Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee




7 April 2015



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on Tuesday, 7 April 2015.



Garry Styles

General Manager


For apologies please contact Michelle Catlin on 6393 8246.



Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee              7 April 2015



1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Apologies and Leave of Absence. 3

1.2            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                Committee Minutes. 4

2.1            Minutes of the Sister Cities Community Committee - 11 February 2015. 4

2.2            Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 20 February 2015  13

2.3            Minutes of the Companion Animals Community Committee - 2 March 2015. 17

2.4            Minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee -  4 March 2015  24

3                General Reports. 29

3.1            Orange Botanic Gardens Precinct Master Plan - Requesting Council Approval to Place on Public Exhibition. 29


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee              7 April 2015


1       Introduction

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence

1.2     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Committee Members now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee at this meeting.



Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee              7 April 2015



2       Committee Minutes

2.1     Minutes of the Sister Cities Community Committee - 11 February 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/909

AUTHOR:                       Kathy Woolley, Director Corporate and Commercial Services    




A meeting of the Sister Cities Community Committee was held on 11 February 2015 and the recommendations from that meeting are provided to the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding”.

Financial Implications

There has been a request from the Committee to allocate funds in the 2015/16 budget process. This will be addressed in a quarterly review process in the new financial year if the political turmoil in Mount Hagen is resolved.

Policy and Governance Implications





1        The recommendations made by the Sister Cities Community Committee at its meeting held on 11 February 2015 be adopted.

2        Council endorse the following trips as official Sister Cities visits:

          a The James Sheahan Catholic High School rugby union tour

          b The Catholic Education Office staff member visit to Valparaiso

3        Letters of introduction from the Orange City Council Mayor be prepared for the two trips outlined in point 2.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



The Committee has identified it will seek an allocation in the 2015/16 budget. The draft budget was presented to the extraordinary meeting of Council on 31 March 2015. The draft budget provided an allocation of $16,000 in 2015/16 and there remains a reserve of grant funding of $46,000 for the Mt Hagen Project.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Sister Cities Community Committee held on 11 February 2015

2        Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan, 2015/279





Sister Cities Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 11 February 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr C Gryllis (Chairperson), Cr K Duffy (6.01pm), Ms A Banks, Mr G Bloore, Ms Lyndall Harrison, Mr Stuart MacKinnon, Business Projects Officer


David Whickham (James Sheehan Catholic High School)


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                 Mr S MacKinnon/Mr G Bloore

That the apologies be accepted from Cr Duffy (for lateness), Mrs K Ferguson, Mr Jeff Hort and Ms Phillipa Hughes for the Sister Cities Community Committee meeting on 11 February 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declarations of Interest


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                 Mr S MacKinnon/Mr G Bloore

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Sister Cities Community Committee held on 19 November 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Sister Cities Community Committee meeting held on 19 November 2014.



3       Presentations

3.1     Update on Timaru

TRIM Reference:        2015/282

Mr John Mealing from James Sheahan Catholic High School will be taking a touring side to Timaru. Mr David Whickham (present at meeting) will be accompanying the side who will be playing in Christchurch, Timaru and Queenstown, commencing 19/9/2015 for 10 days. There will be 25 students and 50 parents on the trip.

As Chairperson, Cr Gryllis invited Mr Whickham to continue to attend the meetings to update the Committee and that a letter from the Mayor of Orange be sent with the team introducing the team to the Mayor of Timaru.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Ms L Harrison/Ms A Banks

That the Sister Cities Community Committee, through Council, endorse the trip by James Sheahan Catholic High School as an official Sister Cities visit and provide a letter of introduction to the Mayor of Timaru.



3.2     Update on Mt Hagen

TRIM Reference:        2015/283

Cr Gryllis advised there is still no outcome on the Mt Hagen elections. Cr Gryllis also showed the Committee two conceptual designs for shirts for the 30 year Sister City Anniversary.

The Business Projects Officer advised the Committee that Mr Jeff Hort had indicated there had been no further progress with the Mt Hagen trainees since the last meeting.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                         Mr G Bloore/Ms A Banks

That the verbal report on Mt Hagen be acknowledged.



