Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee




2 June 2015



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on Tuesday, 2 June 2015.


Garry Styles

General Manager


For apologies please contact Michelle Catlin on 6393 8246.



Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee                2 June 2015



1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Apologies and Leave of Absence. 3

1.2            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                Committee Minutes. 4

2.1            Minutes of the Sister Cities Community Committee - 13 May 2015. 4

2.2            Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 15 May 2015  13

2.3            Record of the Tidy Towns Community Committee Meeting - 20 May 2015. 18


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee               2 June 2015



1       Introduction

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence

1.2     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Committee Members now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee at this meeting.


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee               2 June 2015



2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Sister Cities Community Committee - 13 May 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1351

AUTHOR:                       Kathy Woolley, Director Corporate and Commercial Services    




The Sister Cities Community Committee met on 13 May 2015 and the recommendations from that meeting are provided to the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “4.1 Our City – Continue to deliver a leadership role as a major entity in the region and actively contribute to the future direction of local, regional and national initiatives to support and facilitate improved outcomes for the community”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Sister Cities Community Committee at its meeting held on 13 May 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Sister Cities Community Committee held on 13 May 2015

2        Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan, 2015/279





Sister Cities Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 13 May 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr C Gryllis (Chairperson), Mr G Bargwanna, Mrs M Bargwanna, Mr G Bloore, Ms Christine Hawke, Ms Phillipa Hughes, Mr Vince Lovecchio, Mr Stuart MacKinnon, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Business Projects Officer


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                 Mr G Bloore/Mr S MacKinnon

That the apologies be accepted from Ms A Banks, Mrs K Ferguson, Ms Lyndall Harrison, Mr Jeff Hort, Mr John Hoskin and Ms Shery Pirie for the Sister Cities Community Committee meeting on 13 May 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                 Mr G Bloore/Mr G Bargwanna

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Sister Cities Community Committee held on 11 February 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Sister Cities Community Committee meeting held on 11 February 2015.




3       Presentations

3.1     Verbal Presentation on Valparaiso

TRIM Reference:        2015/1175

Phillipa resented the Committee with approximate costs for flights to Valparaiso. These ranged from $1500 to $2800. Phillipa to speak with Ingrid in Valaparaiso about the potential timing for a visit. November appears to have the best airfares. Once an approximate window of opportunity is decided upon, Council will circulate a call to residents to ascertain the level of interest in visiting Valaparaiso.

RECOMMENDATION                                                          Mr G Bargwanna/Mr V Lovecchio

That the verbal presentation on Valparaiso be noted.



3.2     Verbal presentation on Orange (California)

TRIM Reference:        2015/1176

All organisations are still waiting for the timing to be correct for CSU to participate. Cr Gryllis requested a congratulatory letter be sent to the new Mayor of Orange.

RECOMMENDATION                                                          Mr G Bargwanna/Mr V Lovecchio

That the verbal presentation on Orange (California) be noted.



3.3     Verbal Presentation on Ushiku

TRIM Reference:        2015/1177

Vince advised the Committee that one of the visiting Ushiku students enjoyed the trip so much that she wants to spend a year studying here. Rotary is a good option as a conduit to make this happen as Rotary has an agreement with the State Government to waive costs (approximately $6,000 per year). Rotary also provides a safety net if something goes wrong.

Vince also described a concept of involving Sister Cities with the Youth Arts Festival in Orange. An approach has been made to one school in Ushiku to see if they are interested in participating. This could be rotated to a different city each year.

RECOMMENDATION                                                          Mr G Bargwanna/Mr V Lovecchio

That the verbal presentation on Ushiku be noted.




3.4     Verbal Presentation on Mount Hagen

TRIM Reference:        2015/1178

Canobolas High School and the MET School have both donated blazers for schools in Mt Hagen. Council is currently investigating delivery options. Vince requested a photo of the Mt Hagen students wearing the blazers.

Cr Gryllis advised the Committee that fresh elections are likely in Mt Hagen.

Mr Jeff Hort provided an email report through the Committee Clerk that the traineeship program had been stalled yet again. This time one of the trainees education and experience was not sufficient for the Visa type. A new trainee has been nominated and the appropriate paperwork lodged.

RECOMMENDATION                                                          Mr G Bargwanna/Mr V Lovecchio

That the verbal presentation on Mt Hagen be noted.



