Services Policy Committee




5 May 2015



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Services Policy Committee meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on Tuesday, 5 May 2015.



Garry Styles

General Manager


For apologies please contact Michelle Catlin on 6393 8246.



Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Apologies and Leave of Absence. 3

1.2            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                Committee Minutes. 4

2.1            Minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee - 9 February 2015  4

2.2            Record of the Clifton Grove Community Committee Meeting - 26 February 2015  7

2.3            Minutes of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee - 9 March 2015. 15

2.4            Minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee - 13 March 2015 and 10 April 2015. 23

2.5            Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Community Committee - 26 March 2015  32

2.6            Minutes of the Spring Hill Community Committee - 30 March 2015. 38

2.7            Minutes of the Orange Health Liaison Community Committee - 30 March 2015  45

2.8            Minutes of the World War I Centenary Community Committee - 31 March 2015  50

2.9            Record of the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee Meeting - 1 April 2015. 56

2.10         Minutes of the Lucknow Community Committee - 13 April 2015. 59


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015


1       Introduction

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence

1.2     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Committee Members now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Services Policy Committee at this meeting.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee - 9 February 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/588

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee met on 9 February 2015 and the minutes of that meeting are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “7.2 Our Community – Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee at its meeting held on 9 February 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee held on 9 February 2015





Community Safety & Crime Prevention Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 9 February 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr J Hamling (Chairperson), Cr R Gander, Mrs Charmaine Bennett, Insp Peter Atkins, Mr Gavin Hillier, Mr Derek Johns, Mr Bill Kelly, Mr Phillip Kirkwood, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services.


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                            Cr J Hamling/Mr B Kelly

That the apologies be accepted from Cr K Duffy, Mr Ian Middleton, Mrs Patricia Davis, Community Services Manager and Community Development Officer for the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee meeting on 9 February 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declarations of Interest



2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                      Mr G Hillier/Mrs C Bennett

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee held on 8 December 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee meeting held on 8 December 2014.




3       Presentations

3.1     Report by Canobolas Local Area Command (Police)

TRIM Reference:        2015/331

·                Number of Incidents below previous year in all major crime categories

·                Six month test site for domestic violence site concludes at the end of March 2015. Program then reviewed and adjustments if any to be implemented

·                Supt Driver leaving command in April to take up a position in Sydney. Replacement to be announced.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Mr B Kelly/Cr J Hamling

That the report by the Local Area Command be noted.



3.2     Liquor Accord Update

TRIM Reference:        2015/332

·                No major issues over Christmas

·                Currently have 26 members of the Accord. Letters to all licenced premises sent out inviting them to join the liquor accord

·                January was quiet month as was New Year’s Eve

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr G Hillier/Cr R Gander

That the update on the Orange Liquor Accord be noted.



4       General Reports

4.1     Amended Charter - Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/306

Recommendation                                                                             Mr D Johns/Mr B Kelly

That the Charter for the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Community Committee be adopted.




The Meeting Closed at 6.20 pm.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.2     Record of the Clifton Grove Community Committee Meeting - 26 February 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1055

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The Clifton Grove Community Committee met on 26 February 2015 and the recommendations from that Committee are provided to the Services Policy Committee for information only.  As there was no quorum, the recommendations are to be endorsed by the Clifton Grove Community Committee at its next meeting.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “8.4 Our Community – Acknowledge our diverse cultural heritage by encouraging and implementing programs and events that tell the stories of the urban, village and rural community and their people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That, as there was not a quorum, Council note the recommendations made by the Clifton Grove Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 February 2015.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Clifton Grove Community Committee held on 26 February 2015

2        Clifton Grove Community Committee Action Plan, D15/10981





Clifton Grove Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 26 February 2015


 1      Introduction


Mr C Everett (Chairperson), Mrs Alex Butt, Mrs Jenny Glastonbury, Mr Rob Nevins, Mr Peter Reid, Mr Conrad Silvester, Mr Peter West,  Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services (5.40pm), Museum and Heritage Coordinator, Museum and Heritage Support Officer.

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence



As there was not a quorum, the members present discussed the agenda items and referred the following record of the meeting for recommendation at the next Clifton Grove Community Committee meeting.


1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests 




2 General Reports  

2.1     Amended Charter - Clifton Grove Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/302

RECOMMENDATION                                                             Mr C Everett/Mrs J Glastonbury

That this item be deferred to the next meeting of  Clifton Grove Community Committee for consideration.



** Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services arrived at meeting 5.40pm**


2.2     Clifton Grove Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/400

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Mr P West/Mr C Everett

That the Clifton Grove Community Committee commence the development of the Clifton Grove Community Committee Action Plan, to be reviewed and updated at each meeting.



2.3     Report from Charles Everett - Clifton Grove Community Committee Chairperson

TRIM Reference:        2015/435

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Mr R Nevins/Mr C Everett

That the report by Museum and Heritage Coordinator on Report from Charles Everett – Clifton Grove Community Committee Chairperson be acknowledged.



2.4     Strategic Policy ST050 - Code of Meeting Practice

TRIM Reference:        2015/6

RECOMMENDATION                                                             Mr C Everett/Mrs J Glastonbury

That this item be deferred to the next meeting of  Clifton Grove Community Committee for consideration.




The Meeting Closed at 7.05 PM


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                           5 May 2015

2.2                       Record of the Clifton Grove Community Committee Meeting - 26 February 2015

Attachment 2      Clifton Grove Community Committee Action Plan

d15/10981                                                                Clifton Grove Action Plan

Clifton Grove Working Group to update this Action Plan and submit to OCC prior to all meetings - Last updated March 29, 2015







& resources




Notes/ comments

1. Administration, communication and correspondence.

Orange City Council to support and respond to CGWG on matters as they arise; coordinated through a single staff member.

·  WG to use and promote Councils customer service line 1300 650 511 for general issues.

·  WG to contact Director of Community, Recreation and Cultural Services (SM) if required.

·  WG members to correspond with OCC as required, and prior to scheduled meetings.






Previously listed as a ‘place manager’. This was deemed to be outside current Council’s Delivery/Operational Plan.

2. Facilities development

Construct a Clifton Grove Notice Board for Banjo Paterson Way, containing map of area, plus public notice board.

·  Replace existing Clifton Grove roadside map on entry to area

·  WG to draft design specifications

·  WG to seek 2 quotes for construction WG to formally write to Director (SM) requesting this item be funded in budget.






WG will contact Midstate signs

Mud Hut fencing and access

·  Fence and gate(s) installed at mud hut to improve safety for people and define the horse exercise/riding area.






Completed October 2013

Mud Hut grounds enhanced with plantings

·  Revegetation around Mud Hut with Bill Josh







Roadway maintenance

·  WG use newsletter to publicise Councils customer service contact number 1300 650 511 for reporting pot-holed roads, trip hazards, vandalism, road maintenance, etc as required.