3.3     Update on Orange (USA)

TRIM Reference:        2015/284

There was no new activity to report. Cr Gryllis reiterated that anyone with connections to the University should contact him to discuss re-invigorating the relationship.

RECOMMENDATION                                                              Mr S MacKinnon/Ms L Harrison

That the verbal report on Orange, California, be acknowledged.





3.4     Update on Ushiku

TRIM Reference:        2015/285

No update was provided.



3.5     Update on Valparaiso

TRIM Reference:        2015/286

There will be a visitor from the Catholic Education Office to Valparaiso later this year. This person would like to meet with the Mayor of Valparaiso and would like a letter of introduction from the Mayor of Orange. Cr Gryllis requested that some indicative costs for a potential visit to Valparaiso be distributed to the Committee.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                Mr G Bloore/Mr S MacKinnon

That the verbal report on Valparaiso be acknowledged.



4       General Reports

4.1     Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan Report

TRIM Reference:        2015/281

RECOMMENDATION                                                                  Mr S MacKinnon/Ms A Banks

That the Sister Cities Community Committee commence the development of the Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan, to be reviewed and updated at each meeting.



4.2     Amended Charter - Sister Cities Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/296

RECOMMENDATION                                                              Ms L Harrison/Mr S MacKinnon

That the Charter for the Sister Cities Community Committee be adopted.




The Meeting Closed at 6.23pm.


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee                                        7 April 2015

2.1                       Minutes of the Sister Cities Community Committee - 11 February 2015

Attachment 2      Sister Cities Community Committee Action Plan


Sister Cities Community Committee

Action Plan




Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status





Exchange of town planning staff with Timaru

Director Development Services

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

To be considered in future budget

Discussions underway




James Sheehan Catholic High School visit to Timaru – letter of introduction from the Mayor


4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget implication








Visit from Ushiku High School – a small function celebrating 25 years of Sister City relationship to coincide with the visit

Vince Lovecchio to confirm dates

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

In current budget

11 March 2015

11 March 2015



Pursue relationship between CSU and the university in Orange, California

Cr Gryllis with assistance from c’tee members

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget implications

11 February 2015




Implement the Mt Hagen traineeship program

Jeff Hort

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

In current budget



Has been stalled through immigration issues



Carry-over budget from the Mt Hagen celebration to next financial year (and quarantine) in addition to the annual expenditure

Business Projects Officer to organise

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

To be considered in next budget



Due to policy of no roll-overs in the budget process, the equivalent funds have been put up as an item in next years budget.


Transfer housing rebuilding funds (Section 356 donation) to Chile

Business Projects Officer

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

In current budget



Previous email addresses have had issues. Corrected email addresses have been provided and will be used.


Formalise details of Catholic Education Office staff member that will be visiting Valparaiso

Lyndall Harrison

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget required






Gather data on potential costs for a trip to Valparaiso

Lyndall Harrison

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget required





Seo Gu – update on exhibition

Stuart McKinnon

4.2 Our City – Actively contribute to the future direction of international strategic initiatives to build capacity and cross-cultural understanding

No budget required





Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee              7 April 2015



2.2     Minutes of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee - 20 February 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/474

AUTHOR:                       Chris Devitt, Director Technical Services    




The Environmental Sustainability Community Committee met on 20 February 2015 and the recommendations from that meeting are presented to the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “12.1 Our Environment – Ensure the Plans of Management for the City’s natural resource assets are current and reviewed”.

Financial Implications

Funding for a biodiversity study in the 2015/16 Delivery/Operational Plan will need to be raised as an initiative in the budget preparation processes.

Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee at its meeting held on 20 February 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


At this meeting the Committee resolved to investigate the development of a Climate Change Policy.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 20 February 2015





Environmental Sustainability Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 20 February 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr N Jones (Chairperson), Cr R Turner, Dr Murray Fletcher, Mr Stephen Nugent (8.10am), Mr Peter West, Ms Melanie McDonell, Mr Robert Alford, Dr Anantanarayanan Raman, Mr Gavin Hillier, Mr Andrew Kennedy, Director Development Services, Manager Building and Environment (8.43am), Manager City Presentation, Manager Waste Services and Technical Support, Water and Sewerage Strategic Manager (8.26am), Recreation Planner (8.14am)

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                             Mr P West/Mr G Hillier

That the apology be accepted from Cr R Kidd for the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting on 20 February 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declarations of Interest


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                        Mr A Kennedy/Mr P West

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee held on 19 December 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting held on 19 December 2014.




