Ordinary Council Meeting




1 December 2015



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Ordinary meeting of ORANGE CITY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange on Tuesday, 1 December 2015 commencing at 7.00pm.



Garry Styles

General Manager


For apologies please contact Michelle Catlin on 6393 8246.



Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



In the event of an emergency, the building may be evacuated. You will be required to vacate the building by the rear entrance and gather at the entrance to the car park. This is Council's designated emergency muster point.

Under no circumstances is anyone permitted to re-enter the building until the all clear has been given and the area deemed safe by authorised personnel.

In the event of an evacuation, a member of Council staff will assist any member of the public with a disability to vacate the building


1                Introduction.. 3

1.1            Apologies and Leave of Absence. 3

1.2            Acknowledgement of Country. 3

1.3            Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests. 3

2                Mayoral Minutes. 4

2.1            Support for Averkin Family. 4



3                Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting.. 5

3.1            Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 17 November 2015  6



4                Notices of Motion/Notices of Rescission.. 15


5                General Reports. 16

5.1            Lease of Hangar M at Orange Airport 16

6                Closed Meeting - See Closed Agenda.. 18

6.1            Land Sale at Narrambla Estate. 19

6.2            NetWaste Tender for Collection and Recycling of Waste Tyres. 20

6.3            Shiralee Water and Sewer Infrastructure Contract 21

7                Resolutions from closed meeting.. 22


Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015

1       Introduction

1.1     Apologies and Leave of Absence

1.2     Acknowledgement of Country

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land. I would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Wiradjuri Nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginal Australians who are present.

1.3     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

The provisions of Chapter 14 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) regulate the way in which Councillors and designated staff of Council conduct themselves to ensure that there is no conflict between their private interests and their public role.

The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons given for declaring such interest.

As members are aware, the provisions of the Local Government Act restrict any member who has declared a pecuniary interest in any matter from participating in the discussion or voting on that matter, and requires that member to vacate the Chamber.

Council’s Code of Conduct provides that if members have a non-pecuniary conflict of interest, the nature of the conflict must be disclosed. The Code of Conduct also provides for a number of ways in which a member may manage non pecuniary conflicts of interest.


It is recommended that Councillors now disclose any conflicts of interest in matters under consideration by the Council at this meeting.


Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



2       Mayoral Minutes

2.1     Support for Averkin Family

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/3133



Mayoral Minute

Councillors would be aware of the tragic accident that claimed the lives of John and Luba Averkin, and their son Paul Averkin, in Queensland recently.

A funeral fund has been established to assist the family, and I am recommending Council support this fund with a donation of $5,000.



That Council provide $5,000 to the Averkin family funeral fund.



John Davis




These funds will be allocated from General Fund.



Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



3       Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting


That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 17 November 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Council meeting held on 17 November 2015.



1        Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 17 November 2015



Ordinary Council Meeting

HELD IN Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Byng Street, Orange

ON 17 November 2015


 1      Introduction


Cr J Davis OAM (Mayor), Cr C Gryllis (Deputy Mayor), Cr R Gander, Cr J Hamling, Cr N Jones, Cr R Kidd, Cr S Munro, Cr G Taylor (7.10pm), Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

General Manager, Director Development Services, Director Community, Recreation and Cultural Services, Director Technical Services, Manager Administration and Governance, Manager Corporate and Community Relations, Manager Financial Services



RESOLVED - 15/534                                                                           Cr S Munro/Cr R Gander

That the apologies be accepted from Cr A Brown, Cr K Duffy and Cr R Kidd for the Council Meeting of Orange City Council on 17 November 2015.



John Shuttleworth of the Church of Christ led the Council in prayer.

Council observed one minute’s silence for the victims in Paris.



1.4     Declaration of pecuniary interests, significant non-pecuniary interests and less than significant non-pecuniary interests

Item 5.4 Request for Financial Assistance – New Years Eve Party Under the Stars 2015

Cr G Taylor declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 5.4 as Director of the Board of OCTEC and Chairperson of the OCTEC Finance Committee. OCTEC donated $10,000 to the New Year’s Eve event.

Cr J Whitton declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 5.4 as Chairperson of the Board of OCTEC. OCTEC donated $10,000 to the New Year’s Eve event.


Cr Gryllis presented to Council, and members of Council’s Tidy Towns Community Committee, the awards taken out by Orange, and Orange City Council, including the 2015 Regional Sustainability Award in NSW.