Constructed multi-purpose pathway between Clifton Grove and Orange

·  Assess feasibility of a new cycling/walking path connecting Clifton Grove to Orange, suitable for bicycles, horses and pedestrians (possibly gravel)

·  WG to formally write to Director (SM) requesting this be investigated and funds allocated from next budget.

·  WG to gauge the community interest via mailing list /newsletter







Align to OCC Bicycle Plan

Review whether the placement of bus shelters and signage is adequate

·  OCC to review locations of bus shelters are assess if they need relocating

·  WG to consider whether signage warning about school buses is adequate, and consult OCC if required.






Low/ medium


3. Bridle Path and open space network.


Signage installed about activities permitted within bridle paths, and roadside signs about horse riding.

·  Signs installed on bridle path gates

·  Horse signs installed on roadsides

·  WG members monitor and contact OCC as needed.



Sept 2013







Fences and gates maintained

·  Repair fence on Coolabah Drive

·  Open gate at Riding for Disabled –

·  WG members to review fencing to identify if alterations are required.





OCC to contact RDA.

Review lease agreements and monitor leased areas for better management.

·  Clarify the responsibilities of lease holders regarding maintenance and management, eg weeds, erosion, over-grazing.

·  WG and residents monitor leased areas and contact OCC with issues if they arise, by sending email with photo to Director (SM).












Council Corporate Services. Leases are reviewed on termination/ renewal.

Slashing of bridle paths and open space areas to reduce fire hazard.

·  WG and OCC meet to review slashing schedule prior to each fire season.

·  WG and residents to help identify areas possibly requiring slashing.

·  Director to meet with WG Chair to inspect areas.












Drains checked and maintained

·  WG and residents monitor and notify OCC as required about blocked drains or drainage issues

·  Blocked drains cleared as required






Education of CG community about bridle path and open space networks.

·  Circulate information about bridle paths and open spaces to residents in newsletters, incl. permissible activities, co-management, native vege, pests and weeds, etc.

·  WG to develop in consultation with OCC

WG with






Native flora and fauna protection (education)

·  Circulate information via newsletter(s) about native plants and wildlife to residents, including species known to occur in area, and how to protect them, eg. Living with native wildlife.

·  Consult OFNCS and consider circulating existing materials.






Native revegetation activities.

·  Identify priority areas for revegetation, e.g. reduce erosion, increase visual amenity, or provide habitat for native plants and animals.

·  Schedule two revegetation events annually in priority areas.








4. Riding School for the disabled

Consultation with Riding school regarding their needs and activities.

·  WG to consult RDA to identify if they need any additional support, access, services etc

·  Invite RDA to become member of the WG.







5. Weed and pest animal management

Weed management information sessions and education

·  Hold an annual weed information session at Mud Hut and invite residents to attend to learn about weed identification, responsibilities and control.

·  WG to notify residents of information sessions via newsletter / email







Weed control

·  Residents undertake weed control on private properties

·  OCC inspections of private land

·  OCC undertake weed control on public land, assisted by WG where possible.

OCC plus WG





Pest animal information sessions and education

·  WG to invite Central Tablelands LLS to speak about pest control at an information session

·  WG to notify residents of information sessions via newsletter / email








Control rabbits and foxes

·  OCC to investigate options and undertake rabbit and fox control in public reserves 

·  Residents undertake control (where permissible) on private land in consultation with OCC and LLS.

·  WG to consult OCC staff about options







6. Landcare or landholder network

Assess interest of CG residents to form a Landcare group or landholder network.

·  WG to consult residents about interest in forming a Landcare group or landholder network to assist with pest and weed control, revegetation projects, and funding,

·  OCC to assess what commitment they could offer to this proposal eg staff and resources (ie, weeds officers, wetland staff, sustainability officer).

·  Develop a map of biodiversity areas for Clifton Grove





Distribute Central Tablelands LLS or NSW DPI Rural Living Handbook.

7. Fire protection and preparedness

Community meetings regarding fire protection and preparedness.   

·  Hold information sessions regarding fire protection, education, preparedness with Rural Fire Service.

·  WG to notify residents of RFS Gumtree meetings via newsletters and email distribution list.

·  Residents to ensure adequate Asset Protection Zones are maintained around buildings (consult RFS if required)


Annually in September






Fire hydrants accessible

·  Fire hydrants inspected to ensure they are not silted up.

·  Fire hydrant locations labelled on roads.


Completed 2014





Rural Fire Service access road improved.

·  Construction of gravel road to RFS building on The Billabong


Completed 2013




8. Maintain and improve road verges to improve public safety and visual amenity.

Assess roadside hazards for horse riders, pedestrians and traffic

·  WG to identify any safety issues, such as roadside hazards (including parked vehicles) and notify OCC as needed.






Improve roadsides using native and imported plant species

·  Develop a master plan for street tree planting with OCC, electricity providers and local residents.

·  Provide recommendations regarding species to be planted to community

·  Identify locations and species that may be inappropriate for roadside planting such as contorted willows on Matilda avenue

·  Hold a workshop for Clifton Grove residents to educate on plantings (involving Bill Josh and Roger Smith)







9. Reporting inappropriate or illegal activities in Clifton Grove area, including adjacent NSW State Forest, such as hunting.

Minimise noise problems associated with motor bike use (possible buffer zone), suggestion to involve police to work with unlicensed riders


·  WG to inform residents via newsletter what action to take in event of noise, illegal rubbish dumping, illegal firewood collection, other activities, etc

·  Clifton Grove residents to notify OCC and/or Forestry regarding illegal rubbish dumping.

·  Clifton Grove residents to notify police and/or State Forests of incidents.




Low /medium


10. Other environmental matters

Education of community about current rebates and incentives for sustainable living.

·  WG to use newsletter to provide periodic updates on available rebates and incentives to residents regarding water tanks, water saving, solar hot water systems, fire place replacement schemes, recycling services, etc


Twice yearly



Consult OCC for updated information about each available rebate

Funding opportunities for on-ground works identified and funding sought through OCC

·  OCC to keep WG up-to-date about emerging funding grants for works such as willow removal, biodiversity incentives etc

·  WG to support OCC with preparing submissions for funding as opportunities arise.










Flood alerts for Suma Park Dam

·  Ensure residents in possible flood zone are well aware of system(s), and equipment maintained as required.







Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.3     Minutes of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee - 9 March 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/825

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The minutes of the meeting of the Cultural Heritage Community Meeting held on 9 March 2015 are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “8.4 Our Community – Acknowledge our diverse cultural heritage by encouraging and implementing programs and events that tell the stories of the urban, village and rural community and their people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Cultural Heritage Community Committee at its meeting held on 9 March 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee held on 9 March 2015

2        CHCC - Action Plan - March 2015, D15/5189





Cultural Heritage Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 9 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr R Gander, Cr N Jones, Ms Elizabeth Griffin, Ms Alexandra Rezko, Mr Phil Stevenson, Mr Rodney Tonkin, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Museum and Heritage Coordinator, Museum and Heritage Support Officer

In the absence of the Chairperson the meeting was chaired by Cr R Gander

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                            Cr N Jones/Cr R Gander

That the apologies be accepted from Cr R Kidd (Chairperson) and Mr Charles Everett for the Cultural Heritage Community Committee meeting on 9 March 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                          Mr R Tonkin/Ms E Griffin

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee held on 8 December 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee meeting held on 8 December 2014.





3       General Reports

3.1     Amended Charter - Cultural Heritage Community Committee Charter

TRIM Reference:        2015/303

Recommendation                                                                     Cr N Jones/Mr P Stevenson

That the Charter for the Cultural Heritage Community Committee be adopted.



3.2     Orange Regional Museum Progress Report - March 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/519

Recommendation                                                                           Mr R Tonkin/Cr N Jones

That the report by Museum and Heritage Coordinator on Orange Regional Museum Annual Program – Progress Report - March 2015 be acknowledged



3.3     Interpretation of Emmaville Cottage

TRIM Reference:        2015/532

Recommendation                                                                   Ms E Griffin/Mr P Stevenson

That the report by Museum and Heritage Coordinator on Interpretation of Emmaville Cottage be acknowledged.



3.4     Cultural Heritage Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/521

Recommendation                                                                  Mr P Stevenson/Mr R Tonkin

1        That the Cultural Heritage Action Plan be reviewed and updated.

2        That a report be provided to the Committee on the framework of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee and the Orange Regional Museum Community Committee objectives.

3        That the recorded names of the burials in Chinamen’s Bend Cemetery (Summer Hill Cemetery) be reinstated on a plaque at the Chinamen’s Bend Cemetery (Summer Hill Cemetery).



The Meeting Closed at 6.30pm.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                           5 May 2015

2.3                       Minutes of the Cultural Heritage Community Committee - 9 March 2015

Attachment 2      CHCC - Action Plan - March 2015



Cultural Heritage Community Committee

Action Plan




Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status







Review interpretative signage

·    Signs are regularly inspected for repainting and cleaning

·    Repair, replace/upgrade where necessary

·    Develop signs as identified


Council Staff






Checked on an annual basis



Develop a series of conservation guideline fact sheets based on FAQ

·    Mail out annually to OCC property owners over next 3 years



Subject to Management Plan/Budget





Develop a program for the conservation of the Council owned properties

·    Identify and develop conservation plans and strategies for identified individual places of high local (and higher) significance

·    Implement recommendations from the Chinamen’s Bend Cemetery

-      Install interpretation to recognise those that are buried in the cemetery

·    Implement recommendations from the Lake Canobolas Pump House CMP

·    Robertson Park – CMP to be developed










Develop cemetery walk and brochure to include history, heritage and conservation of the cemetery.  Conduct Heritage Walks of significant areas of Orange

·    Include the Mayors of Orange in the Cemetery Walk brochure







Draft developed



Establish promotion and education programs with schools and stakeholders to develop the community’s awareness of the City’s heritage and history

·    Develop a program of events that could be included in the promotion of the Heritage Festival and History Week.

-      Orange City Council Cultural Heritage Awards being held bi-annually as part of the Heritage Festival – scheduled for 2014

-      Coordinate a Museum Open Day for the Museums of Orange, Cabonne and Blayney

·    Promote Heritage Festival in April and History Week in

·    Facilitate annual awards programs such as the Sir Neville Howse award program

·    Facilitate a regular series of community heritage conservation workshops

·    Participate in Central West Heritage Network Seminar for professionals

Boer War Day

·    Hold an annual Boer

War Event on 31 May each year, or on the Sunday before, to coincide with the signing of the treaty that ended the War

·    Promote the Boer War through website or a brochure

·    Develop a program to research the Sudan War –






















E Griffin





















May - Annually






Establish a program to list new items of landscape significance on Survey of Significant Landscape Feature website

·    Upgrade existing website to be more user friendly and be connected to a mapping system

·    Promote the conservation landscape features to relevant stakeholders

·    Develop form to upload items on the web










Subject to Delivery Plan/budget






Continue interpretation and conservation of Wentworth Mine

·    Seek ongoing funding for an interpretative program

·    In partnership with Orange & District Historical Society hold  talks at Wentworth Mine – April 2015

·    Develop a program to research Henry Newman and Thomas Raine














Ensure that advertising, brochures, web site and well-designed including directional information

·    Develop network links with Central NSW Tourism



Council staff











Develop a program of exhibitions in partnership with other museums and cultural groups

·    Work with the Gallery and the Library to develop and host temporary exhibitions as part of the Museum Program

·    Identify WWI projects















Continue the Sustainable Collections Project

·    Develop Stage 1 Villages of Orange and district Exhibition

·    Seek funding for Stage II Village of the Orange – Art Component including research of local artists

·    Explore opportunities to develop an exhibition on WWI

·    Workshop on methods related to telling stories of World War I in partnership with AWM

·    Work with Orange Health Services General Hospital to document their collections

·    Establish networks of communication with the regional museums

·    Develop a program for professional development and training

·    Implement strategies as per the Emmaville Cottage Interpretation Strategy







March 2014













Interpret significant places, themes and events in the history of the district, in collaboration with museums, community groups and cultural bodies, eg Migrant families, Chinese, Post WWII and local aboriginal people

·    Explore with museums and the community opportunities to interpret other aspects of migration heritage, eg the Chinese contribution to the region and post WWII migrants and families

·    Explore opportunities for a collaborative exhibition and site interpretation about Cornish and Welsh migrants and villages of the district including Migrants and War housing

·    Work with the Gallery to develop public art opportunities to interpret heritage sites, themes

·    Work with the Ophir Reserve Trust to develop new interpretative panels on the history and geology of the Ophir site

·    Develop brief to undertake a study on the Chinese in the Orange Region













Ophir Reserve Trust


























Provide support to the Museums Network with representatives from Councils, Central NSW Museums, historical societies and other interested stakeholders

·    Utilise the Central NSW Museums Website to promote the museum calendar of events

·    Update the museums website

·    Program for professional development and training

















Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.4     Minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee - 13 March 2015 and 10 April 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/864

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The NAIDOC Week Community Committee met on 13 March 2015 and the recommendations from the Committee are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

The NAIDOC Week Community Committee met again on 10 April 2015. As there was no quorum, the recommendations will be endorsed by the Committee at its next meeting. The record of the meeting is provided to the Services Policy Committee for information.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “9.1 Our Community – Undertake community engagement, identify changing community aspirations, undertaken planning, and advocate for the development of facilities and services recognising the need for accessible and integrated community and health services for older people, and services for Aboriginal people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds and people with a disability”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




1        That the recommendations made by the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meetings held on 13 March 2015 be adopted.