3       General Reports

3.1     Amended Charter - Environmental Sustainability Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/207

Recommendation                                                                     Mr P West/Ms M McDonell

That the Charter for the Environmental Sustainability Community Committee be adopted.



3.2     CENTROC Water-Energy Grant

TRIM Reference:        2015/168

Recommendation                                                                        Mr S Nugent/Mr R Alford

That the Water and Sewerage Strategic Manager and Water Treatment Manager compile a report for the August Environmental Sustainability Community Committee meeting identifying actual savings for the two on-ground projects.



3.3     Environmental Monitoring

TRIM Reference:        2015/356

Recommendation                                                                     Mr R Alford/Mr A Kennedy

That further investigation of environmental monitoring needs for the City be undertaken with Mr Alford volunteering to coordinate an initial review of Council’s baseline data and monitoring records.



3.4     Year Program

TRIM Reference:        2015/357

Recommendation                                                                        Mr P West/Dr M Fletcher

That the information provided in the report on Year Program dated 11 February 2015 be acknowledged.





3.5     Climate Change Policies

TRIM Reference:        2015/358

Recommendation                                                                        Mr S Nugent/Mr R Alford

That the Director Development Services investigate the development of a Climate Change Policy and report back to the Committee.




TRIM Reference:        2015/370

Recommendation                                                                        Cr R Turner/Mr S Nugent

That the information provided in the report on Gap Analysis Sub-Group Action Lists dated 12 February 2015 be acknowledged.



The Director Development Services tabled an invitation to the Committee on a Clean Energy Forum scheduled for Wednesday 11 March at 6.00 – 8.30pm at the ELF.

The Energy Sub-Group has also worked on the development of an Energy and Climate Change page on Council’s web site which will go live in March 2015.

Biodiversity and Natural Enviroment / Heritage

Sub-Group intending to meet in late February.

Pollution / Waste

Sub-Group intending to meet in early March.


3.7     Gap Analysis Chart                                                                                                      

TRIM Reference:        2015/372

Recommendation                                                                       Mr P West/Mr A Kennedy

That the information provided in the report on Gap Analysis Chart dated 12 February 2015 be acknowledged.



 The Meeting Closed at 9.32AM.


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee              7 April 2015



2.3     Minutes of the Companion Animals Community Committee - 2 March 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/799

AUTHOR:                       David Waddell, Director Development Services    




The minutes of the meeting of the Companion Animals Community Committee held on the 2 March 2015 are provided to the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “7.2 Our Community – Seek innovative and creative solutions in partnership with key stakeholders that respond to the community’s need for a safe and secure City including infrastructure and activities, recognising the needs of older people and those of younger people”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications





1        Council allocate the Local Government Companion Animals grant of $15,000 to education brochures, education programs, wetland education and off leash area promotion;

2        Council not increase the ranger patrols of the wetlands over and above coincidental patrols by rangers in the course of their normal day-to-day activities;

3        The remaining recommendations made by the Companion Animals Community Committee at its meeting held on 2 March 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.



The Committee has suggested additional patrols of the wetlands by rangers to monitor the wetlands.  Options are to reduce other services in other areas of ranger patrols or increase the budget to allocate funding this higher level of service.  It is recommended to Council that no additional formal patrols be undertaken after consideration of a reduction in ranger patrols in other areas would create greater areas of concern than the management of companion animals in the wetlands. Ad hoc patrols can however be accommodated within existing budgets.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Companion Animals Community Committee held on 2 March 2015

2        Action Plan, D15/5487





Companion Animals Community Committee

HELD IN Councillor's Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 2 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr N Jones (Chairperson), Cr R Kidd (4.25pm), Ms M Clifford, Ms P Davis, Dr L Downs, Ms B Ferguson (5.25pm), Ms L Ferguson (5.25pm), Ms A Reith, Ms S Sanders, Ms J Tallents, Dr A Taylor, Mr J Wills, Director Development Services, Manager Building and Environment, Companion Animal Registrar

Observer: Ms D Egli


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                          Ms A Reith/Ms J Tallents

That the apologies be accepted from Ms H Wood and Ms D Coleman for the Companion Animals Community Committee meeting on 2 March 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of  Interests


2       Previous Minutes

RESOLVED                                                                                               Dr A Taylor/Mr J Wills

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Companion Animals Community Committee held on 10 November 2014 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Companion Animals Community Committee meeting held on 10 November 2014.




