply catchments,


(d)     to manage rural land as an environmental resource that provides economic and social benefits for Orange,

(e)     to provide a range of housing choices in planned urban and rural locations to meet population growth,

(f)      to recognise and manage valued environmental heritage, landscape and scenic features of Orange.

With regard to (a), the proposed modification of consent, once carried through, would not have any measurable impact on the existing character of the locality.

With regard to (b), the proposed modification has no measurable impact.

The changes contained in the modification will not significantly affect water supply and will have no impact on water supply catchments, as set out in subclause (c).

Subclause (d) is not relevant to this application.

With regard to (e), there is no impact with respect to the provision of housing within the City.

With regard to (f), it is noted that the subject land is not a listed heritage item itself, and no substantial changes to the external façade are proposed under the application to modify the consent.

Clause 1.6 - Consent Authority

This clause establishes that, subject to the Act, Council is the consent authority for applications made under the LEP.

Clause 1.7 - Mapping

The subject site is identified on the LEP maps in the following manner:

Land Zoning Map:

Land zoned B6 Enterprise Corridor

Lot Size Map:

No Minimum Lot Size

Heritage Map:

Not a heritage item or conservation area

Height of Buildings Map:

No building height limit

Floor Space Ratio Map:

No floor space limit

Terrestrial Biodiversity Map:

Low biodiversity sensitivity on the site

Groundwater Vulnerability Map:

Groundwater vulnerable

Drinking Water Catchment Map:

Not within the drinking water catchment

Watercourse Map:

Not within or affecting a defined watercourse

Urban Release Area Map:

Not within an urban release area

Obstacle Limitation Surface Map:

No restriction on building siting or construction

Additional Permitted Uses Map:

No additional permitted use applies

Flood Planning Map:

Not within a flood planning area (however see notes in report)

Those matters that are of relevance are addressed in detail in the body of this report.


Clause 1.9A - Suspension of Covenants, Agreements and Instruments

This clause provides that covenants, agreements and other instruments which seek to restrict the carrying out of development do not apply with the following exceptions.

·    covenants imposed or required by Council

·    prescribed instruments under Section 183A of the Crown Lands Act 1989

·    any conservation agreement under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974

·    any trust agreement under the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001

·    any property vegetation plan under the Native Vegetation Act 2003

·    any biobanking agreement under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

·    any planning agreement under Division 6 of Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Council is aware that the subject site is affected by drainage easement that traverses the site. Council staff are not aware of the title of the subject property being affected by any other of the above.

Part 2 - Permitted or Prohibited Development

Clause 2.1 - Land Use Zones and Clause 2.3 - Zone Objectives and Land Use Table

The parent use to which the proposed modification relates was a “hotel” as defined under the previous LEP 2000. The land use was defined under that EPI as:

a building or place which is licensed for the principal purpose of selling alcohol for consumption on the premises, whether or not accommodation, restaurants or off-licence sales are also provided”.

“Hotel” is not a defined land use term under Orange LEP 2011, however the provisions of Section 4.11 of the Act and clause 44 of the EPA Regulations provide the circumstances where an existing use such as is currently being assessed may be altered or rebuilt. The proposed modification of consent does not result in the land use substantially changing. It is (and will be) substantially a “hotel” as provided for under LEP 2000, and complies with the overriding clauses of the Act and Regulations; and therefore should be viewed as permissible by reason of the existing use provisions.

Clause 2.3 of LEP 2011 references the Land Use Table and Objectives for each zone in LEP 2011. These objectives for land zoned B6 enterprise Corridor are as follows:

1 - Objectives of the B6 Enterprise Corridor Zone

·   To promote businesses along main roads and to encourage a mix of compatible uses.

·   To provide a range of employment uses (including business, office, retail and light industrial uses).

·   To maintain the economic strength of centres by limiting retailing activity.

·   To provide for residential uses, but only as part of a mixed use development


It is considered that, notwithstanding the land use being an existing use, that general conformity to the zone objectives of OLEP 2011 is achieved under the proposed modification of consent.

Clause 2.7 - Demolition Requires Development Consent

This clause triggers the need for development consent in relation to demolition of a building. This requirement does not apply to any demolition that is defined as exempt development.  The demolition works contained in the proposal are beyond the scope permitted without consent under State Environmental Planning Policy – Exempt and complying Development.

The applicant is seeking the consent of Council. The demolition works proposed will have no significant impact on adjoining lands, streetscape or public realm.

Part 3 - Exempt and Complying Development

The application is not exempt or complying development.

Part 7 - Additional Local Provisions

7.2 - Flood Planning

This clause applies to land identified on the Flood Planning Map as a Flood Planning Area and requires that, before any consent is issued, Council must be satisfied that the proposal:

(a)     is compatible with the flood hazard of the land, and

(b)     is not likely to significantly adversely affect flood behaviour resulting in detrimental increases in the potential flood affectation of other development or properties, and

(c)     incorporates appropriate measures to manage risk to life from flood, and

(d)     is not likely to significantly adversely affect the environment or cause avoidable erosion, siltation, destruction of riparian vegetation or a reduction in the stability of river banks or watercourses, and

(e)     is not likely to result in unsustainable social and economic costs to the community as a consequence of flooding.

The subject property is not located within a flood planning area of the LEP, however under a separate non-statutory flood study completed by Council, the subject property is affected by an overland flowpath as indicated in the following mapping layer:



Figure 2 - overland flowpath affectation

The proposed modification would have no additional adverse effect on the operation of this flood way.

7.6 - Groundwater Vulnerability

This clause seeks to protect hydrological functions of groundwater systems and protect resources from both depletion and contamination. Orange has a high water table and large areas of the LGA, including the subject site, are identified with “Groundwater Vulnerability” on the Groundwater Vulnerability Map. This requires that Council consider:

(a)     whether or not the development (including any onsite storage or disposal of solid or liquid waste and chemicals) is likely to cause any groundwater contamination or have any adverse effect on groundwater dependent ecosystems, and

(b)     the cumulative impact (including the impact on nearby groundwater extraction for potable water supply or stock water supply) of the development and any other existing development on groundwater.


Furthermore consent may not be granted unless Council is satisfied that:

(a)     the development is designed, sited and will be managed to avoid any significant adverse environmental impact, or

(b)     if that impact cannot be reasonably avoided - the development is designed, sited and will be managed to minimise that impact,

(c)     if that impact cannot be minimised - the development will be managed to mitigate that impact.

The proposal is not anticipated to involve the discharge of toxic or noxious substances and is therefore unlikely to contaminate the groundwater or related ecosystems. The proposal does not involve extraction of groundwater and will therefore not contribute to groundwater depletion. The design and siting of the proposal avoids impacts on groundwater and is therefore considered acceptable.


State Environmental Planning Policy 55 Remediation of Land

State Environmental Planning Policy 55 - Remediation of Land (SEPP 55) is applicable. Pursuant to Clause 7 Contamination and remediation to be considered in determining development application:

(1)     A consent authority must not consent to the carrying out of any development on land unless:

(a)     it has considered whether the land is contaminated, and

(b)     if the land is contaminated, it is satisfied that the land is suitable in its contaminated state (or will be suitable, after remediation) for the purpose for which the development is proposed to be carried out, and

(c)     if the land requires remediation to be made suitable for the purpose for which the development is proposed to be carried out, it is satisfied that the land will be remediated before the land is used for that purpose.

The subject property has a long history of uses that are considered unlikely to have caused contamination problems. Further, the proposed modification does not propose any significant levels of site disturbance. The building was last renovated in 2007, making it unlikely that asbestos remains in the building.

As such, the risks from contamination are considered to be very low.


There are no draft environmental planning instruments that apply to the subject land or proposed development.


The proposed development is not designated development.



The proposed development is not integrated development.