2        That, as there was not a quorum, Council note the recommendations made by the NAIDOC Week Community Committee at its meeting held on 10 April 2015.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


1        Minutes of the Meeting of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee held on 13 March 2015

2        NAIDOC 10 April 2015 Minutes, 2015/1006




NAIDOC Week Community Committee

HELD IN HACC Centre Conference Room, 286 Lords Place Orange

ON 13 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Mr Gerald Power (Chairperson), Cr N Jones, Mr Ronnie Leonard, Mr Corey McLean, Ms Annette Uata, Community Development and Support Coordinator, Aboriginal HACC Development Officer, Youth Development Officer

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                             Ms S Kilby/Ms K Boyde

That the apologies be accepted from Glen Sutherland, Annette Steele, Bryce O’Neill and Sharon Holmes for the NAIDOC Week Community Committee meeting on 13 March 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

Mr Gerald Power gave an Acknowledgement of Country.

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                       Mr G Power/Mr C McLean

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee held on 21 November 2014 and 13 February 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee meeting held on 21 November 2014 and 13 February 2015.


3       Presentations

3.1     NAIDOC Week School Initiatives

TRIM Reference:        2015/491

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Mr G Power/Cr N Jones

That Gerald Power contact the Regional Office of the Department of Education to clarify current funding avaialble in local schools for aboriginal initiatives and cultural events.

3.2     Final Debriefing - 2014 Events

TRIM Reference:        2015/504

·                The Elders Lunch was well attended by approximately 30 local Elders. The NAIDOC Committee Chair commended Sandra Kilby and Sandra Holmes on organising this sucessful event.

·                NAIROC was well organised. The introduction of two awards worked well.  The Seniors award meant that the younger childrens group were not competing against older groups. Back stage assistance worked well, with Kinross students collating the scores, expediating the announcement of results.  Cory McLean was acknowledged for his wonderful organisation of the event.

·                The Street March, due to rain was moved to the Orange Function Centre.  The Lions Club assisted with the BBQ, coffee and tea.  The Services displays were conducted indoors and worked well.

·                The Gallery opening was impressive with local girls performing Aboriginal dance. The Art Gallery Possum and Fur exhibition was outstanding.

·                The Women’s Night Out was provided with sufficient assistance to make the event a success, although attendance was slightly down.

·                The Family Fun Day was enjoyable and well attended.

·                The Sports Day conducted at the PCYC with the assistance of Girri Girri students was well facilitated.

·                The Disco was well attended by a great number of children and young people, although there were some concerns with the venue and behaviour of some participants. The Kinross students provided the music which proved popular.

·                The Golf Day was successfully conducted.

·                The NAIDOC Committee Chairperson acknowledged Annette Uata for transporting equipment to the various events throughout the week.

·                The Awards Night organised by the Orange Local Aboriginal Lands Council was one of the most successful to date. There were some concerns regarding presentation of awards, which has since been resolved.

·                Media coverage was comprehensive throughout the week.

·                All services who assisted with NAIDOC Week Celebrations have been presented with a certificate of appreciation.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Mr G Power/Ms A Uata

That Council note the success of the NAIDOC Week Celebrations, 2014.




3.3     Budget Discussion - 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/505

There has been a request for a change in signatories at the Orange Credit Union with a proposal that the following people be removed: Annette Steele, Kylie Morgan, and Kieren Copeland. The new signatories are to include Gerald Power, Cory McLean, Ronald Leonard, and Sandra Kilby, with the requirement for two members to sign.

The Orange Aboriginal Medical Service has auspiced the NAIDOC Committee over the past few years and are to be commended for their support.

Birang Enterprise has been approached to take on the auspice of the NAIDOC Week funding for 2015.

To assist in managing the NAIDOC budget requirements, services intending to submit funding application to the Department of Indiginous Affairs, or other source, are requested to inform the NAIDOC Committee. Annette Uata noted her opposition to this suggestion. Gerald Power will write to organisations with a request to comply.

Gerald Power reported that no funding was granted this year for the NAIDOC Week Celebrations as the submission was unsuccessful.

Gerald Power will contact key organisations to investigate if they were successful in this funding round. There will be a reduction in funding available for the NAIDOC Week celebrations in 2015.

This issue should be raised with the Community Working Party, as this will impact on planning for the 2015 event. Gerald will write letters of request for a financial report from relevant organisations.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Mr G Power/Ms A Uata

That the budget discussions be noted.




3.4     NAIDOC Week Celebrations Planning 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/506

·                NAIDOC Week Celebration 2015 will take place from 24 October till 31 October.

·                Sandra Kilby to liase with the Local Aboriginal Lands Council to enquire if they are willing to coordinate the Awards Night 2015.

·                A vehicle will be sourced to transport equipment to the various events throughout the week.

·                Funding is to be sourced to purchase a BBQ trailer. Ron Leonard is to investigate whether OAMS has a suitable trailer available. Alternatively it was suggested that Service Clubs be approached to cater for the various BBQ’s throughout the week.

·                Schools are encouraged to get involved in NAIDOC Celebrations. Adam Goologong, Chair of the Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG), is to be invited to be a representative on the NAIDOC Committee.

·                A Gallery space is booked for NAIDOC 2015 and smaller galleries around Orange will also be sourced to display art during this years event. There is potential for a mosaic project in partnership with North Orange shopping centre. Annete Uata is to follow up with Vince Lovechio to investigate if there is the potential for a Youth Arts festival partnership

·                Touch Football will be investigated with Orange City Touch Association at Jack Brabham oval in 2015 in lieu of the Sports Day at the PCYC.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Mr C McLean/Ms K Boyde

That the planning for NAIDOC Week 2015 be noted.





4       General Reports

4.1     Amended Charter - NAIDOC Week Comminity Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/524

Discussion on the NAIDOC Community Committee Charter took place. Councillor Jones acknowledged that the NAIDOC Committee is the only Aboriginal Community Committee reporting to Orange City Council. There is potential for the purpose of the Committee to be broadened to include other relevant Aboriginal Community and cultural events.

Councillor Jones suggested that a meeting be arranged to discuss the scope of the NAIDOC Committee and amending the Charter.

The Charter will be discussed and relevant ammendments made at the next NAIDOC Community Committee meeting.

Recommendation                                                                           Cr N Jones/Mr G Power

That the Charter for the NAIDOC Week Community Committee be held over until the next meeting.




The Meeting Closed at 11.50am.