3.5     Verbal Presentation on Timaru

TRIM Reference:        2015/1179

Orange City Council’s Director Development Services has made contact with counterpart in Timaru and an in-principle agreement has been established on an exchange of staff.  Discussions will now take place as to timing with respect to workloads and other operational considerations.

Maria has received an email from her counterpart in Timaru but everything is quiet on the Sister Cities front at the moment.

RECOMMENDATION                                                          Mr G Bargwanna/Mr V Lovecchio

That the verbal presentation on Timaru be noted.



4       General Reports

4.1     Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/1161

Recommendation                                                            Ms P Hughes/Mrs M Bargwanna

That the Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan be review and updated.




4.2     Update on Payment of Donation to Valparaiso

TRIM Reference:        2015/1180

Recommendation                                                        Mr S MacKinnon/Mr G Bargwanna

That the report by the Business Projects Officer on Update on Payment of Donation to Valparaiso be noted.


  The Meeting Closed at 6.14pm


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee                                         2 June 2015

2.1                       Minutes of the Sister Cities Community Committee - 13 May 2015

Attachment 2      Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan




Sister Cities Community Committee

Action Plan




Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status





Exchange of town planning staff with Timaru

Director Development Services

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

To be considered in future budget

Discussions underway


Contact has been made between relevant Directors. There is an in-principle agreement to participate. Now dependant on timing, staff availability and the budget process.


James Sheehan Catholic High School visit to Timaru – letter of introduction from the Mayor


4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget implication



Council resolved to provide a letter of introduction for the team and entourage.





Visit from Ushiku High School – a small function celebrating 25 years of Sister City relationship to coincide with the visit

Vince Lovecchio to confirm dates

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

In current budget

11 March 2015

11 March 2015

Visit completed


Pursue relationship between CSU and the university in Orange, California

Cr Gryllis with assistance from c’tee members

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget implications

11 February 2015




Implement the Mt Hagen traineeship program

Jeff Hort

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

In current budget



Has been stalled through immigration issues



Carry-over budget from the Mt Hagen celebration to next financial year (and quarantine) in addition to the annual expenditure

Business Projects Officer to organise

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

To be considered in budget review



Will be considered if or when a decision is made to proceed


Transfer housing rebuilding funds (Section 356 donation) to Chile

Business Projects Officer

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

In current budget



Previous email addresses have had issues. Payment details have been received and will be processed.


Formalise details of Catholic Education Office staff member that will be visiting Valparaiso

Lyndall Harrison

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget required






Gather data on potential costs for a trip to Valparaiso

Lyndall Harrison/ Phillipa Hughes

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget required



Approximate costs for airfares range from $1500 to $2800. Need to check with contacts in Valparaiso if there is a better time to visit than others.


Seo Gu – update on exhibition

Stuart McKinnon

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget required



Stuart to liaise directly with responsible Director


Rotary student exchange

Vince Lovecchio/Geoff Bargwanna

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget required



Vince and Geoff to follow up on the potential for Roatry to host the student from Ushiku who wishes to study here for a year.


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee               2 June 2015



2.2     Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 15 May 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1290

AUTHOR:                       Chris Devitt, Director Technical Services    




The Environmental Sustainability Community Committee met on 15 May 2015 and the recommendations from that meeting are presented to the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “12.1 Our Environment – Ensure the Plans of Management for the City’s natural resource assets are current and reviewed”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 15 May 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


At this meeting the Committee recommended that Council write to the NSW Environment Minister requesting consideration of a State-wide ban on single use plastic. It also recommended that Council formally supports Plastic Free July 2015 by adding the link to the Plastic Free Campaign website and issuing an appropriate media release.

There will be a draft Climate Change Policy presented to the next meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee.


1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 15 May 2015





Environmental Sustainability Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 15 May 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr N Jones (Chairperson), Cr R Turner, Mr Stephen Nugent, Mr Peter West, Mr Robert Alford, Mr Gavin Hillier, Mr Andrew Kennedy, Director Development Services, Water Treatment Manager, Recreation Planner, Plant and Depot Manager, Divisional Administration Officer- Technical Services


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                        Mr P West/Mr A Kennedy

That the apologies be accepted from Cr R Kidd, Dr Murray Fletcher, Ms Melanie McDonell and Dr Anantanarayanan Raman for the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting on 15 May 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                           Mr S Nugent/Mr P West

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 20 February 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting held on 20 February 2015.