Development Control Plan 2004

Development Control Plan 2004 (“the DCP”) is nominally applicable to the site. However, there are no aspects of the development as modified that generate issues different, or more intense to the assessment carried out against the original parent application in 2007. As no significant change arises from the development as modified, no additional assessment under the DCP is considered necessary. Chapter 15 of the DCP relates to off street parking arrangements. The applicants have suitably demonstrated that there is adequate parking available of the subject site.

Chapter 0 of the DCP contains transitional arrangements including zone conversion equivalents between LEP 2000 and OLEP 2011. The equivalent of the 3(b) Business Services zone that applied to the site at the time of the original assessment (under LEP 2000) includes the B6 Enterprise Corridor zone under OLEP 2011. The proposed development is not inconsistent with any provisions contained within the DCP.


Demolition of a Building (clause 92)

The proposal involves the demolition of parts of the interior of the building.

Clause 92 specifies that where a development application involves demolition, such demolition is to be carried out in accordance with Australian Standard AS2601 - 1991: The Demolition of Structures. In this case, the applicant has submitted information establishing that the demolition work that has been carried out has been undertaken in accordance with AS2601.

Fire Safety Considerations (clause 93)

The applicant has included a supporting report indicating that the building as now modified complies with the fire safety standards contained in the BCA. A recommended condition of consent has been recommended to require compliance with the BCA Report submitted as part of this application.

Buildings to be Upgraded (clause 94)

Upgrading of the building has already been undertaken. A report has been submitted by the applicant, prepared by a suitably qualified person, that certifies that the building is compliant with the relevant BCA standards, taking into account the unauthorised work already completed for the building.

BASIX Commitments (clause 97A)

BASIX is not applicable to the proposed development.



The development as modified if approved would not generate any significant adverse impacts.

The way in which the alterations have occurred has the potential to generate an undesirable precedent. Works carried out without consent having been obtained cannot be retrospectively approved, except when some very specific processes or circumstances arise. A consent issued that does not conform to those very specific circumstances could risk being an invalid consent. In this case, whilst the work is clearly unlawful to the extent that it was carried out without the necessary consent, it is considered that a retrospective modification of consent can be granted in this case.

Council cannot grant consent to a construction certificate application for the works already carried out.


The site is considered suitable for the purpose to which the building relates.


The proposed development is not defined as advertised development under the provisions of the LEP, and as such no formal exhibition of the application was required. No submissions have been received in relation to this application.


The proposed development is considered to be of minor interest to the wider public due to the relatively localised nature of potential impacts. The proposal is enabled by the overarching permissibility contained in the existing use provisions of the Act and Regulations. The outcomes arising from the development are not inconsistent with any relevant policy statements, planning studies, guidelines etc. that have been considered in this assessment.


The development as modified is permissible with the consent of Council by reason of the existing use provisions of the Act and Regulations. These provisions have the effect of overruling the LEP, where the LEP would otherwise prohibit the development. Further the modification can be approved retrospectively, based on the principals set down in Windy Dropdown Pty Ltd v Warringah Council, Willoughby City Council v Dasco Design and Construction Pty Ltd and Austcorp No 459 Pty Ltd v Baulkham Hills SC [2002] NSWLEC 90 (7 June 2002)

The applicant has adequately demonstrated that the proposed development complies with the relevant aims, objectives, and provisions of LEP 2000 and OLEP 2011. There are no issues arising with respect to Council’s DCP 2004. The modification is consistent with the provisions of Section 4.55(1A) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. A Section 4.15 assessment indicates that the proposed development as modified is satisfactory.



The requirements of the Environmental Health and Building Surveyor and the Engineering Development Section are included in the attached amended Notice of Approval.





1          Modified Notice of Approval, D18/61878

2          Plans, D18/61856


Council Meeting                                                                                             20 November 2018

5.5                       Development Application DA 41/2007(2) - 84 Glenroi Avenue

Attachment 1      Modified Notice of Approval




Development Application No DA 41/2007(2)


NA18/                                                                   Container PR4698






issued under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Section 4.18


Development Application


  Applicant Name:

Ophir Tavern Business Pty Ltd

  Applicant Address:

C/- 84 Glenroi Avenue


  Owner’s Name:

Ophir Tavern Land Pty Ltd

  Land to Be Developed:

Lot 3 DP 630463 - 84 Glenroi Avenue, Orange

  Proposed Development:

Hotel (additions and alterations to existing)



Building Code of Australia

 building classification:


Class 6 and Class 9b



Determination made under

  Section 4.16


  Made On:

20 November 2018





Consent to Operate From:

8 March 2007

Consent to Lapse On:

8 March 2012


Terms of Approval


The reasons for the imposition of conditions are:


(1)      To ensure compliance with relevant statutory requirements.

(2)      To provide adequate public health and safety measures.

(3)      To ensure a quality urban design for the development which complements the surrounding environment.

(4)      To minimise the impact of development on the environment.







(1)      The development be carried out in accordance with:


(a)      Plan/s numbered 041-A01; 041-A02

Amending plans: site plans undated (2 Sheets); plans By Darren Mann Design dated September 2018 - Project Number 1810 - sheets SK01 and 02 Rev B, SK03 and SK04 (Rev A) (4 Sheets)


(b)      Building Code of Australia Compliance Report by McKenzie Group Rev A dated October 2018, Fire Safety Schedule by Wheeler Industries dated 19/10/2018, statements of environmental effects or other similar associated documents that form part of the approval


as amended in accordance with any conditions of this consent.





(1)      All building work must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia.


(2)      A sign is to be erected in a prominent position on any site on which building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out:


(a)      showing the name, address and telephone number of the principal certifying authority for the work, and

(b)      showing the name of the principal contractor (if any) for any building work and a telephone number on which that person may be contacted outside working hours, and

(c)      stating that unauthorised entry to the site is prohibited.


Any such sign is to be maintained while the building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out, but must be removed when the work has been completed.





(1)      A Construction Certificate application is required to be submitted to, and issued by, Council/Accredited Certifier prior to any excavation or building works being carried out on site.


(2)      A list which details the Fire Safety Measures that are existing within the building premises and those which are proposed, shall be submitted to the Certifying Authority with the Construction Certificate application, in accordance with Part 9 Clause 168 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.  Note: A Construction Certificate cannot be issued until a list of fire safety measures is received.


(3)      Prior to the issuing of the Construction Certificate, the applicant is to submit details of the protective hoardings, fences and lighting that are to be provided during demolition, excavation and building works, in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000, Australian Standard AS3798-1996 (Guidelines on Earthworks for Commercial and Residential Developments) and the WorkCover Authority.


(4)      The development is to be provided with access and facilities for people with disabilities in accordance with Part 3 of the Building Code of Australia, Australian Standard 1428.1:2001 - Design for Access and Mobility: General Requirements for Access – New Building Work.


(5)      A minimum of one car space is to be provided for the vehicle of people with disabilities in all new or refurbished buildings that provide between 10 to 50 car parking spaces;, two spaces are required for those buildings that provide between 50 and 100 car parking spaces. The car spaces are to be identified and reserved at all times and to be in the vicinity of a lift or located as close as possible to public areas and facilities. The car spaces are to at least have the minimum dimensions and headroom specified in Australian Standard AS/NZS 2890.1:2004.


(6)      Prior to the issuing of the Construction Certificate, the applicant is to contact NSW Health so as to determine if the proposal complies with the requirements of the guidelines of the Smoke-free Environment Amendment (Enclosed Place) Regulation 2006


(7)      Arrange for a suitably qualified consultant to evaluate the sizing of the existing fire main and water service. The existing services may not be adequate to accommodate the required or future expansion of facilities and fire hose reels. The design proposal and required upgrade report is to be submitted to Council for its consideration and approval.





(1)      Due to the construction in close proximity to the public footpath, the applicant is to provide public liability and public risk insurance cover for a minimum of $10,000,000, endorsed to cover Council for its respective rights and interests. Evidence of valid insurance cover must be submitted to Council prior to works commencing.





(1)      Any relocation of water, sewer, stormwater, gas or electricity services is to be carried out by suitably licensed tradespersons.