NAIDOC Week Community Committee                                                             5 May 2015

2.4                       Minutes of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee - 13 March 2015 and 10 April 2015

Attachment 2      NAIDOC 10 April 2015 Minutes



NAIDOC Week Community Committee

HELD IN HACC Centre Conference Room, 286 Lords Place Orange

ON 10 April 2015


 1      Introduction


Mr Gerald Power (Chairperson), Cr N Jones, Cr R Turner, Ms Donna Stanley, Aboriginal HACC Development Officer, Community Development and Support Coordinator

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Cr N Jones/Mr G Power

That the apologies be accepted from Annette Uata, Katrina Hausia, Glen Sutherland, Sharon Holmes, Bryce O’Neill and Collette Vincent for the NAIDOC Week Community Committee meeting on 10 April 2015.

As there was not a quorum, the members present decided to discuss the agenda items and refer the following record of the meeting for recommendation at the next meeting of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

An Acknowledgement of Country was provided by Gerald Power.

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Mr G Power/Cr N Jones

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee held on 13 March 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the NAIDOC Week Community Committee meeting held on 13 March 2015.


3       Presentations

3.1     NAIDOC Week School Initiatives determination

TRIM Reference:        2015/802

Gerald Power will meet with the Department of Education before the next meeting to determine if local schools are funded for NAIDOC Week activities to inform the decision whether or not to support the initiative.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Cr N Jones/Mr G Power

That consideration Item 3.1 NAIDOC Week School Initiatives Determination be deferred to the next meeting.



3.2     Budget Discussion - 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/803

Birrang Enterprise will auspice NAIDOC Funding .

Signatories have been changed at the Orange Credit Union.  Ronnie Leonard is to provide identification to complete the process.

$5,000 has been included in Orange City Council’s budget for 2015-2016 financial year.

It is recognised that improved financial accountability is required for financial management in accessing grant funding and transparency of expenditure during the event.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Cr N Jones/Mr G Power

That the budget discussion be noted.



3.3     NAIDOC Week Celebrations Planning 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/804

Birrang has offered to undertake the planning and conduct of the Awards Night.

Western NSW Local Health District will facilitate the Family Fun Day event.

Gerald Power will contact all event coordinators and encourage them to be present at monthly meetings.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                           Cr N Jones/Mr G Power

That NAIDOC Week celebration planning discussion be noted.




4       General Reports

4.1     Amended Charter - NAIDOC Week Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/805

The committee members in attendance discussed the proposed Amendments to the Charter – NAIDOC Week Community Committee Charter as tabled at the meeting.

It was agreed that all amendments be recommended for adoption at the next meeting.


That consideration of Item 1.4 Amended Charter – NAIDOC Week Community Committee be deferred to the next meeting.




The Meeting Closed at 11.15am.

Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.5     Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Community Committee - 26 March 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/998

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The Sport and Recreation Community Committee met on 26 March 2015 and the recommendations from that meeting are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “6.1 Our Community – Identify changing community aspirations and undertake community engagement and planning for the development and support of sporting and recreational services”.

Financial Implications

The funding for the recommendations under the 2015/2016 Sports Facility Program is included in the draft 2015/2019 Delivery/Operational Plan.

Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Sport and Recreation Community Committee at its meeting held on 26 March 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


The assessment of the applications for funding under the 2015/2016 Sports Facility Program that was considered by the Committee are attached.


1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Sport and Recreation Community Committee held on 26 March 2015

2        2015/2016 Sports Facility Program - Application Assessment, D15/6522





Sport and Recreation Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 26 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr J Hamling (Chairperson), Mr Andrew Everett, Mr Wayne Hill, Mr Peter Jarick, Mr Gary Norton, Mr Michael Thornhill, Manager City Presentation, Recreation Planner, Sports and Recreation Coordinator


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                            Mr G Norton/Mr W Hill

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Sport and Recreation Community Committee held on 22 May 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Sport and Recreation Community Committee meeting held on 22 May 2014.






3       General Reports

3.5     Strategic Policy ST050 - Code of Meeting Practice

TRIM Reference:        2015/7

Recommendation                                                                         Mr P Jarick/Mr G Norton

That the Sport and Recreation Community Committee note the requirements set by the Code of Meeting Practice as amended by Council on 20 May 2014.




3.1     Amended Charter - Sport and Recreation Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/305

Recommendation                                                                              Mr W Hill/Mr P Jarick

That the Charter for the Sport and Recreation Community Committee be adopted.




3.3     2014/2015 Sport and Recreation Capital Projects Update

TRIM Reference:        2015/666

Recommendation                                                                  Mr M Thornhill/Mr G Norton

That the report by the Sport and Recreation Coordinator regarding 2014/2015 Sport and Recreation Capital Projects Update be acknowledged.





3.4     2015/2016 Sports Facility Program - Application Assessment

TRIM Reference:        2015/678

Recommendation                                                                  Mr G Norton/Mr M Thornhill

That the Sport and Recreation Community Committee recommends that Council allocate funds from the 2015/2016 Sports Facility Program as stated in the report.




Funding Requested

Recommended Funding

Orange District Football Association

Construction of seating shelter to service soccer field no. 1 at Sir Jack Brabham Park



Orange High School

Resurfacing of three outdoor sports courts at Orange High School



Orange District Basketball Association

Supply and install of two reversible basketball/netball towers for the Anzac Park external courts.



Orange Ex-Services Tennis Club

Upgrade of court 4 (closest court to club house) with the potential to include hot shots courts to cater specifically for junior tennis.



Orange District Cricket Association

Construction of permanent cricket sight screens for Wade Park









3.2     Sport and Recreation Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/657

The Committee discussed the importance of developing an action plan that established targeted objectives with meaningful and measurable outcomes and felt that this would be best achieved by undertaking a planning session involving members of the Committee and Council Staff.

Recommendation                                                                  Mr G Norton/Mr M Thornhill

That Council coordinates a planning session with members of the Committee for the specific purpose of developing a Sport and Recreation Community Committee Action Plan.




The Meeting Closed at 9.15am.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                           5 May 2015

2.5                       Minutes of the Sport and Recreation Community Committee - 26 March 2015

Attachment 2      2015/2016 Sports Facility Program - Application Assessment




Project Cost

Grant Sought



Key project benefits

Project limitations

Priority Rating

Orange District Football Association

Construction of seating shelter to service soccer field 1 at Sir Jack Brabham Park







Improved amenity for players and spectators for soccer and cricket

Enhanced facilities at Sir Jack Brabham Park will improve capacity to host major events

$15,000 allocated to the Association in 2014 for a similar project




Orange High School

Resurfacing of three outdoor sports courts at Orange High School




Improved facilities for students and Orange High School based sporting teams 

Safer surface for the School’s 1,000 students to participate in sporting activities

Courts would predominately benefit the school’s student population as Orange High School does not generally allow outside groups to access School facilities.