3       Presentations

3.1     Health NSW Smoking Legislation

TRIM Reference:        2015/1198

Michele Singleton, Tobacco Compliance Officer and Trevor Slattery, Health Promotion Officer with Health NSW gave a presentation on Smoking Legislation including that which has been in force since January 2013 and the new legislation covering licenced premises which comes into effect from 6 July 2015.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                            Cr N Jones/Cr R Turner

That the Director Development Services arrange for Health NSW to make this presentation on Smoking Legislation to a Councillor briefing.




Mel Butcher, consultant with The Social Deck gave a brief outline on the process used in her research into illegal dumping in Kinross State Forest and how this process can be used for other projects involving behavioural change

RECOMMENDATION                                                                             Cr N Jones/Cr R Turner

That the presentation by Mel Butcher on Design Thinking and Behaviour Change for Sustainability - Illegal Dumping be acknowledged.



3.2     Contaminated Site Management

TRIM Reference:        2015/1197

Mr Alford gave a verbal report on historical contamination issues, particulary in relation to previous dumping and work practices by commercial enterprises, both on and off site and possible ongoing impacts on groundwater and air pollution.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                        Mr R Alford/Mr S Nugent

That Council staff compile a report on historic contamination in the Orange area and suggest remedial or other actions.



Mr Alford left the meeting


3.3     Climate Change Policies

TRIM Reference:        2015/1203

Director Development Services presented a verbal report on how climate change is currently covered by Council policies and the ways other Councils have addressed the issue.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Cr N Jones/Mr S Nugent

That a draft Climate Change Policy be presented to the next meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee.



4       General Reports

4.1     Ban of Single Use Plastic

TRIM Reference:        2015/1192

Recommendation                                                                          Mr S Nugent/Mr P West

That Council write to the NSW Environment Minister requesting consideration of a State-wide ban on single use plastic and asking what action the State Government intends to take in this area with particular interest in single use plastic bags.



4.2     Plastic Free July

TRIM Reference:        2015/1193

Recommendation                                                                   Mr S Nugent/Mr A Kennedy

That Council formally supports Plastic Free July 2015 by adding the link to the Plastic Free Campaign website and issuing an appropriate media release.



4.3     Gap Analysis Sub-Group Action Lists

TRIM Reference:        2015/1183

Recommendation                                                                      Mr P West/Mr A Kennedy

That the information provided in the report on Gap Analysis Sub-Group Action Lists be acknowledged.




The sub-group is almost ready to release the Energy page on Council’s website.  A draft will be distributed for comment prior to release.



Biodiversity and Natural Environment/Heritage

Haven’t met much lately as people away but will try to get moving again. Working on strategic policies. Wanting to bring together other parties with a lot of knowledge.


Contamination needs to be addressed by this sub-group.


4.4     Gap Analysis Chart

TRIM Reference:        2015/1184

Due to time constraints this was not discussed.



The Meeting Closed at 10.05am.


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee               2 June 2015



2.3     Record of the Tidy Towns Community Committee Meeting - 20 May 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1357

AUTHOR:                       David Waddell, Director Development Services    




The Tidy Towns Community Committee met on 20 May 2015. As there was no quorum, the record of the meeting is provided to the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee for information only. The recommendations are to be endorsed by the Tidy Towns Community Committee at its next meeting.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “4.1 Our City – Continue to deliver a leadership role as a major entity in the region and actively contribute to the future direction of local, regional and national initiatives to support and facilitate improved outcomes for the community”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That, as there was not a quorum, Council note the recommendations made by the Tidy Towns Community Committee at its meeting held on 20 May 2015.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Tidy Towns Community Committee held on 20 May 2015

2        Tidy Towns Community Committee Action Plan 2015, D15/4159





Tidy Towns Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 20 May 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr C Gryllis (Chairperson), Ms W Fisher, Ms V Willis, Ms R Wright, Natural Resources Coordinator

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Ms W Fisher/Cr C Gryllis

That the apology be accepted from Mr F Maw for the Tidy Towns Community Committee meeting on 20 May 2015.

As there was not a quorum, the members present decided to discuss the agenda items and refer the following record of the meeting for recommendation at the next meeting of the Tidy Towns Community Committee.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Ms V Willis/Ms W Fisher

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Tidy Towns Community Committee held on 25 February 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Tidy Towns Community Committee meeting held on 25 February 2015.




3       Presentations

3.1     Clean Up Australia Day Activities 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/1188

The Committee was very disappointed with this years’ event and the general poor community response.

The Chairperson would like the Committee to write to the Clean Up Australia Day, (CUAD) Committee informing them of the failure of the event here in Orange and seek strategies to improve the response for future events with the suggestion of promoting the event much earlier, possibly in November of the previous year.