2       Mayoral Minutes

2.1     Fit for the Future

TRIM Reference:        2015/3068

RESOLVED - 15/535                                                                           Cr R Gander/Cr S Munro

That in response to the NSW Government’s Fit for the Future program and the findings of IPART, Orange City Council:

1        Agree to a merger with Blayney Council and Cabonne Council.

2        Agree to a merger with Blayney Council, as next preference.

3        Agree to a merger with Cabonne Council, as next preference.

4        In the event of a merger with Blayney and Cabonne Councils or either Blayney Council or Cabonne Council singularly that it be recommended to the newly merged Council that it seek sensible boundary changes over the areas of the current Local Government Areas of Cabonne, Blayney and Orange.

5        It be acknowledged that Council has resolved its position relying upon the published financial and asset information of the merger partners as there was no option for thorough checking under the Fit for the Future program. It also be acknowledged that Orange City Council made submission to the NSW Government in this regard advising of concerns.

6        Request that if Transition Committees are appointed that the Committees are advisory and are structurally and operationally fair.

7        Request the NSW Government:

a        Confirm the availability of the Stronger Communities Fund and Merger Implementation Grant for a three council merger, provided the merger is a voluntary one supported by at least two of the merger partners.

b        Raise the level of funding available to cover merger implementation costs up to $10 million, the same level as metropolitan councils.

c        Raise the level of the Stronger Communities Fund to up to $15 million, the same level as metropolitan councils.

8        Provide the following summary in the 50 word summary section of the prescribed         form to be submitted to the NSW Government:

·                Preferences as above

·                Council would consider a larger footprint also if State Government wishes

·                requests if Transition Committees happen that they be advisory and structurally/operationally fair

·                requests incentive/transition monies be provided if a merger occurs with a majority of willing partners

·                relies on published financial/asset information of merger partners.






3       Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - 15/536                                                                            Cr C Gryllis/Cr R Gander

That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 3 November 2015 (copies of which were circulated to all members) be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Council meeting held on 3 November 2015.



4       Notices of Motion/Notices of Rescission


5       General Reports

5.1     Statement of Investments - October 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/2960

RESOLVED - 15/537                                                                            Cr R Turner/Cr S Munro

1        That Council receives the Statement of Investments as at 31 October 2015.

2        That Council receives and adopts the certification of the Responsible Accounting Officer.




5.2     Recommendations and Resolutions from Policy Committees

TRIM Reference:        2015/2908

RESOLVED - 15/538                                                                           Cr J Hamling/Cr S Munro

1        That the resolutions made by the Planning and Development Committee at its meeting held on 3 November 2015 be noted.

2        That the resolutions made by the Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee at its meeting held 3 November 2015 be noted.

3        That the resolutions made by the Infrastructure Policy Committee at its meeting held on 3 November 2015 be noted.

4        That the resolutions made by the Sport and Recreation Policy Committee at its meeting held on 3 November 2015 be noted.

5        That the resolutions made by the Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee at its meeting held on 3 November 2015 be noted.

6        That the resolutions made by the Finance Policy Committee at its meeting held on 3 November 2015 be noted.

7        That the following recommendations made by the Finance Policy Committee at its meeting held on 3 November 2015 be adopted.

                   a        That the information provided in the report by the Director Corporate and Commercial Services on the Quarterly Review and Performance Indicators –         July to September 2015, be acknowledged.

a                 b        That the variations proposed as part of the September Quarterly Review      amounting to $11,295 be adopted.

8        That the resolutions made by the Services Policy Committee at its meeting held on 3 November 2015 be noted.




5.3     Outstanding Questions Taken on Notice

TRIM Reference:        2015/2909

RESOLVED - 15/539                                                                           Cr J Whitton/Cr S Munro

That the information provided in the report by the Manager Administration and Governance on Questions Taken on Notice be acknowledged.



QUESTION TAKEN ON NOTICE                                                                                                    

The Mayor requested a report identifying Council’s resolved position on the requirement for footpaths to be installed in new/existing areas.



5.4     Request For Financial Assistance - New Years Eve Party Under the Stars 2015

TRIM Reference:        2015/2972

Cr G Taylor declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 5.4 as Director of the Board of OCTEC and Chairperson of the OCTEC Finance Committee, left the Chamber, and did not participate in the voting or debate on this item.

Cr J Whitton declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 5.4 as Chairperson of the Board of OCTEC, left the Chamber, and did not participate in the voting or debate on this item.

RESOLVED - 15/540                                                                            Cr J Hamling/Cr C Gryllis

1        That Council fund the request for an additional amount to a maximum $10,000 for the New Year’s Eve Party Under the Stars, with a funding source to be identified.