Facility is not a Council owned or managed facility.


Orange Ex-Services Polar Bears Swimming Club

Purchase of 3 new 25m lane ropes for the Ex-Services Club Pool.





As the existing lane ropes are frayed and causing minor scratches to swimmers, the new ropes will provide a safer environment for training

Project is a replacement due to wear and not generally considered an upgrade of a facility.

Facility is not a Council owned or managed facility.


Orange District Basketball Association

Supply and install of two reversible basketball/netball towers for the Anzac Park external courts.





Additional training options for basketball teams during peak times when the indoor stadium is unavailable.

Improved versatility of the outdoor courts.

Funds requested from Council exceed 50% of the total project cost.



Orange Ex-Services Tennis Club

Upgrade of court 4 (closest court to club house) with the potential to include hot shots courts to cater specifically for junior tennis.





Improve playing surface for one of the Club’s main courts

Allow the Club to implement the popular Hot Shots Junior Tennis Program on purpose built courts.

Facility is not a Council owned or managed facility.


Orange District Cricket Association

Construction of permanent cricket sight screens for Wade Park





Improved playing facilities for local and visiting cricketers.

Sight screens are an essential requirement for high level cricket events and the construction of sight screens will enhance opportunities for Wade Park to host major events.

Council allocated $15,000 towards the project in 2015 however despite securing funding from numerous other sources; the Association has not been able to fully fund the project.



Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.6     Minutes of the Spring Hill Community Committee - 30 March 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1054

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The minutes of the meeting of the Spring Hill Community Committee held on 30 March 2015 are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “8.4 Our Community – Acknowledge our diverse cultural heritage by encouraging and implementing programs and events that tell the stories of the urban, village and rural community and their people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Spring Hill Community Committee at its meeting held on 30 March 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Spring Hill Community Committee held on 30 March 2015

2        Spring Hill Community Committee Action Plan, D15/9637





Spring Hill Community Committee

HELD IN Spring Hill Community Hall, Spring Hill

ON 30 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr R Gander (Chairperson), Mrs J Davies, Mr S Nelson, Mrs B Nesbitt, Ms A Rezko, Mr P Worboys, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Museum and Heritage Support Officer


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                     Mr P Worboys/Mrs J Davies

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Spring Hill Community Committee held on 15 December 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Spring Hill Community Committee meeting held on 15 December 2014.





3       General Reports

3.1     Amended Charter - Spring Hill Community Committee Charter

TRIM Reference:        2015/298

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Mrs B Nesbitt/Ms A Rezko

That the Charter for the Spring Hill Community Committee be adopted.



3.2     Spring Hill Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/618

RECOMMENDATION                                                                      Mr S Nelson/Mrs B Nesbitt

That the Spring Hill Community Committee commences the development of the Spring Hill Community Committee Action Plan, to be reviewed and updated at each meeting.




The Meeting Closed at 6.57pm.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                           5 May 2015

2.6                       Minutes of the Spring Hill Community Committee - 30 March 2015

Attachment 2      Spring Hill Community Committee Action Plan

Spring Hill Community Committee

Action Plan






Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status




March 30 meeting SHCC


·    Footpaths

Install between Railway and Post office


·    Tree plantings

Working group to progress tree planting strategies  in consultation with Council


·    Complete BBQ facility and Memorial in Park














· Obtain rock from Peter Worboys  and install memorial plaque




















Options for alternative (cheaper) paving  surfaces for the footpaths to be explored.

Master Planning process - 2013

Upgrade community amenity


· Upgrade play space, seating, BBQ shelter to provide community amenity




Dec 2014



April 25 2016

Position of BBQ confirmed at meeting 30/3/15. 




Master Planning process – 2013/Post Office Survey January 2015


Tree planting to assist in slowing traffic and  to minimise unintended through traffic,  increase sense of driving in a residential area and increase visual amenity

Infill tree planting throughout the village to enhance the village character 

·    Forest Road and long Seaton Street

·    Hill Street Road reserve

·    Carcoar Street

Council, Community Committee










April 2015











SHCM March 30 2015

Tree Planting

·    Form working group to progress tree planting strategies  in consultation with Council

·    Council staff to advise suitable tree species

·    Options for community and other volunteer groups involvement to be researched

Council, Community Committee Working group











April 2015






Master Planning process - 2013


Improving Road Safety


Reduce speeding/ Footpaths/Kerb and Guttering

·    Raised pedestrian crossing to provide connectivity with footpath network and traffic calming – Spring Street and Seaton Street

·    Provide speed reductor marking on Beasley Road and Forest Road indicating to drivers they are entering a residential zone





Dec 2014


Priority 1 – Pathway outside the Post Office working towards the railway as a starting point, (Committee Meeting 30/3/15)  

Options for alternative (cheaper) surfaces for the footpaths to be explored.

March 30 2015

Improving Road Safety








Reduce speeding/ Footpaths/Kerb and Guttering
















·    opportunity to work with plans to move the current fence at the old railway station back and clean up the area to allow off road parking

·    Speed hump to slow traffic – Worboys Street same for Chapman Street

·    Reduce speeding on Chapman Street and Spring Street

·    Install pedestrian crossing along Spring Street

·    Kerb and guttering in Baker Street and with footpath for water to disperse – in  Carcoar Street


Community Committee Working Group

























April 2015




Flashing lights for School Crossing

·    Request to Police



Funds to be sought by committee





Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.7     Minutes of the Orange Health Liaison Community Committee - 30 March 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1105

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The minute of the Orange Health Liaison Community Committee held on 30 March 2015 are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “9.1 Our Community – Undertake community engagement, identify changing community aspirations, undertaken planning, and advocate for the development of facilities and services recognising the need for accessible and integrated community and health services for older people, and services for Aboriginal people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds and people with a disability”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Orange Health Liaison Community Committee at its meeting held on 30 March 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Orange Health Liaison Committee held on 30 March 2015





Orange Health Liaison Committee

HELD IN Council Chamber, Orange Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 30 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr C Gryllis (Chairperson), Mrs Beverley Allen, Ms Jennifer Bennett, Mr Richard Jane, Mr Jamie Newman, Dr Heather Robinson, Mrs Jan Savage, Mr Gary Scovell, Dr Gabriel Shannon, Mrs Jan Savage, Ms Sue Patterson, Ms Amanda Spalding and Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services.


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                            Mr R Jane/Mr G Scovell

That the apologies be accepted from Cr Kidd, Mr J Crisp, Mr Craig Shields, Ms Catherine Nowlan, Dr Jenny Beange, Community Services Manager for the Orange Health Liaison Committee meeting on 30 March 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

Cr Gryllis conducted the Acknowledgement of Country.