The Rotary North Club of Orange has agreed to promote the event through their networks in an effort to improve numbers.

Ms Wright suggested promoting the idea of a Junior Tidy Towns Program in Orange.

The Committee was generally disappointed with the amount of rubbish in and around the local streets and roads of Orange and feels more resources need to be directed toward these areas by Orange City Council.

Ms Fisher suggested the idea of introducing the concept of “Adopt a Block” locally in an effort to encourage local residents to take pride in their neighbourhood.

Council’s Natural Resources Coordinator suggested approaching local fast food restaurants to raise the concept of introducing litter awareness campaigns.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Ms W Fisher/Ms V Willis

1        That the Committee write to the Clean Up Australia Day Committee seeking strategies to improve the promotion and response to the annual Clean Up Australia Day event particularly at a local level.

2        That the Committee liaise with Rotary North to promote next year’s Clean up Australia Day event.

3        That the Committee write to all local schools and make the offer of Committee members presenting to the responsive schools the idea behind Tidy Towns and strategies the school could introduce to make their homes, schools and Orange an improved place to live.

4        That the Committee investigate the concept of introducing the “Adopt a Block” or similar in Orange.

5        That the Tidy Towns Community Committee liaise with local fast food outlets to investigate promoting litter awareness strategies.




3.2     Tidy Towns Categories for 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/1186

The following Expressions of Interests have been submitted for this year’s Tidy Towns Awards, now referred to as Blue Star Sustainability Awards.

Sustainable Systems Awards

1        Securing Orange City Council’s Water Supply ie Stormwater Harvesting, Urban Wetlands and the Purple Pipe System for non-potable water, Macquarie Pipeline, Suma Park extension

2        Wentworth Golf Club’s Solar Panel Installation Program.

Environmental Achievement Award

Bill Josh, Community Engagement Officer with Orange City and Bathurst Regional Councils.

Going Green Education Award

Sustainable Living Week – Rotary Club of Orange

Habitat and Wildlife Guardianship Award

1        Installation of Leaky Weirs along Rifle Range Creek

2        The Peregrine Falcon Project – Charles Sturt University

Cultural Heritage Award

Interpreting Banjo Patterson’s Cottage, (Alison Russell)

The Chairman asked that Certificates of Appreciation be presented to all nominees for the 2015 Blue Star Awards.

The Chairman would also like to present a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms Kerry Campbell for her fantastic work with the Healing Garden at the Orange Base Hospital.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Cr C Gryllis/Ms W Fisher

1        That the Tidy Towns Community Committee endorse the Expressions of Interest submitted to NSW Blue Star Awards by its members and provide the nominees with Certificates of Appreciation.

2        That a Certificate of Appreciation be produced and presented to Ms K Campbell for her healing garden at the base hospital.



3.3     2015 Tidy Towns Award Ceremony - Gloucester

TRIM Reference:        2015/1187

All members present expressed an interest in attending the 2015 NSW Blue Star Awards to be held Gloucester.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Cr C Gryllis/Ms R Wright

That the item be deffered to the next meeting for consideration.



4       General Reports

4.1     Tidy Towns Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/1095

Recommendation                                                                          Ms R Wright/Cr C Gryllis

That the Tidy Towns Community Committee Action Plan be review and updated.



The Meeting Closed at 6.00pm.


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee                                         2 June 2015

2.3                       Record of the Tidy Towns Community Committee Meeting - 20 May 2015

Attachment 2      Tidy Towns Community Committee Action Plan 2015


Tidy Towns Community Committee

Action Plan




Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget Status





Promote Tidy Towns to the local community



13.3 Identify changing community aspirations and undertake community engagement to inform planning and advocacy of plans and policies for waste management and resource recovery

Task Ref: 13.3.3

Budget allocated in 2014/15 and in draft 2015/16





Recognise individual or business achievements



Budget allocated in 2014/15 and in draft 2015/16





Submit EOIs for annual Tidy Towns Awards



Budget allocated in 2014/15 and in draft 2015/16





Submit successful EOI categories for Tidy Town awards

Tidy Towns Coordinator


Budget allocated in 2014/15 and in draft 2015/16







Showcase the City of Orange to Tidy Towns Assessor



Budget allocated in 2014/15 and in draft 2015/16





Attend annual Tidy Towns Awards

Selected Members


Budget allocated in 2014/15 and in draft 2015/16