2        The Council continues to liaise with event organisers to identify sponsorship opportunities and should further sponsorship be secured, the amount of funding provided by Council be reduced.



5.5     Strategic Policy Review

TRIM Reference:        2015/2975

RESOLVED - 15/541                                                                            Cr R Turner/Cr S Munro

That Council adopt the following strategic policies:

·                Strategic Policy ST100 – Vandalism Reporting Reward Scheme

·                Strategic Policy ST062 – Records Management for Councillors

·                Strategic Policy ST092 – Privacy and Personal Information

·                Strategic Policy ST059 – Public Interest Disclosures and Internal Reporting

·                Strategic Policy ST056 – Enterprise Risk Management

·                Strategic Policy ST125 – Working on Council’s Water and Sewer Infrastructure



5.6     Fit for the Future - Response to IPART Report

TRIM Reference:        2015/2941

This matter was dealt with as part of Item 2.1 Mayoral Minute – Fit for the Future


5.7     Assets Maturity Report

TRIM Reference:        2015/2662

RESOLVED - 15/542                                                                             Cr C Gryllis/Cr S Munro

That Council note the results of the independent Asset Management Systems maturity assessment.



5.8     Register of Delegations

TRIM Reference:        2015/2974

RESOLVED - 15/543                                                                           Cr S Munro/Cr R Gander

That the Register of Delegations, as amended November 2015, be adopted.



5.9     Interest Free Loan - Orange Theatre Company

TRIM Reference:        2015/2973

RESOLVED - 15/544                                                                             Cr S Munro/Cr C Gryllis

1        That Council provide an interest free loan of $60,000 to the Orange Theatre Company, to be repaid in equal repayments over four years.

2        That permission be granted for the use of the Council Seal on any relevant document.



5.10   Licence Agreement - Orange Rifle Club Use of Council Land

TRIM Reference:        2015/2959

RESOLVED - 15/545                                                                            Cr C Gryllis/Cr R Gander

1        That Council enter into a suitable licence agreement with the Orange Rifle Club for the use of Council land at Lot 7018 DP 1020321.

2        That permission be granted for the use of the Council Seal on any relevant document.




5.11   Development Application DA 325/2015(1) - Lot 100 March Street (aka 83 Spring Street)

TRIM Reference:        2015/2952

RESOLVED - 15/546                                                                           Cr R Gander/Cr S Munro

That Council consents to development application DA 325/2015(1) for Residential Care Facility (expansion to existing and alterations and additions), Demolition (two dwellings and trees) and Solar Energy System at Lot 100 DP 1209880 - March Street, Orange (aka 83 Spring Street, Orange) pursuant to the conditions of consent in the attached Notice of Approval.



Division of Voting

Voted For

Cr J Davis (Mayor), Cr R Gander, Cr C Gryllis, Cr J Hamling, Cr N Jones, Cr S Munro, Cr G Taylor, Cr R Turner, Cr J Whitton

Voted Against



Cr K Duffy, Cr R Kidd, Cr A Brown



TRIM Reference:        2015/2612

1               Letter from Gnoo Blas Classic Car Club thanking Council for its donation towards next February’s Classic Car Show.

2               Letter from Charles Sturt University thanking Council for its support of the Sustainable Economic Growth in Regional Australia (SEGRA) Study Tour to Orange.

3               Letter from Can Assist, Orange Branch, thanking Council for its suport of the Wig Library.

4               Letter from Katsuyuki Ikenobe, former Mayor of Ushiku, thanking Council for its friendship during his 12 year term as Mayor.

5               Letter from Heart Foundation attaching 2015 Heart Foundation Local Government Awards booklet, which showcases all of this year’s national and state winners and highly commended Councils with OCC winning an award.

RESOLVED - 15/547                                                                             Cr C Gryllis/Cr S Munro

That the contents of the Council Folder be noted.





6       Closed Meeting

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in Section 10A(2) of the Act, and should be dealt with in a Confidential Session of the Council meeting closed to the press and public.

In response to a question from the Mayor, the General Manager advised that no written submissions had been received relating to any item listed for consideration by the Closed Meeting of Council.

The Mayor extended an invitation to any member of the public present at the meeting to make a presentation to the Council as to whether the meeting should be closed for a particular item.


RESOLVED - 15/548                                                                             Cr C Gryllis/Cr S Munro

That Council adjourn into a Closed Meeting and members of the press and public be excluded from the Closed Meeting, and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Meeting be withheld unless declassified by separate resolution. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:

6.1     Lease of Hangar L at Orange Airport

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.