3       Presentations

3.1     Guest Speaker - Matt French, Community Development Manager, RSPCA NSW

TRIM Reference:        2015/531

A presentation was provided outlining the Community Welfare Network that the RSPCA is currently undertaking along with their other programs and work in the community involving community grants and vet services.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                                Cr N Jones/Cr R Kidd

That the presentation by Matt French, Community Development Manager RSPCA NSW be noted.




3.2     Council Budget and Grants

TRIM Reference:        2015/498

The Manager Building and Development provided the figures on the current budget allowance of $14,000 to be used by 30 June 2015, the 2015/16 draft budget allocation of $15,000 and the success of receiving a Local Government Companion Animals grant of $15,000 to be used specifically for Education Brochures, Education Programs, Wetlands Education and Off-Leash areas.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                              Ms A Reith/Mr J Wills


1        The budget report be noted and the priority area for spending to be desexing, microchipping and vaccination.

2        The proposed Companion Animal education brochures presented be reviewed by the Committee members.




3.3     Off-Leash Areas

TRIM Reference:        2015/499

The Showground ring area is being used as an off-leash area. The Manager Building and Environment has organised for signs and bags to be placed at the two main gate entrances to the ring. Also a sign, to be placed at the main entrance off Leeds Parade, advising that the ring area is the only off-leash area of the Showground precinct.

RECOMMENDATION                                                                                Cr N Jones/Cr R Kidd

That Council

1        Continue investigation into other suitable off- leash areas.

2        Place signs and garbage bags on the showground ring off-leash area and a sutiable sign at the Leeds Parade entrance.



3.4     RSPCA Report

TRIM Reference:        2015/500

Ms M Clifford advised in her RSPCA report that adoptions had increased at the shelter, they now had a partnership with Pet Barn which allowed animals to be on display and other animals were being transferred to Bathurst and Dubbo. 

RECOMMENDATION                                                                       Ms M Clifford/Dr A Taylor

That the RSPCA report be noted.



3.5     Impact of Animals on Orange Wetlands

TRIM Reference:        2015/501

RECOMMENDATION                                                                             Cr N Jones/Ms A Reith

That Council increase Ranger patrols in the wetlands areas, provide additional signage and produce a media release detailing responsible animal use of the wetlands.



3.6     Statistics 2014-15

TRIM Reference:        2015/503

RECOMMENDATION                                                                            Cr R Kidd/Ms J Tallents

That statistics as presented be noted.





4       General Reports

4.1     Amended Charter - Companion Animals Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/297

RECOMMENDATION                                                                               Ms A Reith/Mr J Wills

That the Charter for the Companion Animals Community Committee be adopted.



4.2     Companion Animals Community Committee Action Plan

TRIM Reference:        2015/549

RECOMMENDATION                                                                                Cr N Jones/Cr R Kidd

That the Companion Animals Community Committee commence the development of the Companion Animals Community Committee Action Plan, to be reviewed and updated at each meeting.




The Meeting Closed at 5.47pm.


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee                                        7 April 2015

2.3                       Minutes of the Companion Animals Community Committee - 2 March 2015

Attachment 2      Action Plan


Companion Animals Community Committee

Action Plan





Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status




2 March 2015

Off-leash signs to be placed at the Showground ring area.


Strategy 7.2





2 March 2015

Review of the Companion Animal brochures presented for comment

Committee Members

Strategy 7.2





2 March 2015

That investigation into other suitable off- leash areas continue.

Committee Members

Strategy 7.2





2 March 2015

That Council increase Ranger patrols in the wetlands areas, provide additonal signage and produce a media release detailing responsible animal use of the wetlands.