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                            Mr R Jane/Mr G Scovell

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Orange Health Liaison Committee held on 13 October 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Orange Health Liaison Committee meeting held on 13 October 2014.



3       Presentations

3.1     Orange Aboriginal Medical Service - Update - Mr Jamie Newman

TRIM Reference:        2015/827

Significant matters were:

·                New facility has been completed and is operational

·                Three room dental service is scheduled to expand

·                Funding confirmed for next three years

·                Recruited a child and family nurse

·                Continue to offer a mothers and baby service

·                Conducting pre-employment screening service

·                Reminded public that services can be used by any member of the public

·                Continued need to have a strong business focus in conduct of the operations.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                        Mrs B Allen/Mrs J Savage

That the presentation by Mr Jamie Newman on Orange Aboriginal Medical Service Update be noted.




3.2     Western NSW Local Health District Update

TRIM Reference:        2015/828

Ms Susan Patterson provided an update on operations of the Orange Health Service, Significant items were:

·                New catheter lab to be operational by May 2015

·                Emergency Department undergoing a small redesign to incorporate a fast track zone that will have cubicles for consults and a nurse practictioner and medical officer in attendance. The objective being to treat lower category presentations in a more efficient manner.

·                Continue to see a shift to higher category triage presentations as a percentage of total presentations

·                An additional palliative care nurse to be employed to work between 2100 and 0700 each evening which will enable the palliative care service to provide 7 day, 24 hour supprt in the home.

·                An endocrinologist and respiratory physician have resently been recruited

·                Two nurses undergoing Clinical Nurse Specialist training in Palliative Care.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Dr G Shannon/Cr C Gryllis

1               That the update provided on Orange Health Service be noted.

2               That a representative of the Orange Health Service be invited to make a presentation to Council.




3.3     Ronald McDonald House Update

TRIM Reference:        2015/829

A representative was not able to attend to provide an update.



3.4     Cancer Care Western NSW - Clinical Trials

TRIM Reference:        2015/830

Ms Jan Savage presented an overview of the Clinical Trials program to the Committee. The significant matters highlighted were:

·                An overview of the services offered by Cancer Care Western.

·                With building works compete that fundraising has commenced for the conduct of clinical trials which requires recurrent funding of $300,000 per annum.

·                Trials important as it enables those with Cancer the early access to drugs which later come on to the market. Studies also show that those involved in trials have improved outcomes even if they are not receiving the drug being trialled.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                      Ms J Bennett/Mr G Scovell

That the presentation by Ms Jan Savage on Cancer Care Western NSW – Clinical Trials be noted.




3.5     Centroc - Beyond the Range Update

TRIM Reference:        2015/831

Ms Jenny Bennet provided an update on the Centroc activites and advocacy  for recruitment and retention for clinical staff  across the Centroc group of Councils.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                          Cr C Gryllis/Mr G Scovell

That the presentation by Ms Jenny Bennett on CENTROC – Beyond the Range Update be noted.





4       General Reports

4.1     Palliative Care

TRIM Reference:        2015/832

RECOMMENDATION                                                                               Cr C Gryllis/Mr R Jane

1        That the Western NSW Local Health District be requested to identify and allocate a dedicated area for Palliative Care patients and their families within the Orange Health Service grounds.

2        That the Orange Health Liaison Committee work with Western NSW Health District for the establishment of a hospice for the care of Palliative Care patients and their families.




4.2     Amended Charter - Orange Health Liaison Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/313

RECOMMENDATION                                                                  Dr G Shannon/Mr J Newman

That the Charter for the Orange Health Liaison Committee be adopted.




4.3     Orange Health Liaison Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/677

RECOMMENDATION                                                                        Cr C Gryllis/Mr J Newman

That the Orange Liaison Committee commence the development of the Orange Liaison Committee Action Plan, to be reviewed and updated at each meeting.




 The Meeting Closed at 8.47am.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.8     Minutes of the World War I Centenary Community Committee - 31 March 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1086

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The World War I Centenary Community Committee met on 31 March 2015 and the minutes from this meeting are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “8.4 Our Community – Acknowledge our diverse cultural heritage by encouraging and implementing programs and events that tell the stories of the urban, village and rural community and their people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the World War I Centenary Community Committee at its meeting held on 31 March 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


1        Minutes of the Meeting of the World War I Centenary Community Committee held on 31 March 2015

2        WW1CC 31 March 2015 Work Plan - World War 1 Centenary Community Committee, D15/3706





World War I Centenary Community Committee

HELD IN LIBRARY, 147 Byng Street, Orange

ON 31 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr R Kidd (Chairperson), Mrs J Sykes, Mr L McGaw,  Ms S Hesse, Mr T Gosper, Manager Central West Libraries, Centenary of World War I Project Officer.


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                          Mr L McGaw/Ms S Hesse

That the apologies be accepted from Cr J Davis OAM, Miss E Griffin and Museum and Heritage Coordinator for the World War I Centenary Community Committee meeting on 31 March 2015.


1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests



2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                             Mr L McGaw/Cr R Kidd

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the World War I Centenary Community Committee held on 27 January 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the World War I Centenary Community Committee meeting held on 27 January 2015.




Business Arising from Previous Minutes

Members of the Committee have been working with the Camp Gallipoli Working Party on various aspects of the project.  Les McGaw gave a description of the visits to Canberra to collect the ANZAC Flame for Orange and the moving ceremony that was part of this process.

Les McGaw advised that the RSL Sub Branch are working on an initiative to commemorate John Hamilton VC and details will be released in the next few weeks.


3       Presentations

3.1     Centenary of World War I Blog and Wiki Update

TRIM Reference:        2015/862

Centenary of World War I Project Officer provided an update on the CWWI Blog and Wiki.  She spoke on the men from Orange who fought at Gallipoli and provided information about three Orange men who died in the early days of this campaign. Herbert Maurice Robertshaw and Eric Martin Solling were both killed on 25 April 1915. These were the first men from Orange to die in the war. Charles Herbert Cane was killed in action two days later, on 27 April 1915. There were around 70 soldiers from Orange who fought at Gallipoli, 29 of them died, 22 were killed in action, six died of woulds and one died of disease.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Mr L McGaw/Mr T Gosper

That the presentation on the Centenary World War I Blog and Wiki by the Centenary of World War I Project Officer be acknowledged.



3.2     Date for next meeting of World War I Centenary Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/863

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Mr L McGaw/Mr T Gosper

That the next meeting of the World War I Centenary Community Committee be held on Tuesday 23 June 2015 at 4.00pm at the Orange City Library.




4       General Reports

4.1     Amended Charter - World War I Centenary Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/386

Recommendation                                                                       Mr L McGaw/Mr T Gosper

That the Charter for the World War I Centenary Community Committee be adopted.