(2)      All construction/demolition work on the site is to be carried out between the hours of 7.00 am and 6.00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, 7.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturdays and 8.00 am to 5.00 pm on Sundays and Public Holidays. Written approval must be obtained from the General Manager of Orange City Council to vary these hours.


(3)     Where Orange City Council is appointed as the Principal Certifying Authority, the following inspections will be required to be carried out by Council:

·    at commencement of building work

·    footings excavation

·    external sewer/sanitary drainage

·    final inspection


Should any of the above mandatory inspections not be carried out by Council an Occupation Certificate will not be issued on the completed structure.


(4)      All plumbing and drainage (water supply, sanitary plumbing and drainage, stormwater drainage) is to comply with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, the NSW Code of Practice – Plumbing & Drainage and Australian Standard AS3500 - National Plumbing and Drainage Code. Such work is to be installed by a licensed plumber and is to be inspected and approved by Council prior to concealment.


(5)      The inspection openings on the existing private sewer lines located under the proposed deck are to be located and raised to the underside of the deck, with access hatches provided in the decking so as to provide access for maintenance.


(6)      Permission is granted for the establishment of a construction zone in a public place in which motor vehicles may stand in accordance, subject to the following conditions:


(a)      Whist it is actually engaged in taking up or setting down goods for the site, a commercial vehicle (ie. A utility or van) is permitted to park in the construction zone.


(b)      Clearly marked signs and arrows are to be erected indicating the extent of the construction zone.


(c)       The construction zone is to only operate between the hours of 7.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday and 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on weekends.


(7)      All materials onsite or being delivered to the site are to be contained within the site. The requirements of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 are to be complied with when placing/stockpiling loose material or when disposing of waste products or during any other activities likely to pollute drains or watercourses.


(8)      All materials stored onsite are to be stored out of view or in such a manner so as not to cause unsightliness when viewed from nearby lands or roadways.


(9)      Consent given to build in close proximity to the allotment boundary is in no way to be construed as permission to build on, or encroach over, the allotment boundary. Your attention is directed to the provisions of the Dividing Fences Act, which gives certain rights to adjoining owners, including use of the common boundary. In the absence of the structure standing well clear of the common boundary, it is recommended that you make yourself aware of your legal position. This may necessitate a survey to identify the allotment boundary.


(10)    In the event of any damage being caused to the existing kerb, guttering, footpath, water mains, sewer mains or public roadway during demolition works, the applicant is to reimburse the Council for the full cost of repairing and making good. Any temporary crossover material must not remain in the street gutter.


(11)    No obstruction is to be caused to pedestrian use of Council's footpath or to vehicular use of any public roadway during construction.


(12)    The public footways and roadways adjacent to the site are to be maintained in a safe condition at all times during the course of the work.


(13)    The existing fire main, water service and meter are to be relocated clear of the proposed construction.


(14)    Any adjustments to existing utility services that are made necessary by this development proceeding are to be at the full cost of the developer.


(15)    The provisions and requirements of the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code are to be applied to this application and all work constructed within the development is to be in accordance with that Code.


(16)    The timber deck shall be constructed to allow the flow of surface stormwater under the structure and to the kerb and gutter in Glenroi Avenue.





(1)      Landscaping forward of the proposed deck shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan and permanently maintained to the satisfaction of the Manager Development Assessments.


(2)      The owner of the building/s must cause the Council to be given a Final Fire Safety Certificate on completion of the building in relation to essential fire or other safety measures included in the schedule attached to this approval.


(3)      No person is to use or occupy the building or alteration that is the subject of this approval without the prior issuing of an Occupation Certificate.


(4)      Council is to be provided with a Fire Safety Upgrade Report prepared by a suitably qualified Fire Safety Engineer. The report is to specify upgrade works proposed and time schedule, in order to bring the existing building into compliance with the Building Code of Australia, so as to adequately prevent the spread of fire and promote the safety of persons within the building in the event of fire.


(5)      Council is to be provided with a written proposal, plans and a time schedule so as to increase the number of sanitary facilities (including facilities for females with disabilities) within the existing building.


(6)      All of the foregoing conditions are to be at the full cost of the developer and to the requirements and standards of the Orange City Council Development and Subdivision Code, unless specifically stated otherwise. All work required by the foregoing conditions is to be completed prior to the issuing of an Occupation Certificate, unless stated otherwise.





(1)      A separate development application shall be submitted to and approved by Council prior to the erection of any advertising structures or signs of a type that do not meet the exempt development provisions of Orange Local Environmental Plan 2000 (amended) and Development Control Plan 2004.


(2)      The owner is required to provide to Council and to the NSW Fire Commissioner an annual Fire Safety Certificate in respect of the fire-safety measures, as required by Clause 177 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


(3)      The owner of the building shall make application and pay fees for the approval to use parts of the building as a Place of Public Entertainment.


(4)      The ramp, stairs and retaining walls in the eastern beer garden area shall be designed and constructed to allow the flow of surface stormwater under the structures and to the surface water easement on Lot 7 DP 778409.


(5)      A Liquid Trade Waste Application is to be submitted to Orange City Council. The application is to be in accordance with Orange City Council’s Liquid Trade Waste Policy. Engineering plans submitted as part of the application are to show details of all proposed liquid trade waste pre-treatment systems and their connection to sewer.

Where applicable, the applicant is to enter into a Liquid Trade Waste Service Agreement with Orange City Council in accordance with the Orange City Council Liquid Trade Waste Policy.


(6)      Food Preparation areas and any associated food storage areas are to comply with the requirements of Australian Standard 4674-2004 “Design and Construction and Fitout of Food Premises” and Standard 3.2.3 “Food Premises and Equipment” of the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code.





Other Approvals


(1)      Local Government Act 1993 approvals granted under section 68.




(2)      General terms of other approvals integrated as part of this consent.







Right of Appeal


If you are dissatisfied with this decision, Section 8.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 gives you the right to appeal to the Land and Environment Court. Pursuant to Section 8.10, an applicant may only appeal within 6 months after the date the decision is notified.



  Disability Discrimination Act 1992:

This application has been assessed in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. No guarantee is given that the proposal complies with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.


The applicant/owner is responsible to ensure compliance with this and other anti-discrimination legislation.


The Disability Discrimination Act covers disabilities not catered for in the minimum standards called up in the Building Code of Australia which references AS1428.1 - "Design for Access and Mobility". AS1428 Parts 2, 3 and 4 provides the most comprehensive technical guidance under the Disability Discrimination Act currently available in Australia.



  Disclaimer - S88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919 - Restrictions on the Use of Land:

The applicant should note that there could be covenants in favour of persons other than Council restricting what may be built or done upon the subject land. The applicant is advised to check the position before commencing any work.




On behalf of the consent authority ORANGE CITY COUNCIL












21 November 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.5                       Development Application DA 41/2007(2) - 84 Glenroi Avenue

Attachment 2      Plans

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Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.6     Code of Conduct Complaint Reporting

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2670

AUTHOR:                       Samantha Freeman, Manager Corporate Governance    




At the Council Meeting held in 6 February 2018, Council resolved to receive quarterly reports on the status of complaints made against Councillors and the General Manager under Council’s Code of Conduct.

This report provides an update on the current status of complaints from 1 April 2018 to the 30 October 2018.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “1.1 Our City - Provide easily obtainable information on the legal responsibilities of Councillors, Council staff and the community”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications

Part 12 of the Procedures for the Code of Conduct set out the information that is to be reported to Council.

Other information is not included given the requirements of Part 13 of the Procedures, which require information about complaints and the management and investigation of complaints is to be treated as confidential and not disclosed publicly.



That the report on Code of Conduct Complaint Reporting be acknowledged.



further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


This report provides statistics on Code of Conduct complaints against Councillors and the General Manager, from 1 July 2018 to 12 November 2018.