Manager Building and Environment

Strategy 7.2






Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee              7 April 2015



2.4     Minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee -  4 March 2015

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/840

AUTHOR:                       Kathy Woolley, Director Corporate and Commercial Services    




A meeting of the Economic Development Community Committee was held on 4 March 2015 and the recommendations from that meeting are provided to the Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee for adoption.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “11.1 Our Economy – Encourage the growth of local business, support emerging industry sectors and attract new investment to Orange”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That the recommendations made by the Economic Development Community Committee at its meeting held on 4 March 2015 be adopted.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


An Action Plan has been developed as an outcome of the meeting and is attached for information.



1        Minutes of the Meeting of the Economic Development Community Committee held on 4 March 2015

2        Economic Development Community Committee (EDCC) Action Plan, 2015/841





Economic Development Community Committee

HELD IN Councillors Workroom, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 4 March 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr J Whitton (Chairperson), Cr C Gryllis, Cr N Jones, Cr R Kidd, Mr Mick Banks, Ms Nedra Burns, Mr Ed Frater (representing Mr Greg Beileiter), Mr Tony Healey, Ms Catherine Nowlan, Mr Peter Robson, Mr Russell Tym, Mr David Williams, Director Corporate and Commercial Services, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Business Project Officer


1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence


RESOLVED                                                                                        Mr T Healey/Cr J Whitton

That the apologies be accepted from Cr K Duffy, Mr John Cobb MP, Mr Greg Beileiter and Mr Bruce Buchanan for the Economic Development Community Committee meeting on 4 March 2015.

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country


1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests




2       General Reports

2.1     Strategic Policy ST050 - Code of meeting practice

TRIM Reference:        2015/493

Recommendation                                                                               Cr R Kidd/Cr C Gryllis

That the Economic Development Community Committee note the requirements set by the Code of Meeting Practice as amended by Council on 20 May 2014.



2.2     Code of Conduct

TRIM Reference:        2015/495

Recommendation                                                                               Cr R Kidd/Cr C Gryllis

That the Economic Development Community Committee acknowledge the requirements set by the Code of Conduct.



2.3     Amended Charter - Economic Development Community Committee

TRIM Reference:        2015/496

Recommendation                                                                            Cr J Whitton/Cr R Kidd

That the Charter for the Economic Development Community Committee be adopted.



2.4     Jobs Creation Strategy

TRIM Reference:        2015/551

Recommendation                                                                               Cr C Gryllis/Cr R Kidd

That the Committee acknowledge the report on the Jobs Creation Strategy by the Business Projects Officer dated 2 March 2015.


Cr N Jones left the meeting at 9.14 AM.

Ms C Nowlan left the meeting at 9.20 AM.

The Meeting Closed at 9.21am


Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee                                        7 April 2015

2.4                       Minutes of the Economic Development Community Committee -  4 March 2015

Attachment 2      Economic Development Community Committee (EDCC) Action Plan


Economic Development Community Committee

Action Plan





Community Strategic Plan reference

Budget status





Brief the committee on the proposed and potential development for Orange Airport.

Business Projects Officer to arrange

11.1 Our Economy – Encourage the growth of local business, support emerging industry sectors and attract new investment to Orange

Current & future budget items

8 April 2015

8 April 2015



Invite other Directors (as appropriate) for briefing of Committee members.

Manager Corporate and Community Relations

11.1 Our Economy – Encourage the growth of local business, support emerging industry sectors and attract new investment to Orange

Current and future budget items

8 April 2015




Reschedule another committee meeting as soon as the two local members are available.

Manager Corporate and Community Relations

11.1 Our Economy – Encourage the growth of local business, support emerging industry sectors and attract new investment to Orange


8 April 2015

8 April 2015

The first available date is 8 April 2015.





Create an ‘electronic meeting space’ for the committee.

Manager Corporate and Community Relations

2.1 Our City - Provide a flexible and adaptable community engagement process for gathering and disseminating information, ideas and responses and engage with the community through a variety of formats


Post 4 March 2015


An email framework has been set up for the committee and some emails forwarded. The options for communication will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.


Committee members are to develop specific proposals to increase economic development within the city and bring the proposals back to the committee so they can be white boarded and workshopped.

All committee members

2.1 Our City - Provide a flexible and adaptable community engagement process for gathering and disseminating information, ideas and responses and engage with the community through a variety of formats


8 April 2015




Committee members who have suggestions on how  Council can be more helpful in the relocation of new business are to inform the Committee of the appropriate details.