7       Resolutions from Closed Meeting

The Manager Administration and Governance read out the following resolutions made in the Closed Meeting of Council.

6.1     Lease of Hangar L at Orange Airport

TRIM Reference:        2015/2903

RESOLVED - 15/549                                                                            Cr R Gander/Cr C Gryllis

1        That Council enter into a 25 year lease with Aircraft Assemblers Australia Pty Limited, for Hangar L at the Orange Airport.

2        That permission be granted to use the Council Seal on all necessary documentation.



QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE                                                                                                  

Cr Turner requested a Councillor briefing on the status of the old hospital site and adjacent nurses quarters.


Cr Jones requested an update on the status of Kurim shops.


Cr Gander requested a Councillor briefing on the RSPCA.


The Meeting Closed 8.53PM

This is Page Number 9 and the Final Page of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Orange City Council held on 17 November 2015.


Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



4       Notices of Motion/Notices of Rescission


Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



5       General Reports

5.1     Lease of Hangar M at Orange Airport

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/2993

AUTHOR:                       Shirley Hyde, Legal and Property Officer    




Rovest Holdings Pty Limited as trustee for March Pines Superfund (Rovest) has purchased Hangar M at Orange Airport, and is required to enter into a land lease with Council for this area. This report seeks the approval of Council for a 20 year lease for this land.

Link To Delivery/OPerational Plan

The recommendation in this report relates to the Delivery/Operational Plan strategy “11.4 Our Economy – Ensure the commercial facilities, programs and activities provided by Council enhance the economic base of the City and are effectively and efficiently managed”.

Financial Implications

The proposed lease provides annual rental of $8,930 for the first year with annual inflation increases, and a full market rental appraisal every five years.

Policy and Governance Implications

The proposed lease will include provisions to ensure compliance with all requirements set by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, and instructions by Council in relation to the safe operation of the Orange Airport. The lease also provides for termination of the lease in the event of a breach of conditions by the lessee.



1        That Council enter into a ten year lease (with a further ten year option) to Rovest Holdings Pty Limited for Hangar M at the Orange Airport.

2        That permission be granted to use the Council Seal on all necessary documentation.


further considerations

Consideration has been given to the recommendation’s impact on Council’s service delivery; image and reputation; political; environmental; health and safety; employees; stakeholders and project management; and no further implications or risks have been identified.


Rovest is the superannuation fund for the privately owned Pybar group of companies. The companies have over 800 employees throughout Australia with its head office based in Orange. The business has been operating successfully for over 20 years.

Providing a long term lease to Rovest is an attractive opportunity for Council as it reiterates a stable commercial environment encouraging business and growth to the area.

Council has obtained a rental market appraisal and the offered price is consistent with the appraisal received.

In relation to the lessee’s performance under the proposed lease, conditions have been included to ensure Council’s interests in achieving an ongoing commercial return for this lease, and also to protect the safe operation of the Orange Airport, have been included.

This lease is therefore recommended for approval.



Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



6     Closed Meeting - See Closed Agenda

The General Manager will advise the Council if any written submissions have been received relating to any item advertised for consideration by a closed meeting of Orange City Council.

The Mayor will extend an invitation to any member of the public present at the meeting to make a representation to Council as to whether the meeting should be closed for a particular item.

 In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in Section 10A(2) of the Act, and should be dealt with in a Confidential Session of the Council meeting closed to the press and public.


That Council adjourn into a Closed Meeting and members of the press and public be excluded from the Closed Meeting, and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Meeting be withheld unless declassified by separate resolution. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:

6.1     Land Sale at Narrambla Estate

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

6.2     NetWaste Tender for Collection and Recycling of Waste Tyres

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

6.3     Shiralee Water and Sewer Infrastructure Contract

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.



Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



6.1     Land Sale at Narrambla Estate

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/2440

AUTHOR:                       Nick Redmond, Manager Corporate and Community Relations    

Reason for Confidentiality

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.



Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



6.2     NetWaste Tender for Collection and Recycling of Waste Tyres

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/3006

AUTHOR:                       Wayne Davis, Manager Waste Services and Technical Support    

Reason for Confidentiality

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.



Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



6.3     Shiralee Water and Sewer Infrastructure Contract

TRIM REFERENCE:        2015/3075

AUTHOR:                       John Boyd, Operations Manager    

Reason for Confidentiality

This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under the provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.



Council Meeting                                                                                        1 December 2015



7       Resolutions from closed meeting