Required information

Current period

Total number of Code of Conduct complaints made about Councillors and the General Manager under the Code of Conduct since July 2018


Number of Code of Conduct complaints referred to a Conduct Reviewer



Number of Code of Conduct complaints finalised by a Conduct Reviewer at the Preliminary Assessment stage and the outcome of those complaints

1: No Evidence to Support Allegation

1: Allegation found to be substantiated and a resolution strategy proposed

1: Complaint withdrawn

Number of Code of Conduct complaints investigated by a Conduct Reviewer


Number of Code of Conduct complaints investigated by a Conduct Review Committee


Without identifying particular matters, the outcome of Code of Conduct complaints investigated by a Conduct Reviewer or Conduct Review Committee under the Procedures

1: No Evidence to Support Allegation

1: Allegation found to be substantiated and a resolution strategy proposed

1: Complaint withdrawn

Number of matters reviewed by the Office of Local Government, and without identifying particular matters, the outcome of the reviews

1: Reprimand and publication of the determination

The total cost of dealing with Code of Conduct complaints made about Councillors and the General Manager in the year from 1 June 2018 to 30 November 2018, including staff costs.

$12,000 plus 20 hours staff time





Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.7     2019/20 Budget Timetable

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2863

AUTHOR:                       Mark Burdack, Director Corporate and Commercial Services    




The Council requested that the Annual Budget development process commence by December 2018 to allow Councillors greater opportunities to receive briefings from the Council Administration, discuss priorities and consider relevant factors in determining the Budget parameters for the year.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “17.2 Collaborate - Ensure financial stability and support efficient ongoing operation”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications

The recommendation aims to support Councillors to submit budget proposals early in the process and provide Council Administration the time to prepare submissions and provide advice to Councillors about the financial, statutory and other implications in accordance with the obligations of Councillors under section 8B of the Act. The recommendation will support Councillors to meet their obligation not to disclose confidential information during discussions. 




The Council resolves:

1    To approve the 2019/20 Budget timetable set out in the Agenda; and

2    Despite resolution 17/575, delegate to the General Manager authority to convene a limited number of closed Councillor Workshops as may be necessary to facilitate the Annual Budget setting process.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



Section 8B of the Local Government Act 1993 states:

The following principles of sound financial management apply to councils:

(a)     Council spending should be responsible and sustainable, aligning general revenue and expenses.

(b)     Councils should invest in responsible and sustainable infrastructure for the benefit of the local community.

(c)     Councils should have effective financial and asset management, including sound policies and processes for the following:

(i)      performance management and reporting,

(ii)     asset maintenance and enhancement,

(iii)    funding decisions,

(iv)    risk management practices.

(d)     Councils should have regard to achieving intergenerational equity, including ensuring the following:

(i)      policy decisions are made after considering their financial effects on future generations,

(ii)     the current generation funds the cost of its services.

The Council Budget timetable sets out a draft timeline for Councillor Workshops and community consultations.  The timetable has been prepared to assist Councillors to meet their statutory obligations in setting the annual budget. 

As part of the timetable, it is proposed that the Council allow for a limited number of closed workshops to allow Councillors to receive a complete briefing on projected income and expenditure. While not all material in the briefings will be confidential, some matters regarding projected future commercial investments, potential expenditures etc are expected to include confidential material. In order for the Councillors to have the opportunity to receive a full briefing and hold open discussions incorporating confidential material when discussing priorities, it is recommended that the Council approve the conduct of a limited number of Closed Councillor Workshops as part of the annual Budget development process.

This will require a qualification to the resolution of the Council approved on 19 December 2017 which states:

RESOLVED - 17/575                                                                                                                   

1    That Councillor Briefings be renamed “Councillor Workshops”.

2    That Councillor Workshops be open to the press and public with exception of items to be discussed that fall within the reasons for confidentiality as set out in Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993.


As set out below, the first draft and final draft budget will be open for community input, and a public exhibition period is incorporated to allow community input.

For the 2018/19 Budget the proposed timetable is as follows:



Budget: Preliminary Councillor Workshop (Priorities for 2019/20 Budget and Strategic Alignment)


Budget: Closed Councillor Workshop (Review of Initial Priorities for Budget and Briefing on Budget projections)


Budget: Closed Councillor Workshop (Finalisation of Initial Priorities and ½ year results)


Budget: Presentation of First Draft of Budget to Council


Budget: Final Draft Budget and IP&R docs presented to Council


Budget: Exhibition and Community Consultation


Budget: Report to Council on Community Consultation – Recommendation for Adoption of IP&R and Budget


Budget: Adoption of Budget





Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.8     2018/19 Fees & Charges Amendments & Additions

TRIM REFERENCE:        2018/2650

AUTHOR:                       Brock Gannon, Financial Accounting Officer    




The activities and operations of Council are constantly changing and evolving and as such alterations are required to Councils fees and charges register. The following additions have been collated in conjunction with the September budget review and are to be exhibited. Council has also resumed control of the old Canobolas Scout Camp and the proposed fees are set out below.

The Camp is owned by Orange City Council and was leased to Scouts Australia since 1964. Due to declining numbers of volunteers and resources, the Scouts found it increasingly difficult to meet the costs of maintaining the site and implementing a works program to keep the buildings up to current standards and expectations.  The Scouts decided to exit the lease in 2018 and the facility was returned to the Council. 

The Council agreed to a request from the Scouts for use of the Camp for up to 5 days at a time for a maximum of 6 times a year without charge (max 30 days in total). The Camp also has a number of other users and has been the subject of a number of grant applications to upgrade the facilities. It has taken a significant period of time to analyse the potential use of the site and the likely costs, prior to recommending a set of fees for the site. The proposed fees are attached to this report.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “17.1 Collaborate - Provide representative, responsible and accountable community governance”& “17.1 Collaborate - Provide representative, responsible and accountable community governance”.

Financial Implications

The proposed fee adjustments have been considered on a cost recovery basis and levels of use.

Policy and Governance Implications

New fees and charges must be advertised for 28 days in accordance with the Local Government Act.



Council resolves to place the following fees on exhibition for the information of the community for a period of 28 days.



further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


The following new and amended fees and charges are proposed to be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

Historic booking records for the site are not as robust as Council would normally use to set future fees and charges. This has delayed the setting of the fees until staff felt confident all relevant information on potential income and costs had been considered. It is believed that all relevant information has now been obtained and considered and appropriate fees set.  These will be reviewed against actual use and costs in 2019/20.

Traditionally the management of the Camp have offered the site to scouting groups outside this region at half the rate charged for non-scouting users. Given the site is designed for sport and recreation activities and that visiting scout groups contribute to keeping the area tidy and carrying out some limited maintenance (such as collecting timbers and fixing parts of the obstacle course) it is proposed to keep the same charge rate structure.

The proposed Scout Hall fees and charges are:






Dormitory overnight (per person)




Dormitory per night more than 7 nights special rate*(per person)




Camping overnight (per person)




Camping per night more than 7 nights special rate*(per person)




Day use (excluding showers) (more than 3.5 hours) (per person)




Day use (including showers) (more than 3.5 hours) (per person)




½ Day use (excluding showers) (less than 3.5 hours) (per person)




½ Day use (including showers) (less than 3.5 hours) (per person)




RV/Self-contained caravan (no power, no ablutions)




RV Self-contained caravan (access to ablutions)




Scouts Australia full site use (available 6 times a year)




Non-local Scouts and Guides Use

Local Scout and Guides Additional Use (above 6 times a year)

½ price of other groups

Orange City Council Use (no charge)




Damage and cleaning costs

At cost plus 20% admin fee

    * This is the daily rate. The group will also be charged for a cleaner once a week at cost.

To take advantage of the special rate for more than 7 nights stay the occupants must be from a single booking group and will have to cover the cost of a cleaner once a week for a minimum of two hours. Where the occupants of the camp maintain the facility in a clean manner, this charge would be approximately $50 per week across the entire group. Where the occupants do not maintain the facilities to a high standard on a daily basis their costs will be much higher.