Any committee member

11.1 Our Economy – Encourage the growth of local business, support emerging industry sectors and attract new investment to Orange






Environment and Economic Development Policy Committee              7 April 2015



3       General Reports

3.1     Orange Botanic Gardens Precinct Master Plan - Requesting Council Approval to Place on Public Exhibition

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/694

AUTHOR:                       Nigel Hobden, Manager City Presentation    




The draft Orange Botanic Gardens Precinct Master Plan has been completed and this report seeks Council’s approval to place the draft Precinct Master Plan on public exhibition for a period of twenty-eight days.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “5.1 Our Community – Identify changing community aspirations and undertake community engagement and planning for the creation of open spaces, recreational facilities and services, recognising the special needs of older people and those with disabilities”.

Financial Implications


Policy and Governance Implications




That Council place the draft Orange Botanic Gardens Precinct Master Plan on public exhibition.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Council engaged Oculus Landscape Architects and Urban Design to consult with stakeholders and develop a master plan for the Orange Botanic Gardens (OBG) Precinct. The Precinct boundaries are Hill Street, the Northern Distributor Road to the west and north and the Clover Hill Function Centre to the south and Orange Adventure Playground to the east.

The Precinct currently contains a significant number of facilities and is one of the key focus areas for passive recreation, horticultural display and interpretation, events and activities in the local community.


These facilities include:

·        Orange Botanic Gardens

·        Clover Hill Function Centre – located within the OBG, Council owned and leased to Byng Street Local Store and operated as ‘Botanic’ Function Centre

·        Works Compound – OBG and Central Business District horticultural staff amenities, materials storage and equipment area. Incorporating volunteer group the ‘Friends of OBG’ propagation and nursery facilities

·        Orange Adventure Playground – large children’s play facility with barbecue shelters, toilets etc

·        Emmaville Cottage – recently relocated historic weatherboard cottage

·        Patmos Café – Council owned facility leased by local restaurateur

·        Car parking – approximately 200 car spaces and several bus parking spaces

·        ‘Triangular’ parcel of land fronting the Northern Distributor Road and Hill Street currently used for overflow car parking during major events

The subject area has a number of constraints and challenges that limit its ability to be used to its full potential. These challenges include:

·        Access to and circulation within the existing car park

·        Significance (or lack thereof) of Yellow Box Way as an entry point to the precinct

·        Limited visual appeal

·        Conflicting use demands

·        Integration of facilities

·        Lack of facilities and underutilisation of major attributes

The project objectives were:

1        To identify the role of the OBG Precinct in meeting the broader needs of the community.

2        To identify opportunities for how the OBG Precinct can be most effectively utilised and developed spatially, given its broader context in close proximity to North Orange and the Northern Distributor Road.

3        To design a development and circulation pattern that better integrates existing and proposed built elements, takes advantage of the natural attributes of the site and provides a sense of place for the area to become a destination in itself.

4        To identify circulation routes to the site for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.

5        To provide a strategic framework for the enhancement and/or development of the study area, including:

a       Building massing opportunities and staging.

b       Key adjustments to circulation routes, roads and carparks for maximum future benefit.

c       Future use of existing spaces and proposed changes to achieve optimal results for the community.

Staff from Oculus undertook extensive site analysis and review of existing documentation including the Orange Botanic Gardens Master Plan compiled by Scape (Scott Caver Pty Ltd and dsb Landscape Architects) in 2010 in developing the draft Orange Botanic Gardens Precinct Master Plan. Consultation with the community, including the Friends of the Orange Botanic Gardens, was included as part of the knowledge gathering process in the site assessment phase.

The draft Master Plan has been developed to guide Council and the community in the future development of the site; taking into consideration possible expansion opportunities for existing facilities and new opportunities.

Hard copies of the draft Orange Botanic Gardens Precinct Master Plan are to be distributed to Councillors as a separate document due to the document size. The wider community will be able to view the documents at the Civic Centre or online via Council’s Website.

It is the recommendation of this report that the draft Orange Botanic Garden Precinct Master Plan is placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days seeking comments from the public. Comments will then be reviewed with the consultants, Oculus, and the draft Master Plan amended as appropriate for further consideration by Council.