4.2     Action Plan - World War 1 Centenary Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/394

Recommendation                                                                       Mr L McGaw/Mr T Gosper

That the Action Plan for the World War 1 Centenary Community Committee be reviewed and updated.




The Meeting Closed at 4.50pm.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                           5 May 2015

2.8                       Minutes of the World War I Centenary Community Committee - 31 March 2015

Attachment 2      WW1CC 31 March 2015 Work Plan - World War 1 Centenary Community Committee


World War I Centenary Community Committee

Action Plan





Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status





Regular media stories including monthly article in Central Western Daily








Blog and Wiki

Orange City Library







Tree Planting Project

Museum and Heritage Coordinator


Next (Dependent on grant funds)





Memorial Avenue App

Orange City Library







Coo-ee March

Working Party







Orange Regional Museum Exhibition

Museum and Heritage Coordinator





Workshop conservation WWI objects July 2015


State Library WWI Diaries Exhibition

Orange City Library







Orange Health Service Entrance Hallway Display

Museum and Heritage Coordinator



March 2015







Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status





Postcards for Peace

Orange City Library/Parks Supervisor







Poppy Project

Orange City Library




April 2015



Playwright in residence/Theatre development  Project

Manager CWL/Performing Arts and venues Manager/Orange Regional Conservatorium




Dependent on Grant Funding





Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.9     Record of the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee Meeting - 1 April 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1070

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee met on 1 April 2015 and the recommendations from that meeting are presented to the Services Policy Committee for information. As there was no quorum, the recommendations are to be endorsed by the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its next meeting.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “7.2 Our Community – Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That, as there was no quorum, Council note the recommendations made by the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee at its meeting held on 1 April 2015.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee held on 1 April 2015





Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee

HELD IN Community Information & Services Centre, 79-81 Kite Street, Orange

ON 1 April 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr K Duffy (Chairperson), Cr G Treavors (Cabonne Council), Mr Michael Butler (Cabonne Council), Mr Gavin Hillier, Community Services Manager, Road Safety Officer (RSO).

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Cr G Treavors/Mr G Hillier

That the apologies be accepted from Cr Geoff Dean the Commercial and Emergency Services Manager for the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee meeting on 1 April 2015.

As there was not a quorum, the members present decided to discuss the agenda items and refer the following record of the meeting for recommendation at the next meeting of the Committee.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

An acknowledgement of Country was conducted.

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr M Butler/Mr G Hillier

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee held on 9 July 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Orange & Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee meeting held on 9 July 2014.




3       Presentations

3.1     Police Report

TRIM Reference:        2015/222

No report available.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr M Butler/Mr G Hillier

That the Police Report be held over for the next meeting.



4       General Reports

4.1     Amended Charter - Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/308

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Mr G Hillier/Cr G Treavors

That consideration of Item 4.1 Amended Charter – Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Community Committee be deferred to the next meeting.



4.2     Road Safety Officer's Report

TRIM Reference:        2015/757

RECOMMENDATION                                                                      Cr G Treavors/Mr M Butler

1        That the contents of the report by the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Officer be noted.

2        That the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Officer contact the Master Builders Association, Chamber of Commerce, The Liquor Accord and the Motor Traders Association to promote the Plan B Road Safety Campaign in support of the concept of leaving the car behind and taking a taxi as Plan B.

3        That Council write to the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) Committee offering input for the 2015 RYDA Road Safety Program for year 11 students from the Orange and Cabonne Road Safety Officer.

4        That the Committee raise Cr Duffy’s concerns relating to the safety of cyclists using rural roads with Council’s Bicycling Community Committee.




The Meeting Closed at 11.30am.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                 5 May 2015



2.10   Minutes of the Lucknow Community Committee - 13 April 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/1053

AUTHOR:                       Scott Maunder, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services    




The minutes of the Meeting of the Lucknow Community Committee held on 13 April 2015 are provided to the Services Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “8.4 Our Community – Acknowledge our diverse cultural heritage by encouraging and implementing programs and events that tell the stories of the urban, village and rural community and their people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Lucknow Community Committee at its meeting held on 13 April 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Lucknow Community Committee held on 13 April 2015

2        Lucknow Community Committee Action Plan, D15/8638





Lucknow Community Committee

HELD IN Lucknow Community Hall, Lucknow

ON 13 April 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr R Gander (Chairperson), Ms Deidre Beasley, Mr Laurence Chapman, Mr Bruce Heinrich, Mrs Helen Livingstone, Museum and Heritage Coordinator, Museum and Heritage Support Officer


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                  Mr L Chapman/Mr B Heinrich

That the apologies be accepted from Cr K Duffy and Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services for the Lucknow Community Committee meeting on 13 April 2015.


1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                  Mr L Chapman/Mr B Heinrich

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Lucknow Community Committee held on 8 May 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Lucknow Community Committee meeting held on 8 May 2014.




3       General Reports

3.1     Strategic Policy ST050 - Code of Meeting Practice

TRIM Reference:        2015/5

RESOLVED                                                                                  Mr B Heinrich/Mr L Chapman

That the Lucknow Community Committee note the requirements set by the Code of Meeting Practice as amended by Council on 20 May 2014.



3.2     Amended Charter - Lucknow Community Committee Charter

TRIM Reference:        2015/301

RESOLVED                                                                           Mrs H Livingstone/Mr L Chapman

That the Charter for the Lucknow Community Committee be adopted.



3.3     Lucknow Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/893

RESOLVED                                                                            Mrs H Livingstone/Mr B Heinrich

That the Lucknow Community Committee commences the development of the Lucknow Community Action Plan, to be reviewed and updated at each meeting.




The Meeting Closed at 6.35PM.


Services Policy Committee                                                                                                           5 May 2015

2.10                     Minutes of the Lucknow Community Committee - 13 April 2015

Attachment 2      Lucknow Community Committee Action Plan

Lucknow Community Committee

Action Plan






Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status





13 April 205




Items Prioritised at the meeting of 13 April 205

1 – Kerb and gutter in the main area of the village, northern side of the road

2 – Tree planting

3 – Seating in the main area of the village










Master Planning process - 2015

·    Kerb and gutter


·    Provide an avenue of trees at each entrance of the Village


·    Provide an entrance sign on the western edge of the Village similar to the existing sign on the eastern edge



·    Enhance mining remnants and landscape features by lighting the secondary poppet head and other interpretation of historic features


·    Install a pedestrian refuge in the centre of the Village


·    Install walking tracks along the creek providing a link from the East with the West


·    Install footpath on both sides of the highway


·    Provide a consistent suite of street furniture to the Village centre to encourage pedestrian movement to and between shops and the mine site

·    Install heritage street lighting in the Village centre

·    Install BGQ at the Miner’s Walk Picnic Area







Designs developed

Approval received from RMS