Bookings for the site are managed through Orange City Council Events Officer.

The proposed Download of tender document fees and charges are:


The proposed Clover Hill Function Centre fees and charges are:



The proposed liquid trade waste pH fees and charges are:






Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.9     Requests for Financial Assistance

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2794

AUTHOR:                       Mark Burdack, Director Corporate and Commercial Services    




Council can only assist other organisations financially (in cash or in kind) in accordance with section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Council has in place a policy for donations to be made under section 356 of the Act and annually advertises for applications under this policy. Additional applications are received during the year. This report provides the most recently received requests.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “15.2 Collaborate - Support community organisations and groups to deliver services and programs”.

Financial Implications

The overall donations/sponsorship budget for 2018/19 is as follows:


Adopted Budget





General Donations 1




Wood and Heating Bank Vouchers




Major Promotions 2




Emergent Funding Quarter 1




Emergent Funding Quarter 2




Emergent Funding Quarter 3



Emergent Funding Quarter 4



Other Funding Sources




Orange Harness Racing




Waratah’s Sporting Club contribution




Sports Participants Grants




Sports Capital Improvement Grants








1   Includes School Prize Giving allocation (remaining balance being $3,800.00). $5,000 has been transferred out of general donations to fund the wood and heating bank vouchers program. In October 2018, a $750.00 donation was returned from Orange Schoolhouse Quilters as their event will now not be held.



2   Includes $10,000.00 from City Events and $2,500.00 from Economic Development. In August 2018, an amount of $1,500.00 was returned to Major Promotions. The Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak will not now be holding its Classic Wines and Cars Expo in 2018 as the event will now be a biennial event and the next one will be in late 2019.

3   Emergent funding is allocated as $5,000.000 per quarter in the financial year:

Quarter 1 starts on 1 July and has been fully expended for this financial year;

Quarter 2 starts on 1 October and has been fully expended for this financial year;

Quarter 3 starts on 1 January and has been fully expended for this financial year;

Quarter 4 starts on 1 April and $1,202.03 has been expended so far in this financial year.

Process for applications of the remaining budget allocation

A Council resolution is required to allocate funds to any external entity, including as a donation.

Applications are considered against the criteria outlined in the donations policies. There is an application form that should be submitted to commence the process of making a donation to another entity. The form contains details to inform Council that the donation aligns with the intentions the Council has established in the Community Strategic Plan.

Policy and Governance Implications




The Council resolves:

1        That a donation of $1,930.00 be made from Emergent Funding to Teach Learn Grow for the Inaugural Rural Program to Glenroi Heights Public School.

2        That a donation of $250.00 be made from the Sports Participation Program to Dallas George for attending the AMAC Australian Karate Titles as part of the NSW AMAC Karate Squad.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



Council has $3,797.97 remaining in Emergent Funding. Sports participation applications are considered in line with the reserved budget for that category.




Teach Learn Grow


Not for Profit



Inaugural Rural Program to Glenroi Heights Public School

·    Volunteer tutors will be actively tutoring students to provide extra assistance in areas that children are struggling with in teacher-identified outcomes for mathematics.

·    Teach Learn Grown is a not-for-profit organisation. For this project, its volunteers will come into the community of Orange, will encourage positive lasting change for the students of Glenroi Heights Public School, as well as their families and the school community and will help to bridge the educational gap in rural and remote communities.


Donation Request



Policy Category

General Donations - Miscellaneous - Projects. Category maximum is $2,000.00.


Policy Status

·    The applicant is from Western Australia but has demonstrated that the project is for our Local Government Area.

·    The applicant is not a government entity.

·    Although, the tutoring is for only for three identified students, the applicant has stated that the effect is much wider - to the whole Glenroi Heights Primary School community and to their families.

·    It is considered that this application is eligible for consideration for a donation.




Dallas George


Not for Profit



AMAC (Australian Martial Arts Championships) Australian Karate Titles

The applicant will be attending these Titles, which will be held in North Queensland in December 2018, as a member of the NSW AMAC Karate Squad.


Donation Request



Policy Category

Sports Participant - Selected in a State Team.


Policy Status

·    An individual can only have an entry in the AMAC Australian Titles if he/she is a member of a State team.

·    It is considered that this application is eligible for consideration for a donation.



1          Ongoing Record of 2018/19 Donations - as at November 2018, D18/61421

2          Application form - Teach Learn Grow - Inaugural Rural Program to Glenroi Heights Public School (School Tutoring and Mentoring Program), D18/61425

3          Application form - Dallas George - NSW AMAC Karate Squad - AMAC Australian Karate Titles 2018, D18/61428   

Council Meeting                                                                                                              20 November 2018

5.9                       Requests for Financial Assistance

Attachment 1      Ongoing Record of 2018/19 Donations - as at November 2018

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Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.9                       Requests for Financial Assistance

Attachment 2      Application form - Teach Learn Grow - Inaugural Rural Program to Glenroi Heights Public School (School Tutoring and Mentoring Program)

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Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.9                       Requests for Financial Assistance

Attachment 3      Application form - Dallas George - NSW AMAC Karate Squad - AMAC Australian Karate Titles 2018

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Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.10   Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2281

AUTHOR:                       Garry Styles, General Manager    




Following an invitation by the NSW Inland Forum (IF) to consider joining a new group called Regional Cities NSW (RCNSW), the Mayor attended a meeting in Sydney on Thursday 1 March 2018 to discuss the proposed new group with members of the IF and other invited regional Councils.

This meeting was followed up by a planning day held in Sydney on Thursday 2 August 2018, attended by the Mayor and Director Community Recreation and Cultural Services and other invited regional Councils, where further thinking around the establishment of RCNSW was workshopped and discussed.

As per a Council resolution from the 21 February 2018 Council meeting, this report details further information on the proposed RCNSW alliance and requests Council give consideration to joining RCNSW. It should be noted that an earlier report to Council on this was not possible until the information provided in the body of this report was available.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “16.1 Collaborate - Work in partnership with other Councils, regional organisations and State and Federal Governments”.

Financial Implications

A standard membership fee of $10,000 per annum will apply and voting rights shall be one vote per member Council in attendance.

Policy and Governance Implications




That Council resolves:

1        Note the information contained within this Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW Council Report.

2        Join Regional Cities NSW (RCNSW) with a formal review of Council’s membership to take place within the first 24 months of the formal commencement of RCNSW, to ensure it is meeting its stated objectives.

3        Note that whilst sixteen Councils have been invited to join RCNSW, a minimum of nine Councils will be needed to establish RCNSW.

4        Allocate $5,000 for membership of RCNSW from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019

5        Note that any future requests for financial contributions over and above the annual membership fee to RCNSW will be reported to Council for further consideration.



further considerations

The recommendation of this report has been assessed against Council’s key risk categories.


In early December 2017, Council received an invitation from the IF to join a new group called RCNSW.

The IF is an existing group of seven Councils that have worked collaboratively for a number of years to achieve improved outcomes and opportunities for inland NSW. The current IF member Councils are Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga Councils. The membership of the IF have agreed that there is huge potential in expanding the membership of the group to create a new body to be known as RCNSW, hence the invitation received by this Council.

According to the invitation, RCNSW is to be modelled on the successful model that has been implemented in Victoria, where the ten largest cities outside of Melbourne work cooperatively on issues and projects of mutual interest that affect regional cities in that State. Attached to this report is the proposal / invitation received from the IF, dated 19 December 2017, titled ‘Correspondence from the Inland Forum – Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW.’

Further details about the governance arrangements initially proposed for RCNSW can be found in the attached document titled ‘Correspondence from the Inland Forum – Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW.’

The Councils invited to participate in RCNSW are as follows:

Albury                  Coffs Harbour               Maitland              Tamworth

Armidale              Dubbo                            Orange                Bathurst

Griffith                 Tweed                           Cessnock              Lismore

Queanbeyan        Wagga Wagga              Mid-Coast            Port Macquarie-Hastings

At the planning day held on 2 August 2018, participants agreed on the following indicators of overall success for RCNSW:

-     State government and community have recognised of the significance and benefits of regional cities;

-     A seat at the policy table to advise state government on the formation and implementation of policies;

-     The establishment of a population or settlement strategy that would prioritise population growth to regional cities;

-     The alliance is known as having a clear point of difference from the other alliances in the regional development space, and

-     A strong network that offers collaboration, networking and collective benefit to all members.

Further information relating to what success might look like for RCNSW, can be found on pages 7 & 8 of the attached document titled ‘Regional Cities NSW Workshop Report – 2 August 2018.

It was agreed at the planning day that the overall success of RCNSW would be the creation of connected, thriving and sustainable regional cities. To this end, discussion took place on the establishment of a short-term agenda for RCNSW, to ensure that this new alliance was more than simply a talk-fest on regional issues, but had real actions and goals to work towards. The most supported ideas around this to come from the planning day were:

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with State Government:

Establishing, through a formal agreement, a mechanism for the alliance to have a seat at the table and provide strategic influence on the State’s policy and investment agenda.

Snowy Hydro Funding:

Providing a set of recommendations on how the government should invest the $4.2 billion released in the NSW budget from the sale of Snowy Hydro project. The government has indicated that all of these funds will go to the regions and they will need guidance on how this money should be allocated. The group also anticipated that there would be streamlined funding mechanisms to enable regional cities to access this funding.

Population Strategy:

Due to ongoing debate of metropolitan congestion and rapid population growth, the group saw a great opportunity to have influence in developing a framework for growing regional cities under the banner of a state population strategy, with the aim being to develop a settlement plan directing people, infrastructure and business to regional cities.

Regional Investment:

Identifying a framework to identify how regional investment can be streamlined to be better facilitated in the regions.


One of the other key purposes of the 2 August 2018 planning day was to discuss the proposed governance and structure arrangements for RCNSW. Further details on this can be found on pages 10 to 14 of the attachment document titled ‘Regional Cities NSW Workshop Report – 2 August 2018’ however in summary, the following was agreed:

Formation:                  The alliance to be known as Regional Cities New South Wales (RCNSW) be formed.

Membership:              Councils representing regional cities that had a clear service centre role would be invited to be members.

Board Members:         The forum should be a Mayor and CEO/General Manager forum with alternates offered in the case of inability to attend.

Board Structure:         All member councils (Mayor and CEO/General Manager) will sit on the board. Voting will be by consensus.

Meeting Schedule:      Members agreed to meeting quarterly at a venue to be defined at a later date, noting that visits to each member city would be welcomed.

Working Group:          It was agreed that a working group to further define and evolve the structure and agenda of the alliance be established, as well as to work through the development of the proposed MOU. Working Group members were nominated as:


·   Mr Paul Bennett, General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council.

·   Mr Craig Swift-McNair, General Manager, Port Macquarie-Hastings.

·   Mr David Sherley, General Manager, Bathurst Regional Council.

·   Mr Peter Thompson, General Manager, Wagga Wagga City Council.

·   Ms Susan Law, CEO, Armidale Regional Council.

The above-mentioned working group met via teleconference on 3 September 2018 to confirm the meeting notes from the planning day in August; to progress discussions around the structure of RCNSW and to propose a standard approach by member Councils in reporting back to their respective Councils on the outcomes of the RCNSW meetings.

There are a range of issues that Council will need to take into account when considering whether or not to join RCNSW. Perhaps one of the most relevant issues is why Council would join an alliance such as RCNSW, when we have only recently joined a Joint Organisation (JO)? Whilst this is a valid question to ask, it is important to distinguish the difference between RCNSW and a JO. A JO is geographically based and its interests are those of the geographic region.

RCNSW membership is not geographically based, but will rather focus on commonality of interests between the sixteen regional cities, regardless of their location. This form of an alliance will be able to pursue issues such as population growth, congestion, access, investment etc. and perhaps more effectively than a JO may be able to, simply considering the membership ad make up of a JO.


From a funding perspective, there have been initial discussions around the level of financial contribution required from each member Council in order to ensure the viability of RCNSW. It was agreed at the planning day that an investment of $10,000 per annum by each member Council was considered to be a reasonable amount of funding to enable RCNSW to be established; to engage an appropriate secretariat and to establish a strategic plan. There may well be other initiatives that this pooled funding will be able to support in line with the objectives of RCNSW.

It should be noted that as per recommendation 4) as included in this report, the current funding request for this financial year is $5,000, effectively being for membership of RCNSW from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019, noting that the IF has kindly offered to fund the secretariat and support staff during the coming months to ensure that RCNSW can be established in a timely and effective manner.




1          Correspondence from the Inland Forum - Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW, IC18/39


Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.10                     Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW

Attachment 1      Correspondence from the Inland Forum - Invitation to Join Regional Cities NSW

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Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.11   Evocities MOU

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2733

AUTHOR:                       Nick Redmond, Manager Corporate and Community Relations    




The purpose of this report is to present the extension of the Evocities program for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2023, for Council’s consideration.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “12.1 Prosper - Attract and grow strategic investment”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications

The period of the MOU is four years. If Council resolves to enter the agreement there is capacity to step away from the MOU in subsequent years. This is important in the context of monitoring the performance of the project and acknowledging that the four year agreement crosses into a new term of council.




That Council resolves:


1.   To confirms Orange City Council’s commitment to the continuation of the Evocities program for the period 2019/20 to 2022/23.


2.   To authorises the Mayor and General Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between the Evocities for the period.



further considerations

The recommendation of this report has been assessed against Council’s other key risk categories and the following comments are provided:




Service Delivery

The in-kind elements of the campaign can be maintained within current staff resources.


Image and Reputation

The Evocities campaign creates positive content around regional city living.



While the campaign has not always received funding support from the other tiers of government it does align with NSW objectives in initiatives such as the Central West and Orana Regional Plan 2036 and the Orange, Blayney and Cabonne Regional Economic Development Strategy 2018–2022 and is seen as a model for cross regional teamwork.



While difficult to measure there are benefits in taking a collaborative approach to regional development.




Orange City Council was a foundation partner to the Evocities program when it commenced in July 2005. On 1 March 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the partner Councils of Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga, was entered into to formalise the collaboration. Since this time, the MOU has been renewed in 2011, 2013, and 2015 with the current MOU due to expire on 30 June 2019. It is noted that Council had one year where it was not a member. 

Evocities’ three core functions are promotion, advocacy and assistance. The seven cities of Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga work together to promote regional city living; to advocate for innovative regional policy development; and to assist people as they make the decision to move from an overpopulated capital city where things like congestion and cost of living can make everyday a trial, to an Evocity, where the lifestyle is idyllic and there are exceptional employment opportunities.

One of the primary objectives of the campaign is to change capital city residents’ perception of regional city living by dispelling misconceptions about regional cities, and promote the Evocities as vibrant and thriving cities offering fantastic employment, investment, community, and lifestyle opportunities.

In order to achieve this objective, the campaign utilises a strategic mix of marketing and public relations (PR) activities that drive people to our Evocities websites where they can learn more about what our regions have to offer, and how they can escape capital city congestion and making a 'city change' their reality.

The MOU being presented for Council’s consideration has been prepared and supported by the Evocities Steering Committee and the NSW Inland Forum. The proposed term of the MOU is 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2023, to align with the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework that guides Local Government operations.


Evocity Councils have collectively invested $4.27 million in the Evocities brand to date. The program has also received funding from State ($530,000) and Federal Governments ($1.7 million) as well as corporate sponsors ($395,000).

The market penetration achieved since its launch in September 2010, and level of brand awareness that exists in the Sydney marketplace, and the other east coast capital cities is significant and arguably should not be abandoned.

While it is recognised that continued State and Federal Government support for Evocities would aid in achieving awareness and identified outcomes, the operating model proposed by the member Councils is such that maintenance of the Evocities brand presence and core campaign elements over the term of the MOU will be possible, regardless of whether additional government funding is secured.  

Given the Evocities are direct beneficiaries of the program outcomes, it is considered appropriate and reasonable that they provide core program funding. However, the program does directly support State government objectives and has proven its value in driving growth and development in regional NSW while also assisting in solving congestion issues in the capital cities, particularly metropolitan Sydney.

As such, a funding proposal has been submitted to the Department of Premier and Cabinet, asking the NSW Government to contribute $2 million over the next four years ($500,000 each financial year of the term of the MOU). This additional funding would allow Evocities to build on the momentum produced by recent campaigns, achieve substantial market penetration and deliver significant outcomes for all the cities involved, for the surrounding regions and for Sydney.

Some key outcomes from the campaign since its launch in September 2010, as at end September 2018, include:

·    638,988 visits to Evocities.com.au

·    Over 2.4 million visits to Evojobs.com.au

·    Over 47,500 jobs promoted

·    8078 responses made to potential relocators enquires

·    2922 media placements across both traditional and online media reaching a potential audience of more than 180.5 million people

Since launching in September 2010, the Evocities have collectively welcomed 3619 new households (as at end September 2018) who contribute to the economies of the participating regional cities, and provide other benefits including lifting median incomes, encouraging business growth, increasing tourism and growing participation in community groups.

These 3619 households are only the relocators who have had direct contact with our Evocities staff and confirmed they have made the move. While it is difficult for each of the Evocities to track relocators to their city, the processes put in place by each Evocity Council to monitor and interact with the new residents, indicates the success of the campaign. It isn’t possible to count how many other households were inspired by an Evocities ad, found a job on Evojobs or researched their city change on Evocities.com.au (or all of the above) before making the move.

Council also undertakes a survey of relocators which asks a question about Evocities. While the data set is relatively small, approximately 1 in 4 were aware of the Evocities campaign. Brand awareness in cases such as this are challenging to measure when there is no revenue to quantify. Elements that measurable are sessions on the Evocities websites which are the digital gateway and often the first step for potential relocators. (see below from the attached Evocities report) 


The Evocities MOU 2019/20 to 2022/23 provides guidance for the future of the campaign, detailing the program objectives including plans to:

·    build on the historical investment and success of the Evocities program

·    attract people, businesses, and skilled labour to the regions

·    grow and develop the Evocities’ collaboration

·    advocate for the Evocities to influence relevant regional, State and Federal Government plans, strategies and policies.

In order to enable effective implementation of all the Evocities objectives, it is important that each Council confirm its continued commitment to the program, including financial contributions and in-kind support of staff.

From 2015/16 when each council contributed $60,000, the financial contributions have increased $5,000 per annum, reaching $75,000 in 2018/19. In light of increasing costs faced in relation goods and services, and to ensure Evocities continues its momentum and growth, it has been deemed appropriate to continue increasing to Council financial contributions to ensure the same high level of service delivery and market penetration can be maintained.

An ongoing focus will be placed on resource efficiency, including minimising administration expenses and maximising marketing and PR design, production and placements, as well as research, website updates and project implementation. Furthermore, third party contracts will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure adequate return on investment.

The annual increase proposed ($2,000 per annum) aims to cover the cost of inflation, as well as ensure a self-sustaining model for the Evocities campaign, maintaining an aggressive advertising schedule.

          Year 1 – 2019/20 $80,000 (GST exclusive)        

          Year 2 – 2020/21 $82,000 (GST exclusive)

          Year 3 – 2021/22 $84,000 (GST exclusive)

          Year 4 – 2022/23 $86,000 (GST exclusive)


Business Risk

Membership of Evocities will require provision of funding in stepped increases ($80,000 for 2019/20 increasing $2,000 per annum thereafter) for the next four years. It will also require continued investment of existing human resources on an in-kind basis to ensure that Orange City Council maximises its presence in, and benefits from, the campaign.

In the event Council did not continue its participation in the Evocities campaign it is unlikely that any subsequent marketing efforts to attract relocators would achieve the same return on investment. By leveraging off the collaboration and combined resources of the Evocities collective, market penetration will invariably be more successful.

Corporate Risk

There is no Corporate Risk associated with continued participation in this program. In the event that Orange City Council was to withdraw, there could be a negative impact on the brand and its position in the Sydney market, and with government stakeholders.

The formation of the Evocities group has provided a collective voice to government and significantly raised the credibility of NSW Inland regional cities with a range of different stakeholders. As a result, there are significant indirect benefits arising from our participation, which can assist in pursuing other community strategic priorities.

Furthermore, Council’s withdrawal from the campaign will reduce its capacity to pique the interest of potential capital city relocators, the outcome of which could be a decrease in the number of skilled relocators to the Orange region.


Community Strategic Plan

The Evocities campaign aligns with the adopted Community Strategic Plan in then following objectives:

Objective 11: Sustainable tourism, events and visitor experiences

11.1. Capitalise on the character and lifestyle of Orange to remain a destination of choice

11.2. Develop and attract a variety of events, festivals, venues and activities for locals and visitors, ensuring accessibility for all

Objective 12: A smart, innovative and resilient industry sector

12.1. Attract and grow strategic investment

12.2. Support innovative industry sectors

12.3. Support educational and training opportunities that retain young people, attract new workers and provide local employment

12.4. Partner with key stakeholders to enhance opportunities for local business to grow and prosper



The Committee has the following options:

1.       Confirm Orange City Council’s commitment to the continuation of the Evocities program for the period 2019/20 to 2022/23 and sign the MOU prepared by the Evocities Steering Committee and supported by the Mayors and General Managers via the NSW Inland Forum.


2.       Terminate Orange City Council’s involvement in the Evocities program effective from 1 July 2019.


Evocities has attracted significant market penetration and delivered some key outcomes for all the cities involved, including boosting the economic activity across the seven cities.

Indirectly, the Evocities program has raised the credibility of NSW inland regional cities with a range of different stakeholders and provided the cities with a collective voice in their discussions with both levels of government.

The program has previously received strong support from the Federal Government, and has the capacity to assist in the achievement of the Government’s plans and strategies for regional development. The NSW State Government has also supported the Evocities and continues to work with us to identify projects that can be supported within its program guidelines. This has been reinforced by the recent success of Evocities in securing the Regional Growth – Marketing and Promotion Fund administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Discussions in relation to future partnership opportunities are continuing.

Evocities is about changing the perceptions of capital city residents, in particular Sydney, to help them understand the value and benefits of living, working and investing in the regional NSW cities. With the program nearing an important 10 year anniversary milestone in the marketplace, Evocities is in a position to demonstrate its considerable success, despite the competition for consumer attention. In order to fully capitalise on the significant public investment in this program to date, it should continue until 30 June 2023.

Council’s participation ensures we have the opportunity to continue to promote Orange City Council, its jobs, lifestyle offer and investment opportunities. It also allows Council to leverage off the indirect benefits that arise from involvement in this program, which include enhancing and further developing our relationships with the State and Federal Government and partner Councils, to assist us in pursuing our strategic priorities.




1          Evocities Report 2017-18 and 2018-19, d18/59358

2          Evocities MOU, D18/59523


Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.11                     Evocities MOU

Attachment 1      Evocities Report 2017-18 and 2018-19

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Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.11                     Evocities MOU

Attachment 2      Evocities MOU

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Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.12   Welcome to Summer Weekend - Orange Aquatic Centre

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2813

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




For a range of reasons, the Aquatic Centre has been required to close or partially close over the last several months.

Major works that have been completed at the Aquatic Centre in the last 6 months includes:

·    Refurbishment of men’s change room;

·    Refurbishment of women’s change room;

·    Refurbishment of accessible toilet;

·    Repair and repaint of toddlers pool;

·    Replacement of filter media; and

·    Upgrade of cleaning equipment

Total cost for these works is $300,000.

To celebrate the start of summer, open the refurbished facility and recognise the impact on users, it is proposed to open the Aquatic Centre free of charge for the start of summer, being 1st and 2nd December 2018.

As Chair of the Sport and Recreation Policy Committee, regular discussions have been held regarding the pool and feedback and what might be done as a measure of good will given the circumstances.

At the suggestion of Cr Hamling, this report also considers extending holders of season passes for 2 weeks to compensate for pool closures over the last 12 months.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “2.2 Live - Ensure the sporting and recreational facilities, programs and activities are accessible and affordable to support healthy lifestyle choices”.

Financial Implications

Estimated cost to Council to waive fees for Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 December 2018 is $4,000 for cash entry and $1,000 for the cost of the sausage sizzle.

The estimated cost to extend current season passes by 2 weeks is $2,500.

Policy and Governance Implications

Council’s approval is required to waive fees and charges.




That Council resolves to:

1       Grant free entry to the Aquatic Centre for the Start of Summer Weekend, 1 and 2 December 2018; and

2       Extend current seasonal pass holders as detailed in the report by 2 weeks.




further considerations

The recommendation of this report has been assessed against Council’s other key risk categories and the following comments are provided:





Image and Reputation

The closures or partial closures of the Aquatic Centre over the past several months has negatively impacted on the users of the centre.



Welcome to Summer Weekend

For a range of reasons the Aquatic Centre has been required to close or partially close over the last several months.

To celebrate the conclusion of major works at the Aquatic Centre and the start of Summer, it is proposed that the Aquatic Centre be opened free of charge for 1 and 2 December 2018.

Council staff will also be conducting other activities including water obstacle course, free sausage sizzles and other water activities.

Extension of Season Passes

Cr Hamling requested that Council consider the extension of season passes as a goodwill gesture to the community.

As Council is aware the Aquatic Centre pools consist of 3 distinct pools being the toddler’s pool, 25m indoor pool and 50m outdoor pool and dive pool. The different pools have been closed at different times due to either contamination or mechanical issues. Contamination due to vomit or faecal contamination result in a 3 hour closure whilst a mechanical issue closure can vary.

Due to the structure of the 3 pools is it normal that when one pool area is contaminated that other pools remain open and available for use and total facility closure has been rare.


For 2018 a summary of closures are the Aquatic Centre is:


Toddlers pool - Closed 23 times

·    6 faecal contaminations

·    4 vomits

·    12 turbidity (due to the floor failure)

·    1 broken glass


25m pool - Closed 16 times

·    10 Vomits

·    5 Faecal contaminations

·    1 plant issue


50m pool - Closed 3 times

·    1 vomit

·    1 faecal contamination

·    1 plant issue


The toddler’s pool has also been closed for the filter media replacement and the repair and repaint for a total of 70 days.

Total facility closures for broken pipes due to frost damage and to manage a chemical spill has been 6 days.

As a gesture to compensate the holders of a number of different types of passes for regular users of the Aquatic Centre that are issued for a fixed period of time it is recommended that the following passes are extended for 2 weeks. The passes that are in this category are:

12 month adult;

12 month child/concession;

12 month family;

6 month adult;

6 month child/concession;

6 month family;

3 month adult;

3 month adult aqua;

3 month child/concession; and

3 month family.

There are 143 current passes issued across these categories. The estimated cost to extend these passes for 2 weeks across current pass holders in these categories is $2,500.




Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



5.13   Orange 360 Board - Orange City Council Delegates

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2870

AUTHOR:                       Garry Styles, General Manager    




Council has for a number of years supported Orange 360 and its predecessor tourism entities, with Orange 360 now progressing as a Tourism Industry led entity to the point of holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and recruiting new Board members including a mix of community/stakeholder members and Council delegates.

The purpose of this report is to authorise Council delegates for the next Orange 360 Board.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “16.1 Collaborate - Work in partnership with other Councils, regional organisations and State and Federal Governments”.

Financial Implications

Orange City Council has agreed to provide funding for TDO (trading as Orange 360) for 3 years in the current funding agreement with a review to occur towards the end of the period in 2020. The nature of the request from Orange 360 before Council does not vary the current financial arrangements.

Policy and Governance Implications




That Council identify three (3) delegates from Council/Council staff to the TDO Pty Ltd Board.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Please find attached request from TDO limited (trading as Orange 360) seeking three Directors after the recent Board endorsement of their new draft constitution for presentation to the upcoming AGM on 27 November 2018.

Current Orange City Council delegates to the Orange 360 Board are Cr Kidd, Cr Whitton, Cr Hamling and General Manager Garry Styles.


In June 2017, Council resolved as follows:

RESOLVED - 17/275                                                                            Cr R Gander/Cr R Turner

1        That Council seek advice from the Office of Local Government on the issues identified about the formation of corporations as outlined in the report, seeking Ministerial approval if required.

2        That Council resolves that there are extenuating circumstances not to tender the regional tourism services given the ability of the industry led tourism entity to deliver the involvement of tourism operators in the region in order to achieve the regional tourism marketing tasks in Council’s Tourism Strategy which would be unable to be delivered by another entity.

3        That upon the completion of item 1, a three year performance based funding agreement with the industry led tourism entity be entered into, for $377,000 in year 1, $386,425 in year 2 and $396,086 in year 3 (all ex GST).

4        That a performance based funding agreement with specified key performance indicators to monitor performance based on the draft agreement provided be entered into so that Council can monitor the delivery of the activities.

5        That a Service Level Agreement illustrating the services from the Visitor Information Centre be entered into based on the draft service level agreement provided.

6        That an interim funding agreement for a three month period with a three month option be entered into on a pro-rata rate with TDO Ltd to ensure the delivery of tourism services is maintained if there is a delay in getting advice on the need for a Ministerial approval.

7        That the Council seal be applied to any documents as required.  


It is noted that the resolution has been enacted and completed.

Orange 360 has been steadily progressing its strategic plan which formed the basis of Council funding provided to the enterprise in recent years.

Originally Council was afforded four (4) positions on the Board, particularly to assist in the establishment phase of the enterprise, however to both go forward with a sensible maximum 11 Board members and to maximise the number of community/industry Board members Orange 360/TDO has put forward a draft constitution with a one (1) delegate reduction in Board members from Orange City Council going from four (4) to three (3) Board members. This approach is supported.

As a current and longstanding Orange City Council delegate to the Orange 360 Board and its predecessors, I advise that I am happy to continue in that role should Council wish to appoint me to the position, to, assist Orange 360 to continue to progress and to muster the outcomes which are both identified in the Orange 360 strategy, and, operating plan and which are valuable to Orange City Council in promoting tourism.


A copy of the Orange Region Tourism Strategic and Operational Plan was circulated to Councillors as part of the weekly email on 12 October 2018.



1          Letter from TDO - Nominations for TDO Limited Board Director, D18/62058


Council Meeting                                                                                                       20 November 2018

5.13                     Orange 360 Board - Orange City Council Delegates

Attachment 1      Letter from TDO - Nominations for TDO Limited Board Director

PDF Creator   

Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



6     Closed Meeting - See Closed Agenda

The General Manager will advise the Council if any written submissions have been received relating to any item advertised for consideration by a closed meeting of Orange City Council.

The Mayor will extend an invitation to any member of the public present at the meeting to make a representation to Council as to whether the meeting should be closed for a particular item. In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in Section 10A(2) of the Act, and should be dealt with in a Confidential Session of the Council meeting closed to the press and public.


That Council adjourn into a Closed Meeting and members of the press and public be excluded from the Closed Meeting, and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Meeting be withheld unless declassified by separate resolution. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:

6.1     Lachlan Valley Railway

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors)..



Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



6.1     Lachlan Valley Railway

RECORD NUMBER:       2018/2598

AUTHOR:                       Julie Murray, Financial Accountant    

Reason for Confidentiality

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors)..



Council Meeting                                                                                    20 November 2018



7       Resolutions from closed meeting